Transforming Lives Through the Power of the Human Voice
[Volume 3, Issue 11, March 13, 2013]
| pure & natural @ Wintergarten Varieté Berlin 19 March |
There is change in the air. Movement. I find myself sorting out papers that I no longer need, and clearing out drawers, and getting ready for next weeks' EQUINOX.
Until then, I am looking forward to performing again with dear friend and fellow singer-songwriter - urban shaman Jocelyn B. Smith.
Together we gave a sold-out concert in Berlin on Dec 21st (Solstice) and how appropriate that we launch the next part of a bigger vision on March 19th at the glorious Wintergarten Variete in Berlin.
Jocelyn will be performing many songs that you know and love off of her renowned albums, I will be performing my songs Wild Garden, Blame Game, With You and the big ballad Message of Hope, - but the coolest thing is - we will both meet each other eye to eye - face to face - voice to voice on two grand pianos and sing Love Never Fails.
I have held this vision for awhile of two strong women on two grand pianos on stage sharing wisdom and insights and it is touching to see this image be planted into the world on the first days of spring 2013. So, if you are in Berlin come to the Wintergarten Varieté and be part of this event. I would love to see you there!
| click & listen to podcast |
Stay Gold,
P.S. For those of you on the East Coast in USA I am scheduled to be performing on July 19th in NYC for a wonderful new art festival "As the Crow Flies!" Let's make it happen together.
Voice Your Essence™ Community
is growing every day and reaches around the globe.
Upcoming Concert | Berlin - 19 March 2013
präsentiert Jocelyn an diesem Abend
einen der raren Auftritte ihres Überraschungsgastes.
Mit ihrer selten gehörten Symbiose aus Stimmgewalt und balladesken Tönen hat KARA JOHNSTAD in jedem Bereich stilistische Grenzen hinter sich gelassen und stattdessen das durchgesetzt, was ihr am besten zu Gesicht steht: die Ideen einer ungewöhnlichen Komponistin und Liedtexterin. Dabei brilliert Kara mit einer gewaltigen Stimme von ungewöhnlicher Klarheit und Präsenz. Besonders gespannt sein kann man deshalb auf Karas "Sneak Preview" ihrer neuesten Kompositionen
Auf jeden Fall wird es dieses Mal anders!
Freuen Sie sich auf zwei "Vocal Soul Diven der Extraklasse" in einem Konzertevent.
"Superb Vocal Art in its purest form!"
"Marina Abramovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s, performing art out of the van they lived in. When they felt the relationship had run its course, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again.
At her 2010 MoMa retrospective Marina performed 'The Artist Is Present' as part of the show, where she shared a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing and this is what happened." Written by Justin Fox
| Marina Abramovic and Ulay - MoMA 2010 |
At VoiceYourEssence™ it is all about exactly that ESSENCE:
Claiming the inner lion's roar. We are not "sheeple" - we are each and every one of us - a masterpiece.
A miracle. A pulse. A series of breaths and movements that are deeply connected to each other.
I love this video. The first thing is to VOICE UP and begin to express and live your unique frequency. The second phase it to understand and explore the sound of silence. The rhythms of the heart. The resonance between two souls that have so much more to say than words could ever say.
Words have a power. Silence also has a power. Both speak volumes. It is an art for to know when to let the silence sing. It is an art to sing the silence. An art to stay present in the moment when the heart beats so strongly. Roar.
click on image & listen
music and lyrics by Kara Johnstad
Silence is a journey, is a hymn.
Soulful and passionate.
It captures the pure essence of faith, hope and love.
This song gives us strength to continue through the darkest nights.
Faith is a powerful prayer.
On the journey called life we experience trials we must master; burdens we must carry. Silence is a Journey, is a hymn. Soulful, it is the pure essence of faith, hope and love, If you have ever felt like you did not have the strength to continue, this song will uplift and inspire you to stay true to purpose and resolute that we awaken to the truth sometimes in the darkest of hours.
