JULY 2015 | Newsletter
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15 Years of Doing Things Right for Our Clients


The dream started as National Hotel Sales LLC on North LaSalle Avenue in downtown Chicago with three employees. Bill Lynch, Jane Hough and Terrie Satterfield were there at the beginning in the stylish offices that sported floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the city. 

They also had a client: NCR. "They shared our vision of being able to deal with just one company rather than a number of them when they wanted to look at hotels for meetings all over the world," remembers NHS Global Events President Bill Lynch. "And we promised an answer back to them within 24 to 48 hours."

The company was founded as the world was getting over the worries of Y2K. "With the start of the company, my family and been super frugal for a few years and then could finally enjoy a trip to California," Bill says. "We got back from vacation at the end of August 2001 and then 9/11 happened.

"Associations were the backbone for us during that time. When other folks were cutting back on holding events and travel, the associations still held their meetings."

NHS incorporated in 2004 and then in 2013, the name was changed to NHS Global Events to reflect the company's worldwide scope.

But the changes were more than cosmetic. Says Bill, "We started as a hotel sourcing company, but people began asking us if we could help with registration, speakers and meeting management. The growth of becoming a full-service business was a natural evolution driven by our diverse client needs. We decided to add more depth to our team, while still remaining true to our core of offering customized service for each client.

"One thing has remained at the heart of NHS Global Events for 15 years. It's always been more than a business. It's a relationship with our clients' needs at the forefront." 



NHS Global Events Core Value #1: Always Be On

Just So You Don't Think We're Making It Up...

No, really, we are 15 years old, even though it feels like we just started the business a couple of years ago. So we've enlisted a few people who knew us when we started to share what they've seen.


Jan Wachler, Executive Director, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP):


"I met Bill when he was with his previous company. I called him when a Phoenix hotel presented us with a bill for $300,000 when our usual charges were around $120,000. They had confused our account with that of the Coca-Cola vendors of Arizona.


"Bill came into my small office and we compared onsite bills with the hotel's bills and quickly saw that they had confused us with this larger group. Occasionally they included a bill from our functions but that was few and far between. Bill called them up and we finally received the correct billing. When Bill opened NHS, he called and I never hesitated to go with him. Bill is now a member of our Foundation's Board of Directors. 


"Bill is an amazing person, with internal strength and fortitude to deal with the ups and downs of business and growth and change within his family. He is uncommonly sensitive to those he cares for and he works with St. Sabina's Church in their mission to feed the poor, stop violence and make the community stronger. I wish more people were like him. The world would be a vastly better space."


Cindy Carlson, Manager, Corporate Meetings & Travel, US Foods:


"I started working with them pretty much when they opened their doors. I had started my own company a few months earlier and we were helping each other out. Early on they were working out of Terrie Satterfield's apartment and I remember one time talking to Bill who was excited because Terrie was making BLTs for lunch.


"I've had the privilege of watching NHS grow and in the last five years there's been significant growth in the services they provide. I talk to a lot of people in the business and I have never heard a bad word about them or their staff. And that's rare in this business. The people they bring in are of high caliber and have good reputations. Ethical and professional people always attract the same.


"NHS Global Events is a significant company in the industry, but when you deal with them, you still get the very personal experience like they are just there for you. You get the attention that got them there in the first place."


Jane Hough, Sales Coordinator, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Chicago Worldwide Sales Office:


"There were only three of us in the beginning. Our goal was to be the one stop shop for our clients, so they didn't have to deal with any of the hotel negotiations. We gathered all the information from the hotels and sent it back to the clients with speed and efficiency.


"I can't say enough nice things about Bill. He has helped me get through some very difficult times in my life. I am so glad our paths crossed and I wish him and Sean continued success with NHS."


Rhonda Chesney, Regional Director, Worldwide Sales, Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts:


"I first had the privilege of working with Bill when he moved to Chicago in 1994. When Bill started NHS, I was so excited to continue our partnership as Bill began to build his own firm. Truly, Bill lived the mantra of 'building customers for life,' as so many of his clients are and have been so supportive of Bill and his business culture over the years.


"I remember when Bill joined us on our private jet fan trip to Vancouver and Whistler. It was wonderful to spend such quality time with Bill as it truly strengthened our partnership. I also remember when Bill first introduced his brother Sean to the business. Bill and Sean have expertise in so many areas and have built such a strong team of professionals.


"Congratulations Bill and Sean and the team at NHS on 15 amazing years and contributing to my success with all of the business you have placed at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts! Cheers to your continued success, creating more memorable experiences and growing our partnership!"



NHS Global Events Core Value #2: The Best Idea Doesn't Exist Yet

And A Note From Bill Lynch

I'm not sure I could have predicted that NHS Global Events would have grown and expanded as much as it has in 15 years. It was done while weathering the post-9/11 downturn and the Great Recession.

But I do know that we never would have survived and thrived without the wonderful support and dedication of all those who have worked here in that decade-and-a-half. It wouldn't have been possible without the belief of the outstanding clients we have had. And we wouldn't have made it without the shared vision of our hotel partners and our vendors.


I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the sacrifice my family has made while I spent long hours at the office and was away from home for days and weeks at a time.


And then there's my brother Sean, who I coaxed into the business because I needed a brilliant business mind to help guide the company and an honest sounding board to make sure I was making the right decisions.


It's been hard work, but it's been worth it because of the wonderful people I've had the pleasure to work with, the amazing relationships that have developed and the opportunity to help so many people with their meeting and event needs.


Truly, the pleasure has been all mine. I love my job.





NHS Global Events Core Value #3: Passion Trumps Everything

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5215 Old Orchard Road Suite 620, Skokie, IL 60077
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