
"Demonstrating Unity in the Power of the Spirit" 


PCCNA Establishes First Commission Read more

Ministry Moment Read more

Prayer & Evangelism Read more

PCCNA 2015 Meeting: Lost in The City Read more 

Encounter 2015 Read more

Jerusalem 2015 Read more

Operation Christmas Child Kits Available for Churches Read more

Tell Us Your Miracle Story Read more
FerminGarciaPCCNA Members on the Move
Elim Fellowship President Ron Burgio meets alumni King Samson Oladipupo

Elim Fellowship President Pastor Ron Burgio meets King Samson Oladipupo. A couple of weeks ago, EBI alumnus King Samson Oladipupo (regional king in Nigeria) shared a powerful message regarding the influence EBI has had on his life. His story of finding Christ, being trained at Elim and becoming a major influencer in Nigeria is truly inspiring.

Top Hispanic Evangelical Leader to President and GOP: Let's Get Immigration Reform Done. Reverend and Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference just put out this statement about the Hispanic evangelical take on the 2014 Midterm Elections...Read more

Foursquare Brings Hope and Help As Ebola Virus Spreads
As Ebola cases increase and fear spreads in West Africa and beyond, Foursquare Disaster Relief is providing sanitation supply kits to volunteers who are distributing them and sharing the gospel. Read more

AG World Missions Partners with Convoy of Hope in Response to Ebola. In the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone, the Ebola crisis continues to wreak havoc - businesses continue to close, food supplies are dwindling, the disease is spreading, and fear is the constant companion of all. Currently, the death toll has exceeded 4,000 of the more than 8,300 people known to have contracted the Ebola virus. Read more

Pastor Terry W. Snow Elected as General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador on October 25, 2014, at a special session of General Conference at Emmanuel Convention Centre in Lewisporte, NL. Read more

Ukraine in Crisis. Earlier this year, the Ukraine was challenged greatly when there was an overthrow of powers and Crimea was seized by neighboring Russia. Thirty eight Church of God of Prophecy churches, along with one of our orphanages, were immediately displaced or destroyed. Read more

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Sets Aside November to Pray for the Persecuted Church. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world have been silenced. They are enduring serious affliction due to the unspeakable actions of those who want their voices stifled. As well, there are countless who are suffering due to disease and conflict. We need to act. We need to be a voice FOR THE SILENCED. Read more

IPHC Warns - Beware the "JESUS APP" According to IPHC, the "Jesus App" is causing frequent crashes. Read more
VinsonSynanPCCNA Promotes Christian Unity
Rev. David Cole
PCCNA leadership approved the formation of an informal commission at its 2014 annual meeting. Comprising a network of organizational and denominational liaisons to the greater Christian community, it will gather as a mutually supporting body in conjunction with the annual PCCNA meeting. Between meetings the liaisons will communicate with and resource one another, while also serving their respective organizations in activities that promote greater Christian unity in the church. The work of the commission will serve the PCCNA stated purpose to "demonstrate unity in the power of the Spirit." Ultimately it is hoped the commission will fulfill the prayer of Jesus in John 17 - "that the world may know."


Rev. David Cole, PCCNA Liaison to the Greater Christian Community, will facilitate the initial planning meeting in February, 2015, with liaisons identified by organizations that are represented on the PCCNA executive committee. The agenda for the planning meeting includes discussion concerning the mission and scope of the group in relation to the larger mission and vision of the PCCNA; the anticipated roles individual liaisons might be able to play in service to their denominations and organizations; identifying existing and future opportunities for PCCNA members with regard to the promotion of Christian unity; and next steps with regard to inviting additional PCCNA members to identify liaisons in the coming year.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."   Acts 1:8 (NIV) 
Jeff Farmer, Chairman

Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America 

MinistryMomentMinistry Moment 
Church of God Bishop General Overseer Mark Williams talks about ministry burnout with Dr. Steve Land on a weekly online show, Faith Matters.
Faith Matters Episode 14 - Ministry Burnout
Faith Matters Episode 14 - Ministry Burnout
PrayerEvangelismPrayer & Evangelism

 "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer."  John Wesley


"Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts." Mother Teresa

"We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum." A.W. Tozer

"The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless." Billy Graham

PCCNA 2015 Meeting: Lost In The City


The 2015 PCCNA meeting will be February 25-27 at Coastal Church in the beautiful cosmopolitan city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our contracted hotel is The Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel. Renting a car is not necessary. The parking fees range from $25 to $45 a night. 

You will need to plan transportation from the airport to the hotel. Everyone recommends the Skytrain, which is inexpensive (about $11 Canadian) and will bring you within three blocks of the hotel. From there you can take a cab (about $5.00 Canadian), or you can walk. Go to our website to register for the conference and reserve your hotel room.

MemphisMiracleMemphis Chapter to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of the Memphis Miracle
  On October 18, 1994, God ushered in a new  era of Pentecostalism with the "Memphis Miracle." This moment created the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America. 
   The PCCNA Chapter in Memphis is celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Memphis Miracle on Nov. 24th at the Cathedral of Praise Assembly at 8200 Macon Road Cordova, TN 38018.  Chapter President Reverend Aaron Campbell extends an invitation to PCCNA members. Click here for background on this historic moment.
Encounter 2015

Encounter 2015
Encounter 2015
Alton Garrison, Assistant General Superintendent, Assemblies of God invites you to Encounter 2015. Join Pentecostal pastors from across the country in concerted prayer for awakening in our nation. Click here to register.
Jerusalem2015Jerusalem 2015
Jerusalem 2015 - Billy Wilson Invites You to Experience the Holy Land
Jerusalem 2015 - Billy Wilson Invites You to Experience the Holy Land

All Spirit-empowered Christians from every nation of the world are implored to join this historic Congress May 20-25, 2015 in Jerusalem, the birthplace of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Have an authentic experience with God's presence that will ignite your faith and change your life forever. Click here to register.
OperationChristmasChildFree Operation Christmas Child Kits Available

  Since 1993, more than 100 million children in over 130 countries have experienced God's love through a simple shoe box of gifts distributed through Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child.

   Now your church or organization can order materials to participate in this massive effort to distribute gifts and share the good news of Jesus Christ! Click here to order your kit.
MiracleStoryTell Us Your Miracle Story

   Everyone loves an authentic miracle. What is the greatest one you have witnessed? 

   We want to know. In fact, we want the world to know. We want to hear every type of miracle story that shows the power of the Holy Spirit. From healing, to divine provision, to a word of knowledge, etc., we want to tell your story of God's miraculous power and grace.

   Please send your story or testimony. We will keep you updated of this emerging vision. In the mean time, send your miracle story to the following two email addresses: and  

Thank you Foundation Capital Resources for the monthly sponsorship of the PCCNA Portents newsletter. Visit
 for ministry financing support.