Voice Your Essence™ by Kara Johnstad
Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice
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Voice Your Essence™ Workshop
19. - 20 May 2012 in Cologne, Germany

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KARA JOHNSTAD ist intergalaktischenormgigantisch!!!!! 
What a voice, professional knowledge and sensitivity...  
Thanks a million for a very special workshop here at my "derGesangsLaden" (The Song Shop). 
Yeah, scrumptious!!!!!    
Klara, Cologne
KARA JOHNSTAD a heavenly gift! Our path they did cross ... I feel really blessed having been able to meet you at "der GesangsLaden" (The Song Shop) in Cologne. Like a sponge takes water I've taken your words, your sounds, your vibes, your knowledge and your heartiness. You've done a WONDERFUL job and I want to thank you with all my heart for all you've given to me and everyone in this great workshop. Yeah!    Ursula Kamay



You are a crazy, very lovable, wonderful, amazing, natural woman!!
I love(d) to be with you ... I cried, I laughed, I�m so blessed to have you in my life ... 
thank you from the very depth of my heart for this great weekend ... for learning, for talking, for singing and for the intimate moments in the midnight-concert :-) ... it is such a gift.
and I hope, we meet again soon.  
♥  Manuela Korst


My BIG THANK YOU goes to the Voice Your Essence group in COLOGNE 
that welcomed me with open arms and took huge leaps and jumps in opening their voices and coming back to source. I am blessed to be part of this divine creative dance. I saw it happening.
after the workshop at the party
12 courageous souls 
tapped into their deepest sounds
and spoke their dreams 
and stepped into the front
and sang their soul lines.
Suddenly the whole room shifted and lit up. Tears fell, hearts opened.and even they themselves were surprised to see how much they had been holding and walking with, with no real place to lay it down and integrate it. Sound and rhythms and the power of words and melody is a big key to re-connecting lost worlds.
At the end of the day, every single one of the participants were centered and empowered and embodied love and joy and walked tall with all their stories and offerings. Yet the true blessing was not that each and everyone found one more piece of the puzzle, it was that suddenly the group was one. A true blessing. 
Thank you dear friends,

Soul to soul we merge,
our lives forever changed.
Kara Johnstad

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Kara Johnstad is creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a powerfuvoice in the time and age of transition. She is a singer / songwriter, creator of The Essence Radio Show, and founder of the Voice Your Essence Mastery Program.

Leading change agents, healers, personal development speakers and others recognize her as being a unique source of powerful truth and wisdom. As a top voice expert she has helped thousands with her "break-through" voice techniques and shares with us the secrets behind this powerful instrument and the role the human voice plays in fine tuning our Mind-Body-Spirit systems.

Kara connects each and every week with subscribers from around the world via her Voice Your Essence™ eZine

If you liked today's issue, you'll also enjoy listening to Kara's soulful music as part of your daily ritual of reconnecting to source or jump onto the next level and experience personally the power of your true authentic voice with Kara Johnstad's Voice Your Essence™ Mastery Program.

Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann