Kara Johnstad - office berlin
Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice

[Volume 3, Issue 35, August 28, 2013]
Kara Johnstad


When you dare as a singer-songwriter to go solo and own your passion, you have the greatest opportunity to grow and stand in your brilliance and truth. During my Voice Your Essencesingers' workshop in Cologne, Germany, you will experience 2 full days of new mind sets and powerful voice technique that works.

The journey always continues.. Voice Your Essence™ and Voice Your Biz™ singer-songwriter Jocelyn B. Smith is one of those rare, and real deal artists that keeps growing and stretching and is living music in all its many facets.


Jocelyn sings out into this world loud and clear and soft, until a tear lands on your cheek and a smile appears to last more than a week. Jocelyn is giving a big record "Here I Am" release concert on the 11th of September in the legendary Berlin club QUASIMODO.


For everyone in Berlin, a must see performance! I will be there, with my team, cheering and celebrating Jocelyn's big success! Can't wait to see you guys!  Here's a chance to win two tickets plus a personal backstage experience with Jocelyn.

For all you DIY artists and heart based solo entrepreneurs out there, enjoy this week's article on how to monetize your business.
 It works! 


VoiceYourEssence Podcast
click & listen to podcast








In gratitude and to your continued success.

Kara Johnstad Scheet Music

Stay Gold,

P.S. Sheet music now available. Have new songs to sing in concert or bring to your next voice class. 

Voice Your Essence™ Community
is growing every day and reaches around the globe.

Jocelyn B. Smith | new album



Jocelyn B. Smith 

is getting all revved up for her big


"Here I Am"
album release concert  
on September 11, 2013
at the legendary Berlin club QUASIMODO,
doors open at 9 pm, concert starts at 10 pm. 

It has been a great thrill for me to watch Jocelyn take giant leaps this past year in getting not only the new album out onto the market, but pulling together a new team, defining her vision and new clear goals, and coming back full circle to feeling at home with the piano. Not an easy task to sing and play piano, and Jocelyn does it masterfully.
Jocelyn B. Smith
Buy TICKETS NOW! click here >>
I will be at the BIG RECORD RELEASE CONCERT on SEPTEMBER 11th, at the Berlin club QUASIMODO, celebrating with Jocelyn and all her many friends and fans.  

I would love to celebrate this night with you!!!! 

Like us on Facebook for a chance to win 2 TICKETS & BACKSTAGE EXPERIENCE w/ JOCELYN on Sept 11 in Berlin. Click here!

JOCELYN is one of those rare, real deal artists. She has been in the business since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She has grown and stretched and has lived MUSIC and all its many facets, through jazz and rhythm and blues and classical to new age. She has done big events and sang in churches and 10 years ago she stood at the Brandenburg Gate after the twin towers fell in N.Y. and gave us all a moment of deep reflection while singing from her heart, AMAZING GRACE. It feels good this autumn to see how far we have come in the last years and how far we have yet to go. 

Jocelyn,  we will all be there! We are inspired by how you walk your talk and sing out into this world loud and clear, soft until a tear lands on our cheek and a smile to last more than a week. 


P.S. HERE IS A SNEAK PREVIEW OF THE NEW ALBUM "Here I Am"  It is out on September 6th and you can have a hard copy of it signed and in your hands if you come out to the show. I will be there. Tap me on the shoulder if you see me and introduce yourself. I would love to have time to get to know you and introduce you to another great artists work. 

singer - songwriter - actress just launched her new homepage for ACTING! 
Congrats Vaile!!!! 
Continued success and we are all happily
awaiting your new album which will be released this year, 2013!

new album 2013
new album 2013

  Like me on Facebook  Follow me on Twitter  View my videos on YouTube  Find me on Google+







This past week I was at a going away party for a wonderful singer. She has worked hard and trained each week for years and finally has gotten a big break. I am thrilled for her.


At the party I met another singer who approached me. She wondered how I built my  successful business. She said she was struggling. Nobody was booking her sessions, she was going to auditions for shows and people told her they wanted someone else, another type of voice, another "look."  She has already done so much. She has songs prepared, a great resume, performance experience and yet no work. Why?


My mom used to tell me when I was a kid, money doesn't grow on trees. Now I am older and say often to myself  the same thing.   

Money doesn't grow on trees,  
nor do jobs.
money tree


 Many people think that successful creatives are either lucky or married to a millionaire with a few zillions in the bank and a house on the BahamasNothing could be further from the truth. Being a successful creative is a mixture of great talent, hard work and dedication and a clear well-thought out strategy as to what you would like to create for your life. 


You have the choice 
whether you want to be employable or entrepreneurial. 

Both take talent, hard work, and a clear strategy. 



The difference is that in being employable, you are always running after jobs and auditions and you are one of many people competing. If you choose to be entrepreneurial,  you take  responsibility for your business and career.  You are a conscious creative who owns your own work and vision.


What is the top priority you need, to go from being a struggling artist to a thriving artist that earns money and works successfully at what you love?



