Badwater 4 Goodwater Update
Due to shingles and sciatic nerve issues, Lisa had to end her race but not the cause. Grant Maughan and Danny Westergaard carried on the torch with such grace and kindness. They each ran the Badwater course 2 times, and summited Mt. Whitney to total a Badwater Quad. This is what the sport of ultra running is all about.
Please support our cause for Good Water. When you drink a glass of water today or take shower think about how many you can help with even $1 and think about how many others you can tell to donate even $1. It all makes a difference, you can and do make a difference.
Snow King Hill Climb
Saturday, July 27 - Jackson Hole
2.3 Miles / Part of the Run to the Summit Race Series
Click HERE for details
John Colter Races Saturday, August 3rd
1/2 Marathon, 10k, 5k
Oh My Gawd Hill Climb Races - Idaho Springs, Colorado Sunday, August 25th
10k, 10 mile, 10.6 mile
Grand Teton Races
Saturday, August 31st
Trail Marathon, 10k, Kids Fun Run Jackson Hole Marathon Events
Sunday, September 22nd
Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon-Relay
Yellowstone-Teton Endurance Races
Saturday - Sunday,
October 5th - 6th
100 Mile, 100 Mile-Relay, 50 Mile
Tucson Marathon EventsSunday, December 8th
Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon-Relay
Contact amber@dreamchaserevents.com for details
This week's recipe brought to you by Snowdrift Farm. A local organic farm offering a Community Supported Agricultural Program
Spanakopita: One or two large bags of greens Olive Oil
A small block of feta 1/2 - 1 cup ricotta or yogurt 2-3 cloves of garlic or a few garlic scapes Filo dough - Defrosted Butter OR coconut oil
Directions: Lightly blanch your greens until they are cooked enough so you can squeeze out excess water This is where you will find you can use up a lot of greens in one recipe! While you are waiting for the greens to cook, melt butter or coconut oil in a pan and set aside. When greens are done, cool under cold water or in the fridge. Then squeeze all the water out (easiest way is by making small balls of the greens in your hands).
Sautee garlic lightly in some olive oil and add to your drained greens. Crumble in your feta and 1/2-1 cup of yogurt or ricotta (You're looking for everything to kind of stick together when you try to ball it up. Not too wet and not too dry) Unroll the filo dough and lay flat next to your work area. On a large cutting board, lay out one sheet of filo. Use a pastry brush to apply butter. Put another layer of filo over the butter and repeat until you have four layers of filo. Now with a sharp knife, cut your layered filo in half the long way. You will have two vertical rectangles. For smaller pastries, cut your dough into three long strips. Put 1-2 Tablespoons of mixture at the bottom of one of your rectangles. Fold the corner edge up over the filling to meet the other side of the rectangle. You should have a triangle. Now fold your triangle with filling up the edge of your rectangle, now back across. You will continue to fold in triangles until you run out of dough (approx six folds).
Place your pastries on a greased cookie sheet. Now do the other side of your rectangle the same way. Repeat until you run out of filling. Brush with butter then bake at 350 until they slightly brown on top and/or crispy, probably about 35 minutes.
A great big THANK YOU to all the race participants, volunteers and donors of the Targhee Hill Climb Wrun for Wray and the Badwater 4 Goodwater 5k. Both of these event  s helped raise money for non-profit efforts: The annual Targhee Hill Climb Wrun for Wray benefits the Teton Land Trust and the Goodwater 5k benefits Badwater 4 Goodwater. This year's annual Hill Climb had a record turnout of almost 100 participants and raised $1,000; the Badwater4Goodwater 5k raised over $2,000, with 100% of the funds donated to the cause thanks to Julie Bryan! Julie obtained vendor donations and purchased raffle prizes using her own personal funds. She also acted as the Goodwater Race Director and did an  amazing job not to mention taking the time to set and break down the course and make goodie bags.! We are truly grateful to be blessed with Julie in our lives! Much Love, Jay and Lisa Batchen To view results from the Targhee Hill Climb Wrun for Wray click HERE. To view results from the Badwater 4 Goodwater 5k click
Store and Fitness Class News
There will be no class offered on the following dates/times during July/August: Monday 9:00 a.m. Oula Fitness: 7/29 (August dates TBD) Tuesday 6:15 p.m. Circuit Training: Canceled- Will resume in September Saturday 9:00 a.m. Cardio Core: 7/27, 8/3, 8/31 Saturday Morning Group Runs: Saturday morning group runs from Dreamchasers have been cancelled. JUST ARRIVED: NUU MUU Exercise Dresses New designs now available! Nathan Products Various vests, hydration vests, waist belts and hand held hydration systems. 
