Group & Team Coaching Nuggets
Tips, Tools and Resources for Your Group & Team Programs
Volume  11, Issue 1
January 2016     
In This Issue
2015 trends and 2016 priority areas for group and team coaching
2016 Learning Lab and Design Studio starts January 22
January Mentor Coaching, Advanced Practicum, Virtual Facilitation Skills Intensive
Eight Ways to Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet
Quick Links
Individual Mentor Coaching - ICF Credentialing & CPCC Certification

On-Demand Video Based programs (participate 24/7 at your own pace) at the Learning Lab and Design Studio:

Coaching Business Builder
- 12 Tips for Starting, or Growing Your Coaching Business - NEW

Marketing Tips for Your Team and Group Programs -  5 hour video based course focusing on marketing tips for your workshops, retreats, webinars, teleclasses team and group coaching!

 Tips For Your Group and Team Program - Part 1: Covering Design, Implementation, Pre- and post-program.

Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat - Create a plan for the next year while exploring your leadership foundations.

Conversation Sparker Cards(TM.

Other Resources:

Happy New Year! I hope that 2016 will be an exceptional year for you and your work! We're celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Group Coaching Essentials program this year, an exciting milestone. In honor of that, each month we'll offer a different promotion or special event - check out this month's coupon below.

As we move into 2016, the context is ripe with opportunities for  group and team programming - listen into, and view, what I saw as 2015 trends from l last year at the 12th Annual Group Programs Call which I held last month on Blab.

I'm pleased to announce that later this month the Learning Lab and Design Studio a longer term group support for coaches, trainers and facilitators will be launching on January 22nd. Join us for six or twelve months  the resource rich, practitioner focused  LLDS coaching community. Each month I'll be holding two group calls dedicated to group and team programs and/or business development, plus a monthly facilitation lab where you get to experiment and play with different facilitation resources. Your membership also includes access to templates, articles and recordings, a monthly 1-1 with me, and quarterly virtual retreats. It's really a one-stop shop. You can join for $1250 US for six months, or $2500 US for the year. More info below.

 Looking for more practice in group coaching virtually? The Advanced Practicum returns on Fridays from 1015 - 11:30 from January 8 - February 12 (10 CCEs). Benefit from special pricing when you bundle it with the Group Coaching Essentials (starting on January 14th)  (save $95).

Have a great start to 2016!

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Posts and Resources to Support Your Work
Lots of cool resources to share with you this month:
The 12th Annual Year-end Group and Team Programs call

Group Coaching Design Studio Blab #5 - Working With Visuals

Group Coaching Design Studio 6.2 - 24 Coaching Theme Areas. Click to view

Blog posts:
2016 Priority Areas for Group and Team Coaching - Read it here.

Reflecting Back on 2015 Trends - Read it here.

Four Critical Success Factors for Team Coaching - Read it here.

Coaching Questions - Year End REview and Vision for Next Year - Read it here.

You Asked For It - The Learning Lab and Design Studio 6 month group
Starting on January 22nd you will have the opportunity to join me and a small group of other exceptional professionals in the Learning Lab and Design Studio for a six and twelve month journey. Geared for coaches and other professionals who want a rich group and individual learning experience around groups, teams, and growing a coaching business.

The Learning Lab and Design Studio 6 month membership includes:
* Access to bi-weekly Coaching Lab calls - usually held on Fridays between 810-855 am ET. These calls cover a range of topics related to group and team coaching, workshops, retreats and webinars. Bring your questions and/or come for some coaching. Calls are recorded and posted if you can't make them.
* A monthly Facilitation Lab call - a group and team tools call where we get to engage and experience different tips, tools and products we can use with teams and groups each month. Calls are recorded if you can't make it. Calls run for 45 min each month.
* One laser one-on-one coaching call per month with me of 20 minutes. Bring your own unique questions. Calls are typically scheduled between 630 am ET/New York and 3 pm ET/ New York by phone or skype.
* Quarterly Virtual Retreat Days (4 hours each 4 times a year) to support you in getting your work done!( Worth almost $1600 alone)
* Access to audio and video libraries of past calls and presentations
* Invitations to join me in the chair of our blab at the Group Coaching Design Studio
* Complimentary Access to the 28 Tips E-Book (the foundation of the Tips Program here at the Learning Lab)
* The opportunity to beta test some of our newer products before they roll out to market. This might be a new on-demand course, worksheets, templates or other resources geared to support program design and/or business development.

Introductory pricing is 6 months at $1250 US or a year at $2500 US.

Please take  look at what the lab has to offer (and it will be growing each month)

I hope that you will make 2016 the year to focus on you and your growth with groups and teams. Jump on in....

Click here to sign up for a six month membership (end of January to end of June 2016 - $1250 US:


Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Looking to grow your skills in the areas of group or team coaching, facilitation or coaching in general? Join us this winter to sharpen your coaching competencies, learn more about group coaching, and build your virtual facilitation skills. Here's what we have coming up:    
 Mentor Coaching Group (ACC Renewals & ACC/PCC Portfolio)  - By phone 
Upcoming Program Dates:    
Fridays 9-10 am Eastern/New York - January 8 - April 8, 2016
The Mentor Coaching Group will be of interest for ACC renewals, as well as those working towards their ACC and PCC portfolio applications with the ICF. This is a 10 hour mentor coaching program, which includes 7 hours of group mentor coaching calls, and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching sessions (held monthly). We look at all 11 core coaching competencies of the ICF, and coaches have the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on their skills during the program. Each class you'll receive module notes to support you with your learning and coaching work  These will also be supportive for you with the new knowledge exam. Click here   for more info about the Mentor Coaching Group. 
Two spaces open for the January group - Group calls will be held
January 8, 15, 22, February 5, 12, March 5, April 8  
 Current pricing: $1000/10 hour program.      
Reserve your spot in the January 8 - April 8, 2016 program - $1000 US: 
Here's what one coach recently said about her experience with the Mentor Coaching Group:
Jennifer Britton's Mentor Coaching Group was a very productive, growing experience and an excellent value! I got far more than I expected through our small group sharing, her coaching and practicing my skills. As a coach I'd describe the experience with these three words: engaging, stretching and skill-enhancing! For those preparing for an ICF credential, I'd highly recommend Jennifer Britton as your mentor coach! - Coach Linda Stephen-Jones 

Group Coaching Essentials - Thursdays 1030-1145 am ET: January 14, 21, 18 and Feb 4  and 11(by phone) - 8.75 CCEs
Looking to add group coaching to  your mix, and want road-tested tips to support you in
design, marketing, and implementation? Join me for this five part teleclass as we take a look at  activities, resources and approaches to support you in your work with public and corporate groups, for in-person and virtual programming. Course is approved for 8.75 CCEs with the ICF, which is now 2 more hours, including a new blended learning component. Weekly module notes and four laser 1-1s with Jenn, provide you with the  Essentials to get you started!

Cost: $450 US
Reserve your spot in the January 14th program:

Enroll in both the January Essentials and January or Spring Advanced Practicum (A total of 18.75 CCEs for the current discounted pricing of $850 US - save $95 off current pricing when you purchase both):

January 2016 programs will also include
Advanced Group Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs) -
Gain more practice with the skills of group and team coaching virtually. This six session program provides you with a little more content and LOTS of practice, feedback  and modelling in what group coaching looks like.
Fridays 10:15 - 11:30 am ET - January 8, 15, 22, 29, February 5 and 12, 2016 - Two spots open. Cost: $495 US:

Virtual Facilitation Skills Intensive - A Virtual Train-the-Trainer
Thursdays 1-4 pm Eastern - February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4 2016 (Five weeks of 3 hour online sessions - skype, zoom and other virtual platforms). Read more about the program here. Four spots open. Cost: $950 US:

Please reach out to me directly at (416)996-8326 or by email at [email protected]
Eight Ways to Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet
Copyright 2016- Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved
The start of each year creates an opportunity for change, as well as new momentum. As coaches, many of us are business owners.Today's article looks at eight ways to make 2016 your best year in business yet. Things to consider are:

1. Set a handful of stretch goals that you are excited about. Really reflect on What's important about these goals and what possibilities they will open up for you? Why are these goals important? What will they allow you to do?
What is your list of stretch goals for the year? Who have you shared them with?

2. Schedule in regular time for planning. There's an old project management adeage that 10 minutes of daily planning saves 60 minutes of unfocused effort. Each one of us will have our own approaches for planning. What planning approaches will work best for you?

3. On a quarterly basis build in time for stock taking, focused effort. This is the rationale behind the virtual retreat days I'm offering as part of the Learning Lab and Design Studio. If we are busy in the flow of business, we often forget to create pause points to look at how things are going, plan and take action on side bar projects that are also important.When are you going to schedule in time for planning and stocktaking throughout the year?

4. Write things down - Part of success wth any planning and/or goals is taking time to write things down. It's easy to get distracted or forget or reinvent the wheel when we haven't written things down. I am a real proponent of creating a macro plan at the start of the year, or at the start of every quarter. Taking 10-15 minutes to draft out possible focus areas such as blog or newsletter items, or key events will help to retain a focus.
What will you do to capture your ideas and make them visible?

4. Listen deeply for what your clients want - Our clients are very clear on what they want and will find useful. Taking time to ask and listen to what they want can help to create supports and products which will truly be of value.
What clients do you want to ask this week?

5. Provide undeniable value for your clients
It is much easier to serve a former customer who knows, likes and trusts you, than to foster a new one. By going above and beyond in our service (quality, value, on-the-mark) our business can grow by word of mouth, and repeat business.
What do you know about the value you provide your clients? What makes your work stand out and be of "undeniable value"?

6. Track, measure, gather feedback and adjust - Having data on what works, and what's not sticking is valuable. Whether you are tracking blog posts or newlsetter opens, looking at stats regularly can be useful to help you with feedback and adjustments which may be needed.
What data are you tracking right now? What do notice about trends, patterns, other?

7. Build in time for you-
Renewal is key in our work as coaches. What will help you renew and continue to grow? Just last year the ICF added a new part of our Ethical Code which is geared to ongoing professional development. What are the skill areas you want to grow in this year?

8. Continue to keep an eye on what's next. Finally, keeping an eye on what's next is key in our work. Even if we are busy with great work, what's next in the pipeline.
What are you doing to continue to build your pipeline even when business is flowing?

That's it for this month! Please join me next week for the January Group Coaching Design Studio blab. My topic this month will be on two ways to design your programs more quickly.

Cheers to a phenomenal 2016! I look forward to supporting you as you move forward with your work and programming this year.

Best wishes,
This fall I highlighted several ways to use visuals in our work as coaches in one of our blabs. It coincided with the launch of the 40 Ways to Use Visual Cards E-Book (for sale at $40 US), which includes the instructions for 40 different activities, and 12 worksheets. This month in celebration of our 10th anniversary of the Group Coaching Essentials program, bundle the 40 Ways E-book, with a physical copy of the Conversation Sparker(TM) Cards for $79 US plus shipping ($10 US). Save $20 US on your purchase when you bundle this month.
Order this special bundle here for a total of $99 US (includes products and shipping)
Offer Expires: January 31, 2016
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Potentials | |
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326) | Skype: jennbritton
Connect with Me on Google+