St. Charles City eNews -- Friday, November 13, 2015
Next Week...
FREE Fall Yard Waste Pick-Up Starts on Monday
| Fall Yard Waste pick-up schedule begins next week starting on Monday, November 16. |
The City and Republic Services will provide a free fall yard waste pick-up for residents next week -- November 16-20. Your free pick-up day will be the same as your regularly scheduled yard waste pick-up day.
This free pick-up is for yard waste only, including grass clippings, tree limbs and branches. Limbs and branches must be less than six inches in diameter and are required to be bundled with twine (not wire). Bundles must not be larger than four feet in length, 24 inches in diameter, and 75 pounds in weight.
For questions, please call Jeri at 636-255-6142.
Discover the World Next Thursday During GIS Day at Lindenwood
There's more to GIS (Geographic Information Systems) than your GPS, and you'll have access to all the high-tech details during GIS Day.
This year's event -- Thursday, November 19 -- is a part of Geography Awareness Week, themed "Explore! The Power of Maps." Please come Explore! this event starting at 9 a.m., and see how GIS technologies are being used throughout our community. The event is free and open to the public, no reservations are required.
| GIS Day Attendees -- 2014 |
GIS Day is celebrated worldwide and provides an international forum for users of GIS technology to demonstrate real-world applications that make a difference in our society. During GIS Day, attendees will learn how GIS is used to enhance our lives in St. Charles City and County. The event, which will feature lectures, demonstrations, a map gallery and more, is designed for residents, business owners and students to:
. Show how local governmental entities use GIS in their decision-making processes
. Learn about opportunities for studying GIS at local colleges and universities
. Discover how this technology is affecting and can benefit all citizens
Using the compass app on your smartphone and clues provided at the event, attendees can also travel to pre-established coordinates, take selfies at each landmark and upload pics via Instagram to #GISDay_STC2015. Attend GIS Day, take your last selfie at the event and enter to win prizes!
This year's GIS Day event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hyland Arena, VIP Room on the campus of Lindenwood University. Hope to see you there!
Campus Map -- click here
Media Department Hosts Film Festival Starting on Monday to Commemorate 35th Anniversary
NOTE: In 1979, the City of St. Charles granted a Cable TV services franchise, which included a requirement to provide a channel on the cable system for the City to use in providing programming to subscribers highlighting activities happening in St. Charles. For more information about the City's Media Department and the 35th anniversary of the Media Channel, see related article in the fall/winter issue of City News ( Page 8). Join us at City Hall, 200 North Second Street (4th floor), for our daily documentary screening ( Monday thru Thursday -- see schedule above).
Still Time to Submit Nominations for the 2015 City Lights Awards
It's time once again for the 12th Annual City Lights Awards, the City's holiday display contest. The contest is open to all City residents and businesses. Nominations will be accepted through midnight on Monday, November 30.
| 2014 Residential Winner -- 2816 Diekamp |
Nominations can be made for lit or non-lit displays and can be for any worthy display including your own. This contest is an opportunity to foster participation in the holiday season and to recognize residents and business owners who beautify the City and promote community with their holiday displays.
Judging for this year's nominations will take place after 5 p.m. on December 3 and 5, and the 2015 awards will be presented to the winners during the City Council meeting starting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 15.
You'll find an easy-to-use online nomination form on the City's website at (see direct link below). Or if you prefer a paper nomination form, you can pick one up at City Hall, 200 North Second Street (63301).
For questions, please call the department of Community Development at 636-949-3222.
Shop Early, Win Big!
Shop Local Promotion Gets Underway for the Year-end Holidays
Last year's wildly successful inaugural Buck Shops Saint Charles promotion has returned for a second year of shopping fun! When you shop participating Buck Shops partners thru November 23, you'll be eligible to win great prizes...from vacations to stay-cations to electronic fun. Just spend $25 or more at any participating Buck Shops merchant and you'll receive one raffle ticket. Or simply visit the business anytime during the promotion period and ask for a ticket.
Every time you shop, dine, or enjoy entertainment locally, you generate sales tax dollars that support our community. Shopping locally makes everyone a winner!
Prize winners will be drawn and announced on Friday, November 27 after the Official Saint Charles City Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Berthold Square at 5 p.m. For a list of participating merchants, prizes, and contest rules, go to
Christmas Traditions -- Thanks to Our Bow-making Volunteers!
| Kister Park Gazebo decked out with red bows. |
As reported previously, Main Street will be decorated with live greenery and red bows during the annual Christmas Traditions festival (November 27 through December 24). Staff at the CVB would like to thank all the many volunteers who assisted in making red velvet bows needed throughout the historic district.
