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Nov 2014 Newsletter
Thank You

Bethesda Green relies on corporate sponsorships, grants, in-kind donations and individual contributions to incubate next generation green businesses, educate the community, and inspire action by initiating programs and services that promote sustainable living practices.


Thinking about making a contribution to Bethesda Green? You can now make a secure donation to Bethesda Green by clicking on the "Donate Now" button. It's quick, easy and safe.

You can set up an automatic monthly donation or make your gift in memory or in honor of someone special.

Thank you for your support. 
Sponsors >>

Become a sponsor >>
Upcoming Events 
GreenWheaton Green Drinks -- Tuesday, Nov. 25, 5 - 7:30 pm @ Limerick Pub in Wheaton.

Bethesda Central Farm Market -- Open Sundays, 9am-1pm at the Bethesda Elementary School parking lot on Arlington Road, at the corner of Wilson Lane and Old Georgetown Road.
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and get immediate access to Green News & Events and other Bethesda Green blog posts.

County Introduces Energy Benchmarking
Earlier this year, Montgomery County Council passed a law requiring building owners to benchmark the energy use of their non-residential buildings 50,000 square feet and greater.

The county will lead by example and benchmark its buildings first. The first deadline for private buildings is December 2016. See the county's website for more information.
at Bethesda Green

Interested in volunteering? Fill out our Volunteer Registration Form or contact  


Check out this new volunteer opportunity with Bethesda Green. See position description here

Social Media 

From the Executive Director
Veronique Marier
As we enter the holiday season, I'm delighted to announce that Bethesda Green has joined the #Giving Thursday movement. Taking place December 2, 2014 -- the Tuesday after Thanksgiving -- #Giving Tuesday creates a national moment dedicated to giving, a welcome counter-balance to the consumerism associated with Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

With that in mind, we seek your support.

Please make a donation today. Click here to make a secure donation online or mail us a check. It's even easy to make a small monthly donation. Monthly donations are a great way to make a significant impact, for less than what you might spend at a coffee shop. All gifts made between now and December 2 will be counted toward #Giving Tuesday.

I know you'll be asked for donations by many, many worthwhile causes, and I ask that Bethesda Green be among those you choose to support.

In the few short months since I've come on board at Bethesda Green, I have to say I'm continually impressed and inspired by the commitment of this community. Everywhere I go, people tell me how much they appreciate what our small organization does. They also share their ideas for new programs and initiatives to make Bethesda a more livable and sustainable place. I'm excited about what we do and by all the possibilities and also keenly aware of the need for the financial wherewithal to make them a reality.

And that's where you come in. The truth is, we simply can't do what we do without the support of our community. Sure, that means involvement in and participation in our programs and events, but it also means providing the dollars that are needed to incubate new companies in the green business sector, educate the community about sustainable living practices, and initiate programs and services that reduce our collective impact on the environment.

In this season of giving thanks, we are grateful that you are part of our community.

Please make a donation today.

-- Veronique Marier
6th Annual 
Fields of Green Internship Fair 

Saturday, Jan. 31
10 am - 2 pm
Are you a local green employer looking for a stellar intern to help support your growing business in 2015?  

Are you a college or grad school student looking for an internship or job in the environmental sector? Have you recently graduated and need to get your foot in the door to kick start your environmental career?


If so, Bethesda Green's 6th annual Fields of Green Internship Fair is for you!


Meet numerous environmental employers from the DC metro area.  Come to the fair prepared to impress as employers will be interviewing promising candidates on-the-spot. Check our website for more details and a list of participating organizations.


If you have any questions, please contact Sharon D'Emidio at

Dec. 4 Happy Hour 
Lighting the Way to a Greener Community

chef tony logo

Kick off the holiday season with an evening of casual conversation and networking with Bethesda Green and representatives from the faith-based community.


Congregations associated with Interfaith Power & Light (MD.DC.NoVA) will share their extraordinary work to save energy and go green.


Thursday, Dec. 4
5 - 8 pm

Chef Tony's Restaurant
4926 St. Elmo Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814


Contribution: $10 at the door; proceeds shared with Interfaith Power & Light. Light food samplings offered.


RSVP via Meetup