NEW NATHAN PRODUCT! Arm band music carriers! Four different styles to choose from. PRO-TEC Injury Relief Supplies
Foam Rollers Ham String Wrap Back Wrap IT Band Wrap Wrist Brace Swiftwick Athletic SocksHUGE selection of styles and sizes now in stock
This section has been included to give our athletes bragging rights! That's right, now is your time to shine and we want to give you the recognition you deserve. If you have a goal or a life event you would like to announce send it to: amber@dreamchaserevents.com. We will be sure to include it in this section of our newsletter!
Here's a look at what's happening this month:
Abby Broughton & Jason Popilsky - Cowboy Tough Adventure Race - Cheyenne to Casper Tammy Clark - Tin Cup 5k Brooke Saindon - Laramie Enduro 75 Mile Mountain Bike Race Ashley Jones - Fit into pre-pregnancy pants! Ashley, let us know when you meet your goal. This is a great achievement to brag about! ATHLETE HIGHLIGHT
Luke Nelson
Congratulations to Luke Nelson, this year's winner of the Targhee Hill Climb Wrun for Wray. Luke completed the 3 mile uphill course in 30:37!
Send your questions to: amber@dreamchaserevents.com with the subject heading "Ask the Coach", then check in next week to see if your question is featured!
Finding the Right Shoe For Your Arch Type
Selecting the right running shoe for your arch type is important for injury prevention. Your arch type typically determines your foot's pronation capabilities. Pronation is the natural rotation of the foot after impact that dissipates shock and body weight. Below are the three arch types and the type of running shoe needed for each: NORMAL: Normal-arched runners commonly have normal pronation and can wear just about any shoe. HIGH: High-arched runners often underpronate (supinate); their feet do not roll enough and the legs absorb the extra shock. Underpronaters should select a neutral shoe with added cushioning. FLAT: Flat-footed runners often overpronate; their feet roll inward increasing the risk of injury. Runners who overpronate should select a support shoe. Added cushioning is also beneficial. To determine your arch type, take the "wet test". To learn how click HERE.
Beginner Running Buddies!
Lorri Byington, a beginner runner located here in Teton Valley, is looking for others like her to join a running group. If you are interested, please contact Lorri at (208) 313-8729 or lorri.byington@gmail.com.
Race Volunteers! Race volunteers are needed for the John Colter Races scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd and the Grand Teton Races on Saturday, August 31st. If you are interested in volunteering please contact amber@dreamchaserevents.com. Race volunteers receive race swag, free raffle entry and 20% off regular-price store merchandise for race day purchases.
FREE Tuesday Track Workouts
Join us for FREE track and speed training every Tuesday evening from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the Teton High School track. All levels.
FREE Saturday Morning Group Runs - Canceled
2013 Fall Training CampSaturday, September 28th - Wednesday October 2ndLearn from four of the most accomplished ultrarunners in the world: Lisa Smith-Batchen, Marshall Ulrich, Ray Zahab and Julie Bryan. All registrants also receive free entry into the 2013 Yellowstone-Teton Endurance Races. For more information click HERE.
NEW!!!! Brooks for Kids 20% OFF Entire Selection
NEW!!! Brooks Cascadia 7
25% OFF
Brooks D'lite Mesh Tank
Only $10/each
Select Altra Shoe Styles
40% OFF
Altra Lone Peak Shoes for Men 25% OFF Altra Instinct and Intuition 50% OFF Select Styles of Brook Shoes 50% OFF Race T Shirts $2 Each Inov8 Shoes 50% OFF Entire Selection Select Nuu Muu Dresses 50% OFF Crescent Moon Snowshoes and Accessories 25% OFF Entire Selection
Each week a question will be asked regarding newsletter content. To participate in the weekly giveaway, submit your answer to amber@dreamchaserevents.com. Anyone who submits the correct answer will be entered into this week's drawing. Please be sure to include your name in the email text. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter. No entries from the last newsletter This week's prize giveaway question:
What new Nathan product did we introduce to the store?Submit your answer to: amber@dreamchaserevents.com This week's prize:
NUUN 20 oz. Water Bottle
BPA free and dishwasher safe!
Four different styles to choose from designed to fit either an IPhone or MP3 Player. These bands include moisture wicking material for sweat resistance and chafing resistance. PRICE: $24.95 - $29.95 Each Weekly newsletter subscribers receive 15% OFF the item of the week. Simply mention the newsletter subscriber discount at time of purchase.
Oh My Gawd 10k and 10-MIle Hill Climb in Idaho Springs, Colorado
Join our good friend and fellow athlete Marshall Ulrich in the beautiful Colorado high country for a 10k or 10-mile hill climb on Sunday, August 25th. This event benefits the non-profit organization GOALS (Get Outside and Learn Something). For additional information click HERE or reference the quick link side bar. |