Delight your customers with Autumnal Flavors from The Tea Smith
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AUTUMN....a new season is upon us...

It's time to get on board with the delicious AUTUMN flavors that mirror the season and create a reason to celebrate the beauty. Soon the temps will drop, the leaves will turn, and your customers will be looking for a new and exciting tea to enjoy at your tea shop, coffee shop, restaurant,or spa, and teas to take home and share with friends and family. Also, the gift of tea has never been so popular.


Our AUTUMN TEAS have arrived, and are currently exclusively available to our loyal Wholesale Customers. Order your AUTUMN favorites now and order for the whole season so you won't gamble running out mid-season. minimum order total, but we do ask that you purchase a minimum of 1 lb. per tea. You may wish to take advantage of the 5 lb. price break.


Here are some of our Customer Favorites

 A tantalizing blend of fruits and spices that warm the heart and soul without adding caffeine.

Our secret blend of black teas with spices including cinnamon, and almonds,
will make this tea an instant favorite. 

CINNAMON SENSATION Rooibos. Cinnamon Sensation
 For those who like a nice kick of cinnamon with a hint of sweetness, this rooibos is perfect and is high in anti-oxidants.

Tasty cranberries adorn this smooth and flavorful blend of berries, vanilla and black tea. 
Pumpkin and spices enhance any fall food and bring comfort to all who enjoy pumpkin flavors in this black tea.  

Tantalize your tastebuds with an homage to the Aztecs. Their love of chocolate and chili powder combines in this amazing blend in this black tea.  

 Act NOW to get your Fall menu offering in before the weather turns. 

If you have a need for other teas, call Linda at 402 850 4040 for some ideas sure to bring joy to your customers and sales to your shop!





Thanks for sharing your love of tea.

Let us know if there is something you'd like to see in the newsletters for the upcoming months.

Tim Smith, Chief Leaf
The Tea Smith, L.L.C.

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Store Locations

Tower Plaza
345 No. 78th St
(402) 393-7070

Old Market
1118 Howard St
(402) 932-3933