Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Looking to grow your skills in the areas of group or team coaching, facilitation or coaching in general? Join us this spring or summer to sharpen your coaching competencies, learn more about group and team coaching, and build your virtual facilitation skills. Here's what we have coming up:
Mentor Coaching Group (ACC Renewals & ACC/PCC Portfolio) - By phone
Upcoming Program Dates:
Thursdays 9:15 -10:15 am ET: June 2 to EARLY September Group Calls held: June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 21, August 11 and September 6
for more info about the Mentor Coaching Group.
The Mentor Coaching Group will be of interest for ACC renewals, as well as those working towards their ACC and PCC portfolio applications with the ICF. This is a 10 hour mentor coaching program, which includes 7 hours of group mentor coaching calls, and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching sessions (held monthly). We look at all 11 core coaching competencies of the ICF, and coaches have the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on their skills during the program. Each class you'll receive module notes to support you with your learning and coaching work These will also be supportive for you with the new knowledge exam. Click here for more info about the Mentor Coaching Group
Grab your spot in the June to September group . Current pricing: $1000/10 hour program.
Reserve your spot in the June 2 - September 9 2016 program - $1000 US:
Here's what one coach recently said about her experience with the Mentor Coaching Group:
"I gained much more than expected from the Mentor Coaching group program. In addition to bringing greater significance and integrated meaning to the ICF competencies that will clearly support my goal of achieving ICF certification, the individual and group practice and feedback gave me huge self-appreciation of where I am and what I do and how I do it! My belief in myself has grown exponentially! Thank you to Jennifer and my group"
Group Coaching Essentials - Fridays 1:15 - 2:30 pm ET: May 6, 13, 20, June 3 and 10, 2016 or Thursdays 1030 - 11:30 am ET July/August
Looking to add group coaching to your mix, and want road-tested tips to support you in
design, marketing, and implementation? Join me for this five p  art teleclass as we take a look at activities, resources and approaches to support you in your work with public and corporate groups, for in-person and virtual programming. Course is approved for 8.75 CCEs with the ICF, which is now 2 more hours, including a new blended learning component. Weekly module notes and four laser 1-1s with Jenn, provide you with the Essentials to get you started!
Cost: $450 US Reserve your spot in the May or Summer 2016 program:
Enroll in both the Essentials and Summer Advanced Practicum (A total of 18.75 CCEs for the current discounted pricing of $850 US - save $95 off current pricing when you purchase both):

Muskoka Group and Team Coaching Intensive - Thursday and Friday Ju ly 14 - 15 2016 Prefer to learn in person? Join me for one of two remaining in-person programs for 2016 in beautiful Hunstville, Muskoka - 2.5 hours north of Toronto. Over two days you'll learn and practice skills, best practices and activities in group and team coaching. The program is reserved to 8 coaches and an early bird savings of 15% is on until the end of May 2016. The program will be submitted for reapproval for 19 CCEs with the ICF. Regular pricing $1045 CDN plus HST. Save 15% on the early bird rate to end of May 2016. For newsletter subscribers pay in 2 installments (one now, one on June 20th = 935.60 CDN plus HST or 2 payments of 467.80 plus 13% HST= $528.61 CDN x 2 (Now and June 20th) Learning Lab and Design Studio - Join us virtually on Fridays (8 or 12 noon ET) in the LLDS for 3 group calls per month. There's a monthly lecture call, a Facilitation Lab call where we experiment with different tools and approaches, and monthly coach on call where you are encouraged to bring real-time issues for coaching. Most calls are held on Zoom. You also get a monthly 1-1 call with me and access to a slew of resources (some only available at the LLDS). Join us for a month, 3 months, 6 months or a year. Cost: $250 a month, $1250 for 6 months or $2500 for the year . Visit LearningLabandDesignStudio.com for more info.
Join us for the next 3 months (starts with the day you register) - $750 US:
Please reach out to me directly at (416)996-8326 or by email at info@potentialsrealized.com.