Kara Johnstad - office berlin
Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice

[Volume 4, Issue 3, Jan 15, 2014]   
Kara Johnstad | writing studio in Berlin
Kara's writing studio in Berlin

Artists are intuitive people and work from the inside out.
That is why, when you are setting up your writing space, you need to do it from the inside out.
Create your own writing space with whatever inspires you. The essence is: while writing you should surround yourself with things you love.

Here is a list of things for you to ponder upon while making your personal writing space. 


VoiceYourEssence Podcast
click & listen to podcast




Here's to your continued success. Stay Gold. 



P.S: For those of you in Berlin, keep your calendars free on January 25th, and come out to the bi-annual Voice Your Essence™ Singers' Night in Berlin.    


Voice Your Essence™ Community
is growing every day and reaches around the globe.

Voice Your Essence
AT ITS BEST!      
Kara, thank you so much for all your love and support! You are a true gardener - you've been showing this flower so many beautiful ways to bloom. And the best is yet to come! 
Stay tuned. She is a songwriter that is going to make a difference to many.
Dear friends, this concert is by invitation only.

We  need you to confirm that you will be coming  
by clicking the button above, or RSVP!

The Bloom Episode 1: Fundamental Frequencies
Click & watch episode 1 - fundamental frequencies
A Film Series by Jeet-Kei Leung & Akira Chan
in association with Elevate Films, Keyframe Entertainment, Muti Music & Grounded TV

About This Video

The Bloom's first episode explores the "Fundamental Frequencies" of the Transformational Festival experience, examining how they create immersive environments of INSPIRATION; becoming containers for peak experiences of CONNECTION; very often catalyzing powerful HEALING processes with lasting and positive life-changing effects for participants. For More information please visit  www.thebloomseries.com.








Artists are intuitive people
and work from the inside out. 


That is why, when you are setting up your writing space, you need to do it from the inside out.

There are writers that write in bed or at the kitchen table. There are writers that have a little nook in the bedroom, and there are writers that work in a writer's shed. Many ways to approach it.

Yet most experts agree, having a dedicated writing space, no matter how big or small, is key to getting more writing done.

The space you chose needn't be expensive. It is your imagination and brilliance that is creating art, not the fancy chair and desk.

Kara Johnstad | writing desk



Create your own writing space with whatever inspires you.  

The essence is:
while writing you should surround yourself
with things you love.


Keep it simple. Get rid of clutter and eliminate anything that can be a diversion. Forward the phone to the answering machine, turn off the mails and stop checking every five minutes your social media. Clear clutter from the room and surround yourself with things that you love. Remember your eye should stay on the page  and not be pulled to a long task of to-dos.  


If you are on the go, have a great journal tucked inside your bag. Buy yourself your favorite iPad cover that you like and keep your favorite pens close by. If you are at home, hang up pictures that inspire you, create a great music collection to get you focused for each writing session, find a comfortable chair and solid desk to write on.


Here is a list of things for you to ponder upon while making your personal writing space.

Music: Some people work well to music, others don't. I normally work in silence, but also have instrumental music that puts me in a deep flow space. Find out what works well for you and keep a good collection of music in your room.


Kara Johnstad | Poetry Chest

Book storage: It is nice to have a place for books close by. Even if you type on your computer and read a lot online, I still find being surrounded by your favorite books magical. When you need a break, browsing through a few good poetry books or paging through a photo album can be enough to ignite new ideas and get the juices flowing again. I have an old wooden closed cupboard where I keep all favorite poetry books and autobiographies of people that inspire me. I have a second place of shelving for all my journals and songs that I am working on or have finished.





An Artist's Altar: I have my artist's altar in a place I can always see while I am working - whether at the piano or typing. I try to pick up fresh flowers at the market each week and have a collection of vases I adore,  small items that connect me to nature and friends. The items remind me that I am not writing for an industry, I am writing my books and music for a deeper connection to source.

