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In This Issue
Don't Miss Our Vendor Partners at ALA
Help Your Patrons with Their Job Searches
Serials Solutions
Amigos Offers ACM
IGI Global Online Symposium
Check Out Taylor & Francis
Join OCLC at ALA
WorldCat Reaches 2 Billion Holdings
Member Job Bank

Mango Languages

LexisNexis Academic  

  July 16, 11 am CDT

July 25, 1 pm CDT 



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Going to Chicago? Don't Miss Our Vendor Partners

If you are attending the American Library Association's Annual Meeting, stop by and visit with the Amigos Vendor Partners who will be attending. read more...

Help Your Patrons with Their Job Searches

It's never easy to prepare for a job search. Patrons need to update resumes, write cover letters, and assess their strengths before they even begin searching for job postings. read more...


Serials Solutions Empowers Libraries with Discovery and e-resource Management Solutions

Serials Solutions�, a member of the ProQuest family of companies, can help your library with essential discovery and e-resource management solutions. read more...

Amigos Offers Association for Computing Machinery

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a membership organization that provides authoritative publications, conferences, and career resources for the computing profession including the ACM Digital Libraryread more...

IGI Global Offers Online Symposium - Innovative Techniques for Online and Distance Library Users

In the June edition of IGI Global's Online Symposium Series, Montana State University librarians Mary Anne Hansen and Sheila Bonnard will share their experiences in expanding instructional services by adding synchronous library instruction to better serve online students and faculty across the globe.  read more...


Check Out Taylor & Francis

Taylor and Francis is an international academic publisher offering eBooks, databases, and online reference resources that span a variety of subjects.  read more...

Join OCLC for Events at ALA Annual 2013
If you're heading to Chicago June 28 - July 1 for ALA Annual 2013, join your colleagues to discover, share, and celebrate the accomplishments of the OCLC cooperative. OCLC events are open to all conference registrants. View a complete listing of OCLC events at ALA and sign up here .

WorldCat Database Reaches 2 Billion Holdings

University of Alberta adds the milestone holding. View news release.

Member Job Bank 

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