"We currently have a running count of 2,845 bows in hand," said Karen Godfrey, Special Events Coordinator. "We are beyond excited that the job is finished! We could not have accomplished this monumental task without the help and support of so many people who rallied to the cause throughout the St. Charles community," she said, "and we're looking forward to seeing everyone on Main Street for opening day!"
Holiday Coat Drive Gains Momentum at St. Charles City Hall
It's not too early to begin thinking about the year-end holidays, as City staff are already in full swing with their Annual Coat Drive. As in the past, this holiday initiative will once again support the Helping Hands for the Holidays event held at the St. Charles Convention Center in December.
If you'd like to donate new and gently used coats, gloves, hats, scarves or blankets, please drop them off in the lobby of City Hall, located at 200 North Second Street. "We're also collecting personal care items for distribution to event attendees," said Don Rothermich, Community Relations Liaison. "The deadline for donations is Thursday, December 10," he said.
We appreciate everyone's generosity and assistance in ensuring our friends and neighbors stay toasty warm this winter! For more information, call Don at 636-949-3262 or send an email to
City eNews Subscription Process Available Online
Thank you for subscribing to the weekly City eNews. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in receiving future updates. There are two easy ways to subscribe -- use the "sign-up" drop box available on the City's website -- click here -- or send an email to to be added to the City's distribution list.
It's as simple as providing your name and email address to begin receiving this Friday afternoon update automatically. Plus, you can also review past issues on-line, along with archived issues of the printed City News.
For your reference, the fall/winter edition will hit residents' mailboxes today! This upcoming issue will include a host of important highlights, including details for the Buck Shops Saint Charles, and the 2015 Christmas Traditions festival. Great way to stay current on all that's happening in St. Charles!
Activities Update
St. Charles Parks and Recreation Department
Join us tomorrow, Saturday, November 14 from 12:30P - 5:00P at
Open to all ages! $3 per game - shoes included. No registration required. For more information, see advertisement at right, or visit
This evening class will be all about painting the beautiful "Red Poinsettia" design. Light snacks will be provided. Participants are allowed to bring their own beverages to this class.
All painting supplies will be provided. All patterns are Social Artworking designs.
Tuesday, December 8th
Time: 6:00P - 9:00P
Fee: $35 per person | CODE: 233932-04
Bring your friends to learn about the exciting job opportunities that are available for the Spring and Summer of 2016 with the St. Charles Parks and Recreation Department. Must be 16 years or older by start date. Information about the following positions will be available at the Winter Job Fair:
*Concession Stand Workers
*Beverage Servers (Must be 21 or older)
*Aquatics: Lifeguards/Swim Instructors
*Day Camp Counselors
*Youth Sports Instructors
*Adult Softball Umpires/Sport Referees
*Parks Maintenance Staff (Must be 18 or older)
Date: Friday, January 8th
Time: 3:00P - 5:00P
St. Charles Public Works Department
Public Works Facility:
New Public Works Facility
2871 Elmpoint Industrial Drive
Residents and business owners are invited to attend the grand opening of the City's new Public Works Facility located at 2871 Elmpoint Industrial Drive. There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony and light refreshments at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 18. If you'll recall, the facility was approved by voters in November 2012 via Proposition I, which allocated $8.3 million in general obligation bonds for the construction project.
Recently added to the project was a new 7,158 sq. ft. (4,000 ton capacity) salt storage structure and a 1,732 sq. ft. addition to the administration building to house water distribution maintenance functions. The 8.0-acre site includes ample space for parking and storage of the department's 150 vehicles, trucks, buses, heavy equipment, and construction materials. The site's master plan also includes space for future expansion.
The Public Works Department began transitioning personnel and maintenance operations for street, storm and sanitary sewer, and water distribution systems to the new facility this week. Here's to hoping you can join us for a tour on the 18th!
| Temporary bricks were removed from the 1100 block of South Main last April. A permanent fix to the street will be delayed until after the Christmas Traditions festival. |
Brick Repairs on South Main:
This past spring, the department of Public Works initiated Temporary Repair Efforts on South Main Brickwork in the vicinity of Country Inn & Suites (1190 South Main Street). This portion of South Main was closed for two days in order to remove all the bricks and replace with temporary asphalt.
Next steps in the permanent fix involve obtaining bids to remove the soil, insert a rock base and eventually replace the bricks. The bidding and contractual process is complete, and once the permanent fix is underway, this portion of South Main will be closed for approximately (5) weeks.
In an effort to avoid unnecessary disruptions during the upcoming Christmas Traditions festival, brick replacement will be delayed until after the first of the year. For further details, please contact Public Works at 636-949-3237.
