Kara Johnstad - office berlin
Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice

[Volume 4, Issue 6, Feb 5, 2014]    
Kara Johnstad at the piano  
"To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do." Kahlil Gibran


 So many of us base our life on what we have done, instead of what we long to  do. What would you love to do? How would you love to spend your wild and precious days?


Which dreams do you have? Is it putting your songs out onto the market? Is it writing poetry and creating books? Is it creating a soul-based business which allows you to spend your days living your passion and inspiring others to do the same?


These  three words take your voice, your writing, your business, and your life onto the next level.   


 Clarity, Courage and Consistency


 Enjoy today's article. I share with you the secrets behind why we should keep the voice well hydrated and one of my all time favorite drinks.


VoiceYourEssence Podcast
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Here's to your continued success. Stay Gold. 


Voice Your Essence™ Community
is growing every day and reaches around the globe.

                                       Kara Johnstad | singer, songwriter, publicist
program & blueprint      
starting March 21, 2014 


  • Learn how to set up and run a successful business as a CREATIVE CONSCIOUS SOLO ENTREPRENEUR while staying in alignment with YOUR CORE ESSENCE.  
  • Easy to learn blueprints on how to grow your audience and create new income streams with ease.  
  • Get out of overwhelm and into a step by step system that empowers your visions, transforms your life and impacts our world in a positive way.


Whether you are an independent artist or coach. You have a message that needs to be heard.


Isn't it time to create an empowering venture that sets you apart?

VoiceYourBiz™  will give you the important tools you need to run a successful business. Besides ongoing training and support, you will also tap into a powerful energy field that happens when like-minded people come together. You will become part of a select group that is focused solely on giving you the information and tools you need to succeed in a very tough market.



I have been coaching business development to top artists and creative conscious entrepreneurs in private VIP SESSIONS for the last 2 years. 2014 launches the first mastermind group. 


Do it the "smart way" instead of the "hard way."


At the end of the course you will understand the workings of branding, product creation, online marketing, social media, back-end office, and how you can increase your income and lessen your stress with ease. 


It all starts with a powerful vision, a desire to voice your dream and an excellent foundation.

This program is designed as a road map to success by providing clarity, inspiration and step-by-step guidance and support.


The truth is that the old, competition-based approach to business is crumbling. You need a new business model-based on creative cooperation, connection and transparency. A business model that allows you to design your life around your unique empowering story and a business that inspires you and sustains you. A business that reflects who you really are and takes your message out onto the marketplace.  

Learn more, send a message


Message me for more info by clicking the button above. We start March 21, 2014. Kara


Watch Eunice Hii's TEDx Talk

Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y 
Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y: Eunice Hii at TEDxTerryTalks 2012
Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y: Eunice Hii at TEDxTerryTalks 2012

Eunice Hii, a recent graduate of the UBC Sauder School of Business, talks about the challenges of "following your passion," especially as an individual who is, herself, part of the "Generation Y," and viscerally aware of the many opinions that inform that term. Here, she suggests that one can still follow their passions, but with a number of important parameters in mind.


TED Ideas worth spreading

�ber TEDx Talks

TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED's format and rules.








Drink of choice for all singers?  


One of the first most fundamental aspects to having a healthy flexible voice is hydration. Your vocal folds need to stay limber and flexible. Water helps maintain the protective mucous lining that protects them from the natural friction that occurs when you vocalize.


"Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine." Slovakian Proverb.




If the body is not kept well hydrated, the folds are not able to vibrate and swing freely. Dryness can lead to swollen folds and make the voice more vulnerable for infections.  


If your voice sounds cracked and is not moving well between tones, 
you most likely need hydration.


Remember, the water that we drink does not go immediately to the vocal folds, your vital organs also need hydration in order to work optimally. The goal is becoming conscious of the important role water plays in speaking and singing, and by drinking a min. of 8 quarts of water daily,  so we will be completely hydrated when we sing.


What is the best time to take in liquids in order to insure peak vocal performance?


I use the 4 hour rule of thumb for planning when and how much to drink. If you have a concert in the evening it is important to drink in the morning and afternoon. Don't think that you can sip water a few minutes before you go on stage and manage the show. 



You need to hydrate throughout the day.


For example, if you have an 11 am studio session, you need to drink 2 big glasses of water before going to bed and wake at 7 am and sip every 15 to 20 minutes a glass of water. You do this until about 9:30 to 10 am and then you relax and slow down your liquid intake.


If you have an evening concert, drink at regular intervals during the morning and afternoon until about 2 hours before your show. Then slow it down.  


If you want your voice in top shape and be able to go through the whole 2 hour concert or 6 hour studio session, without running to the bathroom, you have to hydrate hydrate hydrate in hours BEFORE you need to use your voice and hydrate much less the hour before you need to perform.


"I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man."
Henry David Thoreau  
Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
Click Image & Listen


So, how do you know if you need more water?

The rule is: Pee Clear Sing Clear


Our body is our instrument. If your urine is clear, you're doing a great job hydrating. If your urine is dark yellow, you need more water.


Now, don't go overboard. If you drink 10 gallons of water before your studio session or concert you will not be a happy camper. You will flush out important minerals and need to go to the restroom more often than is necessary.


Remember, it is all about balance. The voice needs to be well hydrated and t yet the bladder needs to be empty when you sing. Follow the tips below for staying well hydrated.






  • Drink flat water at room temperature or slightly warmed.
  • Never drink chilled or ice water.
  • Use the 4 hour rule. It takes 4 hours from the time you drink for the moisture to be felt in your vocal folds.  
  • Hydrate hours before you need to use your voice in concert or at a speaking engagement. If you have hydrated well,  there is no need to drink on stage.
  • Add lemon or a  tiny bit of fruit juice to your water. It will activate your salivary glands and moistens your mouth and vocal folds quicker.

Some singers who drink a lot of water complain of DRY MOUTH. This is because water hydrates your body and folds but like I said, it takes a while for the water to arrive.


"The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea."  Isak Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales





Add the following to a  quart  jar: 

  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1-2 Tablespoons raw honey
  • 1/2 Tablespoon unrefined sea salt or Himalyan salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • Fill the rest of the way with filtered water.  
  • Stir or shake well. 


sugar drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee,
black tea, alcohol and anything cold.


Here's to your continued success. May you have the courage to persevere and stay true to your inner voice and strongest visions.



Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
P.S. Share with us your experience, and feel free to join the Voice Your Essence™ Community over on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voiceyouressence. I'm really excited to hear what you have to say.
Thank you, as always, for tuning in, reading and contributing.



Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
TRANSFORMATIONAL SINGER- SONGWRITER AND COACH, KARA JOHNSTAD, IS PASSIONATE ABOUT TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE: She works one on one with clients to open their voices, write powerful songs and anthems, create CDs and a lifestyle that allows them the freedom to create and live as independent artists. Kara's vision for 2014 is to get her songs into films and documentaries that are in alignment with her vision of global mind global heart.  www.karajohnstad.com  

Kara Sutras by Kara Johnstad  

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Kara Johnstad is a singer-songwriter, author, voice specialist and owner of the successful company VOICE YOUR ESSENCE™


Kara empowers audiences around the world and helps independent artists and singer songwriters become more successful. A thriving  singer-songwriter and passionate lecturer,  Kara is no stranger to transforming hearts through her words and music. 

She is an advocate for change in ways that heighten the human spirit. 

 Kara Johnstad is Transforming Lives Trhough the Power of the Human Voice

Her most downloaded songs include Love Never Fails, Message of Hope, Open Up and ReceiveHeal Me Hold Me and Thank You.


Her mission is to help our world understand the role our voice plays in fine tuning our body-mind-spirit system. Each year Kara transforms thousands of  lives via her concerts, lectures, articles and coaching programs. Sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription of the eZine. Click this link and enter your name and email in the box.Thanks!


Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann
YouTube Video:"Eunice Hii at TEDx Talks / filmed by Craig Ross: Video edited by David Ng / http://tedxtalks.ted.com
Image: "Champagne Glass" by Jomphong / www.freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Young Corporate Woman Drinking Water" by stockimages / www.freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Water Splash In Glass" by suphakit73 / www.freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Two Water Bottles" by Naypong / www.freedigitalphotos.net
all other images by Kara Johnstad
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