Silence Is The Journey is the 12th. and last single in this years Naked Thoughts Album series.
a very special unplugged album of singer-songwriter Kara Johnstad's most intimate originals, capturing rare moments of Kara with Mr. Steinway, unplugged and pure.
All of it songs arose out of deep silence, and deep need to voice truth and a longing to share.
A powerful voice of unbridled passion and purity.
Truly, poetry has never sounded so good.
... and while there, please leave me a comment.
"Truly, Poetry Has Never Sounded So Good." In spring 2012, Kara began releasing one new single of the album NAKED THOUGHTS each and every month through her Voice Your Essence™ eZine and live stream concerts, and available for download at all major music portals. With more than 100 songs written, all of which she has produced and published under her own indie label, Kara Johnstad is an acclaimed artist with "... something of a female Leonard Cohen song writing sensibility with a bit of Renee Fleming mixed in, who is truly hard to categorize," as music critique Paul Wolfle best describes her unique signature sound.
"The voice of Kara Johnstad is truly outstanding. Whether soaring and exploring beyond the imagination or whispering gently as an angel, her lifelong training and love for her art are obvious".Jazzdimensions
I welcome you to my Naked Thoughts Album series. |
Written by Kara Johnstad
Sometimes we are in flow and the ideas simply arrive. We take out a pen and jot down the lines and "voila" a song is born.
Other days we feel stuck. At loss. There are so many great songs out there. Why even begin to write another love song? Another dance hit? Why add more to an already overfilled market?
The amazing thing is, that it is like going to a good restaurant. If the atmosphere is right and the appetizer is small and tasty, you might just find yourself enjoying a long evening and ordering dessert, even though you had planned to have only a small salad.
I like to call them songwriting "starters" and they are there to help us when we are not in the mood to cook and have no idea what to eat; when we are floundering and feeling at loss.
Where the path takes you is up to you. If you follow it to the end, you might just have a new beautiful song at the end of the session waiting to be shared.
Here are ideas to unleash your talent and give you a place to begin.
These 4 ideas are meant to whet your appetite,
and bring you into the sweet and deep process of writing.
1. Pick a phrase - any phrase.
Keep a jar close by of phrases that you hear in a conversation or one-liners you love. Yes, write them down on scraps of paper and keep them in this magical jar for the rainy days when your spirit is searching for direction.
Examples of my writing I have gathered are:
- Life changes so unexpectedly. I am here and you are there. Where is the thunder?
- Each day has a color. Yesterday I slipped into orange and found myself on your horizon.
- I lift my cup of coffee and my thoughts fly off like sparrows.
- The sadness slumbers so deeply, and yet I can not sleep.
- Unbutton my soul ...
Set a timer for 60 minutes and use one of your one liners as a jumping board. You can keep lots of magical jars around the house and play song-a-matic.
Kara's writing studio in Berlin
2. Get your dictionary out or go to rhymezone
My friends know that I love to word flip and discover acronyms and synonyms. Long ago I used to try to "perfect" my writing and repressed my quirky sense of humor and my love for word flipping. Now I have learned to embrace it.
I do not think in straight lines and if I try, I am not a happy camper. I tend to zig-zag between my right and left brain. I have hours of focused time of working very strategically, mixed with hours of losing time and all concepts and structures for writing songs. I let myself go by exploring word flips and opposites and related words.
So sometimes I get inspired by going to or, where I would just put in a simple word and see what pops up.
Ex: Heart
affection, affectionateness, bosom, center, centre, core,essence, eye, fondness, gist, inwardness, kernel, marrow,meat, mettle, middle, nerve, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, pump, spirit,spunk, substance, sum, tenderness, ticker, warmheartedness
From the above I love the sound of the word nitty-gritty. Also love spunk and tenderness. Now if you are at 'rhymezone', what are other related words?
You will find the craziest words like:
American Frogbit:
"American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches"
or bicameral
"consisting of two chambers"
or flutter - a great word.
"Beat rapidly or lightly."
Skim or dart.
"Art of moving back and forth.