In an effort to help the Stormwater Task Force prioritize stormwater projects and make recommendations related to resources, funding and
| Stormwater Survey -- please use link provided at left to participate in the City's online survey...thanks for your input! |
policies, the department of Public Works has posted an initial survey online. "We hope our residents will participate in this Online Survey, which began in October," said Kevin Corwin, City Engineer, "as well as a citywide survey scheduled for distribution during the first quarter of 2016. These survey efforts will afford the City an opportunity to obtain feedback on a number of issues, including stormwater," he said.
The online survey can easily be accessed from the home page of the City's website -- "Many thanks for taking the time to participate in the online option prior to December 1, as we'll continue to provide feedback as we move forward," Kevin added. Comments or questions in the interim? Please call the department of Public Works at 636-949-3237.
Fifth Street Gateway: Online Wayfinding/Alternate Routes to St. Charles -- click here
- A noticeable change started to occur this week on the Fifth Street project, as Ameren began removing the remaining power poles from the east side of Fifth between McDonough and First Capitol.
- Even though high wind conditions following Veterans Day slowed down the removal process, the electric utility was able to remove substantial portions of the old equipment. Expect to see remaining poles removed by the end of next week!
- While Ameren worked on the east side of Fifth, the brick paver installation continued across the street on the west side. Crews have almost finished the pavers from Jackson to McDonough, and will continue to progress south the week of November 16.
- The electricians received the power supply cabinets from the manufacturer this week, and will begin installing them at Pike and Boone's Lick next week. Once these are in and Ameren connects them to the power lines, we will be able to light up some of the new sidewalk lighting enhancements in place on the west side of the street.
- Speaking of sidewalk lighting, next week the electrician will also begin installing the bases and decorative lights on the east side of Fifth north of Boone's Lick.
- The road contractor continued pushing this week to complete the pavement replacement process between Ameristar and Boone's Lick Road. The middle section of the Boone's Lick intersection was removed and poured back, and will be reopened on Monday.
- With that reopening, the south side of the middle section of the intersection will be removed and poured back on Tuesday, November 17.
- In addition to the intersection, new curb and gutter was poured between BP and Waffle House, and between Waffle House and Sandra Lane. The south entrance at McDonald's was also removed and poured back on Tuesday of this week, and reopened today.
- Crews began removal of the last existing lane of pavement between McDonald's and Ameristar yesterday. Next week will see more removals in this area, and the pouring of new concrete for mainline pavement on Fifth, including entrances at Waffle House, BP and Starbucks.
- T
- Enjoy the weekend! While you're in town shopping local for The Buck Shops Saint Charles, be sure to visit our loyal merchants along the Fifth Street corridor and on Main Street in the St. Charles historic district.
Mayor Faith shows off 50% completion signage during last week's Small Business Breakfast meeting at the Greater St. Charles County Chamber of Commerce.
The Gateway project is actually closer to 60%!
#FifthStreetOpen #MainStreetOpen
- Thank you for your continued patience as it relates to this week's traffic restrictions and detours...we're still making solid progress and we're better than half-way finished!e outdone, ew 12-inch main past Sandra Lane this week, installed two new hydrants, and bored under Fifth Street in many locations to get customers east of Fifth conn
Billboard art associated with the Fifth Street project includes a handy countdown we grow...and look!
We're beyond the Halfway Mark -- 50%+ Complete!
Join us for next week's Fifth Street Meeting
Tuesday, November 17 @ 8:30 a.m.
431 McDonough St. (@ Fifth St.)
ected to the new main under the west side of the road. That service connection work will continue the week of August 10, connection - Here's to continued project completion next week, and we'll keep you posted regarding further enhancements on Fifth Street!
- Likewise, we will certainly keep you apprised if there are additional traffic pattern changes as a result of day-to-day construction efforts going forward.
- Many thanks for your patience during these ongoing enhancements! Please proceed with caution through the construction zone as lane restrictions and temporary closures are likely throughout the course of the project.
- Fifth Street updates, including a complete timeline, will continue to be provided throughout the project's duration, and can also be found online:
- Discover St. Charles on YouTube -- video link (revised 10-23-15)
- Coffee with the Mayor -- featuring Mayor Sally Faith and Stephen Noonan, P.E., Sr. Project Manager -- video link
- Fifth Street Gateway -- project overview video featuring Bear-A-Cade, Public Works mascot extraordinaire -- video link
Despite these ongoing efforts, area businesses located on Fifth Street & Main Street will be fully
accessible at all times during their normal business hours. Thanks for everyone's continued support!
#FifthStreetOpen -- FYI, here's the travel flow from First Capitol going south towards I-70 -- video link
Questions? Please contact the Department of Public Works at 636-949-3237
MapStChuck -- Historic Main Street / Frenchtown -- click here
Follow the City of St. Charles on Social Media...'s a complete platform summary online -- click here
Interested in City Government Career Opportunities? Review Job Openings Online:
Looking for a New Furry Friend? Check Out the Pet Shop and Adopt Today!
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