Kara Johnstad - office berlin
Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice

[Volume 4, Issue 1, Jan 1, 2014]  

Resolutions, not for me. A better way to start the new year  

Wishing you a wonderful 2014! 


This quote resonates with me for the coming year. 


It is not about perfection - it is about exploring, about risk taking, about trusting, about journeying together and about pushing our inner walls so that we can expand, morph, change and create new works and a new world.


A stone is polished by letting the water move over her and past her many times. We too are polished by doing it. Living it. We learn about singing, by daring to sing. We learn about releasing albums and running our own biz by doing it. 


One of the reasons I believe I am a good coach is, because I have had to solve many complex problems and have come out on top. One of the reasons I am so relaxed on stages is, that I have gone through  different experiences on and off stage that make me realize, it is all about self compassion and coming back to being TRUE - AUTHENTIC - REAL.


Sometimes we get many parts of the process right, other times we have to re-group, reflect and  re-think.

The beauty of life is that we are alive.


This January I am taking the next leap of faith. I am moving from poetry, lyrics, music, and articles, into books.


It is brand new territory for me and I am buzzed and a bit scared, so I need you to root for me and help me stay on track. I start tomorrow and by January 30th,  I will have my first book out on Kindle. Expanding into book publishing is connected to a quote that I am using for this years motto. The quote is basically. BE ALIVE. and to do so, we sometimes have to make a mistake or two:)
So, here's to 2014 being the year you take your voice, your business, your passion and your life to the next level. I hope I can support you on the journey and help you make this new year a fabulous one. 


Stay Gold,



P.S. I have included the quote by Neil Gaiman in the recommends section. Print it out, if you like, and keep it close to your desk. I always have motivational quotes and snippets of writing close to me when I write and compose.  

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The Voice Your Essence™ Community
is growing every day and reaches around the globe.

quote of Neil Gaiman
Feature Article         





I personally never make a New Years Resolution. Why? Because I know I can not keep it. It does no good at all to create a resolution that is whipped out of the air and has no real foundation. Everyone knows that so many of the resolutions made on January 1st do not last more than a few days, at the most, a few weeks. I personally plant my big intentions Spring Equinox. 


 Have you ever wondered why kids have so much energy? Have you ever wondered why kids can scrub the bathtub with their mom's most expensive perfume or topple their little brother's Lego tower and still smile and bounce around the house and laugh openly. What is the secret behind children's stamina, vibrancy, and endless energy?









Are you really in dialogue with the world or holding monologues? One of the greatest problems facing humanity is communication. Why? Because many of us are holding monologues. Good thing is, we are burning to share our stories. Burning to share what moves us. 




Inspired by Kintsugi the Japanese tradition and art of repairing broken ceramics by using gold to mend, I commence on a 3 part series on the cracked and broken voice. It is a complex subject. The Japanese believe: When something has suffered and has history it becomes more beautiful.

I agree. As much as we need technique and polishing and a good healthy tone, we also need freedom to deeply express and explore sound. 

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To be a great songwriter you have to accept your right to be "you." Be original. Innovate and don't imitate. Although we can not re-invent the wheel and a love song will normally have two people falling in or out of love, it is important that you tell the story through your eyes and your experience and use your words to express what moves you. You start to die as an artist when you try to be someone you are not.









An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision. James Whistler. We are creators. Creating songs. Creating articles. Creating blogs and podcasts. Day in and day out, we are creating fresh and new content. So what should we do when we fall into a doubt vortex? In these moments it is always helpful to have a vision board to look at.







Nothing is of permanence. We are in a constant flux of change and expansion. Change is a given. Although we know that the world is continuously changing and rearranging itself, and although we know that we have to adjust and stay flexible in order to grow and move forward, we often find ourselves resisting change.We start it, yet we can't seem to follow through. For many of us, we forget this simple truth.






Good news for artists and conscious creatives. You do not need to work with a big label to be able to sell lots of recordings.  If you want to make a living as an artist and thrive, you need to nurture your true fans and they, in return, will enjoy pushing you and supporting you.

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The world is a tapestry of sound. The world is a tapestry of woven stories. The only true silence without a sound is a dead vacuum. The world is alive in sound. We create our world constantly non-stop through sound. If you wish to have an easy place to arrive in the NOW - you must enter through the VOICE VORTEX: 








In order to create the amazing life that you envision you need to be willing to step into an active role as the CREATOR. See your life as a beautiful masterpiece, your business as a work of art. You need to design the life that you envision. Step out of the dream landscapes and into an active role creating a lifestyle based on your core values, your rhythm and your understanding of what you would like to offer.All art is about transformation.
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Here's to your continued success. May you have the courage to persevere and stay true to your inner voice and strongest visions.



P.S. Share with us your experience, and feel free to join the Voice Your Essence™ Community over on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voiceyouressence. I'm really excited to hear what you have to say.
Thank you, as always, for tuning in, reading and contributing.



Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
TRANSFORMATIONAL SINGER- SONGWRITER AND COACH, KARA JOHNSTAD, IS PASSIONATE ABOUT TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE: She works one on one with clients to open their voices, write powerful songs and anthems, create CDs and a lifestyle that allows them the freedom to create and live as independent artists. Kara's vision for 2014 is to get her songs into films and documentaries that are in alignment with her vision of global mind global heart.  www.karajohnstad.com  

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Kara Johnstad is a singer-songwriter, author, voice specialist and owner of the successful company VOICE YOUR ESSENCE™


Kara empowers audiences around the world and helps independent artists and singer songwriters become more successful. A thriving  singer-songwriter and passionate lecturer,  Kara is no stranger to transforming hearts through her words and music. 

She is an advocate for change in ways that heighten the human spirit. 

 Kara Johnstad is Transforming Lives Trhough the Power of the Human Voice

Her most downloaded songs include Love Never Fails, Message of Hope, Open Up and ReceiveHeal Me Hold Me and Thank You.


Her mission is to help our world understand the role our voice plays in fine tuning our body-mind-spirit system. Each year Kara transforms thousands of  lives via her concerts, lectures, articles and coaching programs. Sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription of the eZine. Click this link and enter your name and email in the box.Thanks!

Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann 
Image: "Friends Forming A Circle" by savit keawtavee / freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Buddha Face" by Just2shutter / freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Drawing Business Plan Concept Idea" by KROMKRATHOG / freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Young Man On Rock Cliff End Of Way" by khunaspix / freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "Teenagers Dancing In Night Club" by photostock / freedigitalphotos.net
Image: "female Hand Releasing Butterflies" by thawats / freedigitalphotos.net 
All other images by Kara Johnstad
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