
"Demonstrating Unity in the Power of the Spirit" 

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PCCNA Leader Issues Urgent Plea After Oregon Shooting Read more

PCCNA Leaders Answer Call to Charlotte

Breaking News: 2016 Meeting Read more 

Ministry Moment Read more
 OregonShootingPCCNA Leader Issues Urgent Plea After Oregon Shooting
Now, more than ever, we need to pray for our nation and the violence against Christians. (Reuters)
Editor's Note: On Oct. 1, nine people were killed at Umpqua Community College after being asked if they were a Christian. Rev. Samuel Rodriguez wrote this column for Charisma News.

We live in dark times. The Umpqua Community College shooting targeting Christians speaks to a world spiraling into anarchy, embracing chaos, empowered by hatred and expressed through violence.

I humbly call upon our nation to broaden our collective lens and address the issue of intolerance toward people of faith-especially when directed against followers of Christ, both domestically and abroad. Although it would be premature, and arguably intellectually inappropriate, to establish a moral equivalence with our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and elsewhere who suffer from government and terrorist-sponsored persecution, the tragedy in Oregon does expose the need for vigilance. 

Accordingly, as a nation, we must repudiate all religious bigotry-without exception. More than ever before, we must stand committed to protecting our God-given and constitutionally protected right of religious liberty. Read more.
CalltoCharlottePCCNA Leaders Answer Call to Charlotte
Photo Credit: NY Times
Thirteen PCCNA organizations sent one or more delegates to Charlotte, NC, September 3-5, to reignite their passion for personal evangelism. Denominational senior leaders, national missions leaders, Next Gen ministry leaders, church planting leaders, and pastors were all called to the harvest and to personal obedience and accountability for sharing their faith.

Rick Ciaramataro, President of Open Bible Faith Fellowship, said "The Vision for Evangelism (VFE) event in Charlotte was an inspiring time of deep soul-searching." Brian Egert, Mission Canada Assistant to the General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, said, "It was great to meet with other Spirit-filled leaders around this issue that is close to the Father's heart. It was a significant time together."  Ramona Farmer said "the VFE was an intense, interactive time that renewed our passion to share the Good News with those whom we contact daily." 

Sponsored by the Awakening America Alliance and the Billy Graham Library, the Call to Charlotte VFE is designed to release thousands of next gen leaders into the field of souls.  Those present were encouraged to go home and recruit potential evangelists to return to Charlotte for a similar encounter with God and His Spirit.  

Movements and churches are responding. Dates in 2016 are being set for repeat events. Contact Allie Miller if you are interested in sending a group to experience the VFE event...if you recognize a need for renewed personal evangelism in your district, region, movement, or group.  "Say not four months...the fields are ripe" (John 4:35).
SupremeCourtPCCNA Members Featured in Charisma Issue
Congratulations to Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and Dr. George Wood for being featured in Charisma's 40th Anniversary as two of the 40 leaders who are making an impact on the church. Rev. Rodriguez is the president of NHCLC/CONELA and Dr. Wood is the General Superintendent for the Assemblies of God.

Rev. Rodriguez was called a modern day Peter and Dr. Wood was honored for his ability to bridge generations and lead one of the fastest-growing Pentecostal movements.
MembersOnMovePCCNA Members on the Move
Prayer Vigil Set (AG) 
Christians around the world participated in a prayer vigil on Sept. 26 to remember the third anniversary of the incarceration of American pastor Saeed Abedini in an Iranian prison.  Read more 

Church of God of Prophecy Joins PCCNA Prayer Commission (COGOP) 
In August 2015 the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) announced the approval and formation of a Prayer Commission. The Commission's purpose is to encourage intentional prayer leadership in member organizations toward the goal of building houses of prayer for the nations with Great Awakening impact in view. Read more 
An opportunity for courage on immigration (NHCLC/CONELA)
On Thursday, Pope Francis humbly exhorted a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress to view immigrants "as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond ... in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal." He challenged the Congress to apply Christ's Golden Rule, to address the situation of refugees and other immigrants "with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated." Read more  

Family Gives $15 Million to Candidate Because He Supports Moral Issues (COG) 
One Saturday morning in August, Pastor Farris Wilks, a brawny man with a close-cut beard, walked up to the altar of the church he leads, the Assembly of Yahweh, 7th Day. Read more. 

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."   Acts 1:8 (NIV) 
Jeff Farmer, President

Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America 

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Meeting2016Breaking News: 2016 Meeting

The King's University (TKU), Southlake, TX, has invited PCCNA to its campus for our 2016 meeting.  Founded by Chancellor Dr. Jack Hayford in Van Nuys, CA, TKU is now a growing university located in the DFW area operating in close partnership with the 30,000 member Gateway Church pastored by Robert Morris.  Pastor Morris serves as the TKU board chair. 

PCCNA has contracted with the DFW Marriott Solana, 5 Village Circle, Westlake, TX, to provide guest rooms and some meeting room space. To visit the Marriott web site click here. (add link)

Executive Committee - Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Commissions - Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Board of Administration, Commissions & Guests - Wednesday evening through Friday noon, February 24-26, 2016. 
NewBooksPCCNA Members Release New Books

A Spirit-Empowered Church by Alton Garrison (Forward by Rev. Samuel Rodriguez)
Congratulations to Alton Garrison, Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God for his new book, "A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Model," which was listed as one of Amazon's Hot New Releases on Sept. 1. The Kindle edition of the book is #8 for Pastoral Resources and #10 (out of 100) in Christian Church Leadership.

Click here to order the book.

Kay Horner, Director of the Awakening America Alliance has released a new book, "The Christmas Dance." "This is one of the most beautifully written, sensitively expressed, and freshly communicated works I have read - a magnificent piece that will warm hearts, comfort souls and enrich minds with the reality and wonder of Christ." Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor, The King's University. Click here to make a donation to receive the book.

MarkYourCalendarMember Ministry Events
October 17-18: PCCNA Memphis Chapter, Rising Sun Outreach Ministries     50th Anniversary Celebration, 5255 Tulane Road, Memphis TN      

October 29-31: Elim Fellowship     ETHNOS Missions Conference, Elim Bible Institute and College, 7245 College St, Lima, NY 14485
MinistryMomentAprilMinistry Moment

Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake,
Church of God in Christ
5 Compelling Reasons Why God Wants to Use Us
by Bishop Charles Blake, Superintendent, Church of God in Christ 
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV) Why does God want to use us? Why has God chosen us for this day? Haven't we messed up too much already to receive His Blessings? No. God knows we're frail; God knows we're weak. But God has also blessed us with certain blessings, and He has still called each of us to do His Will. Click here to read more.
MinistryMomentAprilPrayer & Evangelism

"Where was the church born?  Not in a preaching session but in a prayer meeting.  You never learn how to pray except in prayer."  Jim Cymbala

"How can you have eyes for the harvest, if you don't have the harvest in your eyes?  Harvest eyes don't come from committee action; they come from looking at the fields."  Tom Clegg
WarRoom Captive: In U.S. Theaters

CAPTIVE, based on a miraculous true story that drew the attention of the entire nation, is a thrilling drama about the spiritual collision of two broken lives. When Brian Nichols - on the run as the subject of a city wide manhunt and desperate to make contact with his newborn son - takes recovering meth addict Ashley Smith hostage in her own apartment, she turns for guidance to Rick Warren's best-selling inspirational book, The Purpose Driven Life. While reading aloud, Ashley and her would-be killer each face crossroads where despair and death intersect hope.
MiracleStoryFoundation Capital Resources