Starting in January you will have the opportunity to join a six and twelve month group at the Learning Lab and Design Studio. Geared for coaches and other professionals who want the mix of ongoing individual coaching with me, along with 3 hours a month of rich group learning experience around groups, teams, and growing a coaching business.
The Learning Lab and Design Studio 6 month membership includes: * Access to bi-weekly Coaching Lab calls - usually held on Fridays between 810-855 am ET. These calls cover a range of topics related to group and team coaching, workshops, retreats and webinars. Bring your questions and/or come for some coaching. Calls are recorded and posted if you can't make them.
* A monthly Facilitation Lab call - a group and team tools call where we get to engage and experience different tips, tools and products we can use with teams and groups each month. Calls are recorded if you can't make it. Calls run for 45 min each month.
* One laser one-on-one coaching call per month with Jennifer of 20 minutes. Bring your own unique questions. Calls are typically scheduled between 630 am ET/New York and 3 pm ET/ New York by phone or skype. * Access to audio libraries of more than 20 hours of past calls and presentations with Jennifer * Invitations to our blab at the Group Coaching Design Studio
* Complimentary Access to the 28 Tips E-Book (the foundation of the Tips Program here at the Learning Lab) * Four digital chapters which accompany Jennifer's books which can be downloaded right away. That's more than 120 pages of content * The opportunity to beta test some of our newer products before they roll out to market. This might be a new on-demand course, worksheets, templates or other resources geared to support program design and/or business development.
Introductory pricing is a monthly cost of $250/month or sign up for 6 months at $1250 US or a year at $2500 US (save1months).
Please take look at what the lab has to offer (and it will be growing each month)
I hope that you will make 2016 the year to focus on you and your growth with groups and teams. Jump on in....