It seems endless.
Cool fact. Did you know that heart has no antonym - no opposite? It is not like night and day. The heart is the center :)
3. Turn other people's lives into a song.
I rarely do this. Seems kind of like spying. And yet one of my best songs Smoked Out Blues was written using this technique. I wrote on divorce. I was 20 when I wrote it. How could I know about divorce? I used a story that was very close to me, but not mine, and slipped myself into the woman's skin. The exact scene when she was handed the papers. The feeling of raising kids and believing in the "til death do us part" vow. Believing so deeply, that she never saw or realized that the relationship had ended years before? Sometimes we wish to believe in another ending so deeply we do not live anymore our own lives.
Does your life seem too much in a routine to have new ideas or is it too close for comfort to write about your sadness or your lover who leaves his socks on the kitchen floor?
Try writing about stories that you hear from friends. What challenges are they facing in their lives? Family affairs, loss of a relative, losing a job, having an affair with the neighbor.
You don't have to name names or be so detailed that your friends feel exposed. Simply use the stories as a starting point.
Or if this is still too close for comfort, take the morning paper and write a song on an article that deeply moves you. Perhaps an unsung hero will finally receive the recognition they deserve.
4. Chord progressions
If you want to take a break from words and start with music, what few people realize is, while lyrics and melodies are copyrighted - chord progressions are not. Zillions of songs are written using the same chord progressions.
If you are at a loss of words and up against a wall with a deadline looming, use a basic chord progression to get you going. Many hits have been written using the following progressions.
C - G - Am - F
D - A - Bm - G
A - E - F#m - D
G - D - Em - C
E - B - C#m - A
Play over them slowly. Then change the tempo and the grooves. Listen to your inner voice. A melody may appear in search of words or words may appear in search of a melody.
In the end remember, it is a starter. These 4 ideas are meant to whet your appetite. To inspire and bring you into the sweet and deep process of writing.
Let me know which ones worked well for you.
P.S. Share with us your songwriting experience, and feel free to join the Voice Your Essence™ Community over on Facebook: I'm really excited to hear what you have to say.
Thank you, as always, for tuning in, reading and contributing.
Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
Kara Johnstad is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a powerful voice in the time and age of transition. She is a singer / songwriter, founder of the Voice Your Essence™ Community and creator of the Voice Your Essence™ and Voice Your Biz™ Programs. If you are ready to take your voice and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription of her weekly eZine, at
"Gonna take a trip to the truth and leave all my personal baggage behind."
Kara Johnstad is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a powerful voice in the time and age of transition.
She is an acclaimed singer/songwriter with more than 100 songs written - all of which she has produced and published under her own indie label, creator of the Voice Your Essence™ Artist Development Program and founder of the
Voice Your Essence™ Community.
Leading change agents, healers, personal development speakers and others recognize her as being a unique source of powerful truth and wisdom. As a top voice expert she has helped thousands with her "break-through" voice techniques and shares with us the secrets behind this powerful instrument and the role the human voice plays in fine tuning our mind-body-spirit systems.
Kara connects each and every week with subscribers from around the world via her Voice Your Essence™ eZine .
If you liked today's issue, you'll also enjoy listening to Kara's soulful music as part of your daily ritual of reconnecting to source or jump onto the next level and experience personally the power of your true authentic voice with Kara Johnstad's
Voice Your Essence™ Programs.
Images of Kara by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann and Stephan Eich
Cover Art for "Silence Is The Journey" by Linda Gavin /
Images of "Jocelyn B. Smith in concert" by courtesy of BLONDELL Productions
Wintergarten Berlin and Spotlights | all rights reserved by Wintergarten Varieté Berlin
Video: "Marina Abramović e Ulay - MoMA 2010" by courtesy of Marina Abramović/MoMA 2010
Image: "Original Lyrics of The Awakening" by Kara Johnstad
Image: "Writing Studio in Berlin" by Kara Johnstad
Video: "Smoked Out Blues" by Kara Johnstad