The number one thing is  
to develop successful HABITS.
Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
Click Image & Listen
Do the most important and highly focused work
in the morning 


One of the most successful habits you can have which will monetize your business within a few short months; is to use the first 1-2 hours of your work day to monetize your business. The errands and rehearsals and studio sessions come later  in the day.


Keep the first 2 hours of your day for highly focused work. Work on your top 2-4 projects that you have defined as products that  help you become more visible on the market. For example, you can write an article for your community, finish a new song and set a time to go into studio, upload all your lyrics to lyric portals on the internet, write clear content for your homepage, or reach out to the three people radio hosts to get the interview for your new book or album. 


Big rule of thumb is, do the most important and highly focused work in the morning. I personally keep the first 2 hours for monetizing my business. No social media, no skimming through emails, no long telephone calls. First 60 to 120 minutes is highly focused on the 4 projects I am working on. After that you decide, rehearsal time, social media time, lunch and dinner meetings, or studio sessions.

Here is a link to the productivity form I give to my VOICE YOUR BIZ™  artist development clients so that they always have the 4 top projects in front of them.  Feel free to download and use it for staying on track.  

In gratitude and to your continued success.


Voice Your Essence Podcast by Kara Johnstad
P.S. Share with us your experience, and feel free to join the Voice Your Essence™ Community over on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voiceyouressence. I'm really excited to hear what you have to say.
Thank you, as always, for tuning in, reading and contributing.



Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
TRANSFORMATIONAL SINGER- SONGWRITER AND COACH, KARA JOHNSTAD, IS PASSIONATE ABOUT TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE: She works one on one with clients to open their voices, write powerful songs and anthems, create CDs and a lifestyle that allows them the freedom to create and live as independent artists. Kara's vision for 2014 is to get her songs into films and documentaries that are in alignment with her vision of global mind global heart.  www.karajohnstad.com

OCTOBER 26 + 27, 2013 

flipping fear into personal power  


A (r)evolutionary performance workshop which delivers clear results. 
Developed for singers that want to sing SOLO and stop holding back. 
Learn how to win your audience from the minute you walk onto stage. 
Whether in a church singing solo in the choir or on stage auditioning for THE VOICE OF GERMANY, you will discover a method that gets you the applause you deserve. 


  • SINGING FRONT AND CENTER  in a safe and supportive environment.    
    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."Marianne Williamson  

When you  DARE to go SOLO, and own your PASSION,
you have the greatest opportunity to grow and
stand in your brilliance and truth.

You will walk out of the workshop with a clear understanding of your role as a soloist and have new  tools in your pocket to make success  happen. 
 If you apply the exercises, I personally guarantee you that you will go to the next level in your performance.
Extra Bonus: You will make new friends 
that are not into competition but into supporting each other live creative successful lives. That's what we are about at VOICE YOUR ESSENCE™. 
Why play small when you know deep down how much you love to sing and how much you have to give to this world?  . 

Here's to your success!  

Stay Gold, Kara

Kara Sutras: TRUST


I know many of you have waited patiently. 
5 of my new songs are now available in sheet music form. WOO HOO! 

sheet music LET GO AND TRUST by Kara Johnstad

Love Never Fails 
Different Planes
Hurting Place
Let Go and Trust
Open Up & Receive
Thank You
Message of Hope

Arranged for piano and voice. 

Not yet in the online shop but all of songs are available.  
Only 5 Euro / Dollar per song.

SUMMER SPECIAL: running for the summer months
until we get the online shop up and ready,
20 Euro / Dollar for all 5 songs

sent directly into your in-box!
How awesome is that.

It's easy to order. Drop us a line,
Payments can be made via PayPal until we get the new shop up and running. Much love, Kara 

  banner big 
Kara Johnstad is creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a powerfuvoice in the time and age of transition.
She is an acclaimed singer/songwriter with more than 100 songs written - all of which she has produced and published under her own indie label, creator of the Voice Your Essence™ Artist Development Program and founder of the 
Voice Your Essence™ Community.


Leading change agents, healers, personal development speakers and others recognize her as being a unique source of powerful truth and wisdom. As a top voice expert she has helped thousands with her "break-through" voice techniques and shares with us the secrets behind this powerful instrument and the role the human voice plays in fine tuning our mind-body-spirit systems.

Kara connects each and every week with subscribers from around the world via her 
Voice Your Essence™ eZine 


If you liked today's issue, you'll also enjoy listening to Kara's soulful music as part of your daily ritual of reconnecting to source or jump onto the next level and experience personally the power of your true authentic voice with Kara Johnstad's 
Voice Your Essence™ Programs
Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann
Images of Jocelyn B. Smith by courtesy of BLONDELL Productions / www. jocelynbsmith.com
Image: "Vaile Fuchs" by courtesy of Monika Fuchs / www.vailefuchs.de
Image: "young lady singing with Mic" by imagerymajestic / www.freedigitalphotos.net 
Image: "Top View Of Female With Headphone And Microphone With White Background" by imagerymajestic / www.freedigitalphotos.net 
Image: "Money Tree" by watiporn / www.freedigitalphotos.net
All other images by Kara Johnstad 
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