Artwork: Surround yourself with beauty. Writers love to have their imagination triggered and go on journeys into other worlds. One of the quickest way to do this is through visuals. Add your favorite painting. Another great idea which I enjoy is vision boards string hung with postcards and photos or clipboards above your desk where you can add images and lyrics of what you are currently working on.

Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
Click Image & Listen

Paper and Pens: I think there are two ways to go with paper. I know artists that buy stacks of legal pads and notebooks and scribble down their thoughts with delight. Make it a habit to fill at least one legal pad a day. I know other writers who have a leather bound journal in their bag and work with thicker paper.

Kara Johnstad | original lyrics for >>The Awakening<<

I always have a leather bound notebook in my bag and close by, I enjoy more writing on thicker paper where I can also draw and sketch, but truth be, I have started writing using the notes app on my iPhone and also have songs that were written on napkins and beer coasters when I had an idea and couldn't find anything else quickly enough to write on.

Pens I am very finicky about. I like pens that roll smoothly and fast. I like to stay in deep flow. I often write with colored felt markers. Find the pens and paper  you love and use them often.

Storage: if you have filled all those notebooks and journals you are going to need a place for storage. A file cabinet, shelves, baskets. We, as writers, need storage to keep things quick and handy and keep the clutter out.


Somewhere to relax: It is nice to have somewhere to lie down and take naps in your writing studio. If you writing space is big enough, add a sofa and some pillows. I have also found it helpful to have a comfortable reading chair with a table next to it for a hot tea or good refreshing drink.


Natural lighting. Even though it can be tough at times with reflections off of the computer screen, lighting is very important. It is nice to look out the window and be able to give your eyes a break from the page.

Add a touch of extra luxury: I like different scents when I start writing. I use japanese incense and light candles before every writing session. I know writers that have a certain tea they like to drink, or a certain hand cream they enjoy, or even have their feet soaking in warm water underneath the desk and take a hot foot bath once in a while.

Spoil yourself silly. 

Create a writing space that will make you love sitting down at your desk
and creating new work for our world.  

Here's to your continued success. May you have the courage to persevere and stay true to your inner voice and strongest visions.



Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
P.S. Share with us your experience, and feel free to join the Voice Your Essence™ Community over on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voiceyouressence. I'm really excited to hear what you have to say.
Thank you, as always, for tuning in, reading and contributing.



Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
TRANSFORMATIONAL SINGER- SONGWRITER AND COACH, KARA JOHNSTAD, IS PASSIONATE ABOUT TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE: She works one on one with clients to open their voices, write powerful songs and anthems, create CDs and a lifestyle that allows them the freedom to create and live as independent artists. Kara's vision for 2014 is to get her songs into films and documentaries that are in alignment with her vision of global mind global heart.  www.karajohnstad.com  


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Kara Johnstad is a singer-songwriter, author, voice specialist and owner of the successful company VOICE YOUR ESSENCE™


Kara empowers audiences around the world and helps independent artists and singer songwriters become more successful. A thriving  singer-songwriter and passionate lecturer,  Kara is no stranger to transforming hearts through her words and music. 

She is an advocate for change in ways that heighten the human spirit. 

 Kara Johnstad is Transforming Lives Trhough the Power of the Human Voice

Her most downloaded songs include Love Never Fails, Message of Hope, Open Up and ReceiveHeal Me Hold Me and Thank You.


Her mission is to help our world understand the role our voice plays in fine tuning our body-mind-spirit system. Each year Kara transforms thousands of  lives via her concerts, lectures, articles and coaching programs. Sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription of the eZine. Click this link and enter your name and email in the box.Thanks!


Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann
Images of CAR.RIE by courtesy of CAR.RIE / www.carrie-music.com 
Video: A Film Series by Jeet-Kei Leung & Akira Chan 
in association with Elevate Films, Keyframe Entertainment, Muti Music & Grounded TV / www.thebloomseries.com 
All other images by Kara Johnstad
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