2014 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon | June 1,2014 | San Francisco, CA
June 19, 2014

We want to thank you for another great Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. This race and its success is due in large part to your participation, competition, energy, enthusiasm, and support.  We hope you had as much fun as we did and we hope to see you again in 2015.

In this final newsletter for 2014, we wrap up the event and provide key information for 2015.

Race Recap

Congratulations to all the escapees of the 2014 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. Once again we 

had an outstanding day in San Francisco, special thanks to the entire city of San Francisco, 

especially Police, Fire and Recreation and Parks departments.


I also sincerely thank each and every one of you athletes who successfully escaped, worked together and completed this bucket list triathlon as a group- you made this event probably the best 'Escape' I've seen since 1989. Check out this weekend's cable broadcast of The Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon on CBSSN,12 noon EST 9am PST. Hopefully you get some air time!

Click here for local listings 


It was another strong professional field for 2014 as well as a great group of age group athletes.

We swam, biked, ran and had fun but so much more happened out there. We saw families bonding out there while racing together, we saw children proudly cheering on the parents, goals that were once set were met head on! We did it, we successfully tempted fate and yet we still escaped!


I believe that living a goal oriented, purposeful and meaningful life is important for all humans and I often wonder if I am making a positive impact on people's lives somehow. This event, the Escape 

from Alcatraz Triathlon gives me the opportunity to see that I have made a positive impact on athlete's lives, for that I am humbled and thank you for letting me into your triathlon life.


Here are just a few post-race notes we were lucky enough to have received.


1. I'm sure you meet literally hundreds of people every year during the Escape, and

I don't expect you to remember them all, but I just wanted to drop you a quick

note to say thank you so much. I was the guy sitting in front of you on the bus

to Pier 3 with the deer-in-the-headlights look. I told you how nervous I was,

and you gave me some wonderful words of encouragement that really helped calm me

down. I can't tell you how much I appreciated it, then and now. Thanks for

taking a little time to chill out a middle aged age grouper! So I did it (slowly), but I did it. 

I Escaped!!! One of the best experiences of my life, period. If I can do it every year until 

I die, I will. Thanks again so much, and I hope to see you next year! 


Gratefully,   Sean F. Albuquerque, NM


2. I want to thank you for the best triathlon experience of my life this weekend. Doing the Escape from Alcatraz was the one race I've always wanted to do and the first one I saw on television 10 years ago. Without going through your Escape Academy there is no way I could have accomplished this. The day long Academy along with your guidance gave me the knowledge and preparation to earn the medal. I look forward to doing it next year and crushing my time!


Thanks again, Phil S. Chicago IL


3. Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for talking me out of dropping out of the race in early March. I was able to finish yesterday and it felt great. The Escape Academy really helped me focus my training efforts the last 12 weeks. I am still surprised at how much I improved over 12 weeks, particularly on the bike.Overall, I had a great experience and appreciate all your help in preparing for the race.

                             All the best,
Tina P. Columbus OH


4. This is Scott,  I met you at the Friday night meeting. I so enjoyed the triathlon yesterday, I can't explain how much! It was AWESOME! I want to do it again next year and I want to do your Academy. This was my third tri ever. I started training for triathlons September 2013, eight months ago. I want to get better. As soon as you have the dates for next year, please let me know.


Thank you very much, Scott D. FL


5. Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance this weekend. I have to say,

I hit the beach about 20 yards in front of the steps and was so excited :)

I wouldn't have had absolutely any idea on how to swim that course had it not been for

your time on Friday!


Thanks again Eric, Sara Elizabeth Lowe Olympic swimmer


Getting feedback like that makes it all worth it and keeps me hungry and going for Escape #27! To learn the best strategy to Escape and to guarantee yourself a spot on the boat in 2015, 

Escape Academies will be held in the near future, keep an eye on the Escape from Alcatraz website for dates and times.


We hope you had a good time at this year's event, safe travels and training for the remainder of 2014, see you next year.


All the best,


Eric Gilsenan

Coach- Escape Academy

26 x Finisher of the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon




Results and Photos

Results are available on our website: RESULTS

Photos are available from MarathonFoto: PHOTOS

Don't miss the full broadcast on CBS Sports Network this Sunday: TEASER VIDEO

Special Thanks


Thank you to the 600+ volunteers who came out to make this event possible. We truly could not do it without you!


City and Parks of San Francisco

Thank you to the City and Parks of San Francisco for allowing us to hold this race year after year and for supporting us in so many ways!



Thank you to all of our sponsors including CytoSport, Babson College, ASICS, Sierra Nevada, Hornblower, Triathlete Magazine, SF Examiner, SF Weekly, TriBike Transport, MarathonFoto Photography, and Sports Basement for making this year our best year ever!


Friends and Family

Thank you to all the friends and families of our participants who support them as they trained for and completed an ESCAPE from Alcatraz!


2015 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon
We are finalizing the date for 2015 now but expect it in early June.

Registration for the lottery will open on September 1, 2014 and will be available on our website.

The Escape TO Alcatraz Triathlon Series is made up of event in the US and internationally where you can qualify to compete in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon by finishing in the top of your age group. These events currently include:
  • Westchester Triathlon in New York (September 2014)
  • Triathlon de Gerardmer in France (September 2014)
  • Beijing International Triathlon (September 2014)
  • Escape to Rio Triathlon (April 2015)


In addition to qualifying Escape TO Alcatraz Triathlon Series, there are some lottery alternatives that include charity entries, sponsorship entries, completing an Escape Academy and more. These will be detailed on our website as the 2015 race approaches.



If you received a medical deferral from 2014 for the 2015 race, you will receive an email with registration instructions in the fall.



If you placed 1st in your age group in 2014, you automatically qualify for the 2015 race. We will email you with registration instructions in the fall.


IMGFor the past 20 years, IMG Worldwide has proudly owned, produced, and managed the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. This event is a marquee event within IMG's established portfolio of global endurance events, which includes the London Triathlon, Triathlon Alpe d'Huez, the Barcelona Triathlon, the Beijing International Triathlon, and more.
For the fourth year, IMG welcomes Bill Burke and his race team as the official Race Director of the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.
IMG Worldwide | 12400 Wilshire Blvd | Los Angeles, CA 90025