Our Mission:  Build Networks, Inspire Leadership, Drive Business Success and Ignite Passion

President's Message

Hello HRMA members,

I hope everyone had fun at our Summer Picnic event last month. We played some fun games and gave out some amazing prices as well as scholarships for our student chapter. 

As summer comes to a close and we anticipate the upcoming NM State Fair, The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, as well as some other exciting events around town, we hope you will continue to join us here at HRMA and stay tuned to see the other exciting events we have in store of the remainder of 2015.

Your window is closing:  If you're not SHRM-certified, but have a valid HR generalist certification (including: PHR, SPHR, GPHR, HRBP, HRMP, IPMA-CP) which you obtained by January 31, 2015, you are eligible for SHRM's new certification-at no cost-by completing the Online Tutorial Pathway before December 31, 2015.  Visit www.shrmcertification.org/pathway to start this process, or e-mail shrmcertification@shrm.org for more information.

I am pleased to announce that our HRMA President for 2016 will be Rose Velasquez. Many of you know Rose, as she's been an HRMA member for a number of years and has held various positions on the HRMA board. I look forward to passing the torch on to Rose and I'm excited to see what she has planned for us in 2016. 

Blair Boyer will be our President Elect for the 2016 year and then President in 2017. A great number of our board members are slated to transition from elect positions this year into their specific VP positions next year. 

This means we will have various elect positions open. If you're interested in filling one of these positions, please contact me directly at  president@hrmanm.org and I will forward you the nomination details.

As always I want to remind you if you have any suggestions about events or things you'd like to see the organization do, please reach out to me at president@hrmanm.org

Brian Stone, PHR, SHRM-CP

Diversity Corner

The low percentages of women and minorities at tech companies illustrate what experts say is an inherent problem in the industry: a culture that values a certain lifestyle and office approach-including a willingness to work late and unusual hours-that can discourage women in particular from pursuing careers in IT. 

Price Waterhouse 2015 Study: Diverse Reasons for Building Workplace Diversity 

A tremendous amount of attention and ink has been devoted to diversity and inclusion in business circles in recent years. The 2015 CEO survey, conducted by PwC, a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, shows that 85 percent of corporate executives think their companies' diversity strategies have improved the bottom line. Digging deeper into the data, CEOs indicate their diversity efforts have had the following effects:

In collaboration with more than a dozen other companies, Starbucks on July 13, 2015, pledged to take on thousands of 16- to 24-year-olds as apprentices, interns, and part- and full-time employees by 2018. 

2016 HRMANM Board Positions


HRMANM Board "Vice President Elect" positions are open and must be filled for 2016.  Please express your interest or a nomination as soon as possible. 



For more information, email Brian Stone 


Will You Help?
HRMA Student Chapter Members Need Internships
There is a great deal of interest from the CNM and UMN students in a shadowing or being in an HR internship program.

Please contact Barry Porter if you have questions and/or are willing to help our student members.

Jeff Gruber, Managing Director, J N Gruber Group, LLC Human Resources Consulting

What makes you passionate about HR?
Providing the tools that allow people and organizations to improve performance.  Introducing coaching and assessment tools to managers and organizational leaders and seeing the results of my efforts in their personal and professional development.  When it is effective your see the                       "AHAA" moments.  That's fun and rewarding! 
If we could bottle your personality, what would the label read?  
Open only in the case of need for high levels of Interpersonal Sensitivity.

If you had a super power, what would it be? 
Time travel, I would love to be able to go back in time and talk with the great leaders and go forward in time to see what we have learned from the past and present.

The movie version of your life should be titled ___? Lead by example... be true to yourself

One thing people are surprised to find out about me is?  I am one of nine siblings

A great vacation was and why?  Tahiti and Bora Bora... no place I have been is more beautiful!!

The best HR career advice I've received.  It's all about managing the process... organization effectiveness means being proactive and leading the effort.

HRMA members are invited to be featured in NTMY (Nice To Meet You).  The profile of a member selected at random from those who volunteer will appear in the newsletter.  Click here and Send an "I volunteer" email now.

Obama Orders Federal Contractors To Provide Paid Sick Leave

Employees of federal contractors must be allowed to earn up to seven days of paid sick leave each year, under a new executive order that President Obama signed on Labor Day. The leave includes paid time off for family care.

"This will give about 300,000 working Americans access to paid sick leave for the first time," Obama said after signing the order.

The White House says the new policy will allow federal contractors to compete with "model employers" and also bring a boost in efficiency and cost savings. The policy calls for employees to earn one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours they work.

Do you or does your employer have a government contract?  Or does your organization receive federal funds?  continue reading...

- Continue Reading Click Here 

HRMA Member Luncheon is September 15, 2015
Topic:  Exploring the Anatomy of Conflict

Chris Moya, Director of Training, Development and Operations, 
Dion's Pizza

The intention of this presentation is to shift your perspective of how we relate to conflict. It is an invitation to understand the structure of conflict which may drive a different result and outcome in the way we resolve conflict in our lives. It is an exploration of how conflict is seen through the eyes of integral coaching, psychology and philosophy. Shift your language and understanding of conflict and start to invite new ways of being.

About Chris:  When the weather is nice, you won't find Chris driving a car; rather, he'll be on his Harley roaring around town. Since starting with Dion's in 1992, Chris has been integral in shaping both Operations and Training. As Vice President of Operations, he opened seven stores and developed crucial processes, which are still used today. In his role as Director of Operations, Training & Development, he oversees all aspects of operations and training, from new employee orientation to teaching General Managers.

Chris is driven by development work and has been involved with Newton Industries, Insight Leadership, and Wings. Most notable was his work with New Ventures West where he received his Integral Coaching license, which allows him to serve as a Life Coach for many of Dion's employees. His goal is to allow humanity to drive a corporate workplace.  Chris and his wife, Amy, have two daughters.

What's Your Slice? Riding on my Harley in a world of possibilities.

Where:  Sheraton UpTown, 2600 Louisiana Blvd. NE 
When:   Sept 15, 11:30 AM to 1 PM

HRMANM will be hosting a certification study group starting 
Wednesday September 23, 2015

The sessions will be from 6-9pm and will conclude December 16, 2015.  Location to be determined. Those interested in participating should email Christie Stephens at  certification@hrmanm.org or Leah Boetger at  lboetger@unm.edu 

Human Resource Management Association of New Mexico is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
Preferred provider



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