The Cooper 
Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

News & Events 


This Week: Masahiko Yendo
CU @ Lunch: Allyson Vieira (A '01)
Next Week: Luis Callejas
Upcoming: Yung Ho Chang
RESCHEDULED: IDP Presentation, April 1, 2014
Open Calls and Opportunities
Faculty and Alumni News
Notes from the Archive

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April 25 and 26, 2014 | LEBBEUS WOODS: A Celebration of His Life & Work


MAR 4 at 7PM
Rose Aud
41 Cooper Sq
In 1993 Frank Barkow and Regine Leibinger founded their practice in Berlin. Their interdisciplinary, discursive attitude allows their work to expand and respond to advancing knowledge and technology. This know-how contributes to recent projects including a gatehouse and factory-campus event space in Stuttgart Germany and the TRUTEC Office Building in Seoul. Current research projects have focused on infra light concrete, facade systems, space-frames, and ceramic elements. Recently completed projects include a high rise, Tour Total, near the Berlin main train station for CA Immo Developments and an apartment and hotel complex in passive house standard in Freiburg. A Current project on the boards is a multi-use extension for the Aufbau Haus in Berlin. 


Image: copyright David Franck  

Masahiko Yendo: Fictitious
Mar 6 at 6:30PM
RM 315
Foundation Bldg
Introducation by Michael Webb

Masahiko Yendo 1957, Tokyo. Yendo has his Bachelors degree from Rhode Island School of Design and Masters in Architecture from Pratt Institute. He has been affiliated with Research Institute of Experimental Architecture since its inception in Onionta New York in 1987 and his monogram 'Ironic Diversion" was published by Institute in 2001. His experimental projects continue to unearth the boundary of how we interface with architecture beyond what science or empiricism can offer. His research projects have generated international interest over the past decade, and published and exhibited in countries including France, Germany, Thailand, Austria, Czech Republic Croatia, England, India And Uruguay. 

Allyson Vieira (A '01)
Mar 11 at 12PM
Alumni Space, 3rd Fl
Student Residence
Using contemporary building materials, standards, and tools, Allyson Vieira investigates the relationship between form and material across historical eras. Often beginning with the mythology, aesthetic motifs, and architecture of Ancient Greece, Vieira reinterprets these into a contemporary context, just as history itself is recycled and rebuilt. Ruins, quotidian trash, and raw materials become commingled and compressed; the past and present transformed into the literal bedrock of successive generations.


Sponsored by the Career Center and Alumni Affairs
Mar 13 at 6:30PM
RM 315
Foundation Bldg
Lecture will be followed by a mid-term reception for students and faculty in the Lobby. 
All invited and encouraged to attend.
Luis Callejas (Medell�n, 1981) Architect, founding partner of Paisajes Emergentes and founder and director of lcla Office (Medell�n)

Callejas's design practice is positioned at the intersection of architecture, landscape and urbanism, and is oriented toward the generation of new forms of engagement with the public realm by reframing the traditionally limited disciplinary tools of architecture to make meaningful political and spatial impacts at territorial scales.

Having obtained diverse recognition in multiple public space and landscape architecture competitions, Luis Callejas was awarded with the 2013 Architectural League of New York Prize for Young Architects and selected as one of the world's ten best young practices by the Iakov Chernikhov International Foundation in 2010.

Luis Callejas is the author of Pamphlet Architecture 33 (Princeton Architectural Press, 2013) and is a lecturer in Landscape Architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design. 


Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ)
APR 2 at 7PM
Great Hall
The Cooper Union
7 E. 7 Street
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Architectural League of New York.

Yung Ho Chang is a founding principal of the Beijing-based Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ), established in 1993. Since its inception FCJZ has pursued a multi-disciplinary practice, emphasizing the craft of design, whether through research or realized projects from large-scale urban design to decorative arts, creating work described as "witty, thoughtful, and universal...inspired by distinctly Chinese problems and concepts," by Beijing museum director Philip Tinari. Current and recent projects include the Vertical Glass House, Beijing; Audi House, Shanghai; Kings Joy Restaurant, Beijing; the 1966-1976 Major Events Pavilion (also known as the Museum-Bridge) in Anren, China; The Bay residential complex, Shanghai; and the Shanghai Corporate Pavilion for the World Expo.

learn more ... 
Image: Shanghai Corporate Pavilion for the World Expo, 2010 | photo: FCJZ
Presented by Michael Samuelian
APR 1 at 12:15PM
RM 715
Foundation Bldg
Do you want to be an Architect? 
You need to be an Intern first. 
Everything you need to know about the Intern Development Program (IDP) 
The Intern Development Program (IDP) is an essential step in the path to become an architect. Your journey typically begins in a school of architecture; however, it does not end there. Ultimately, through the IDP you will learn about the daily realities of architectural practice, acquire comprehensive experience in basic practice areas, explore specialized areas of practice, develop professional judgment, and refine your career goals. IDP is designed to help you realize those goals. 
Professor Michael Samuelian will discuss IDP requirements, and explain the steps to establish your IDP record, identify your IDP supervisor, identify your mentor, document your experience, etc. 
Lunch will be served


CALL FOR ESSAYS: COMMON SHARE | Urban Omnibus announces their third annual writing competition, this year on the topic of common ownership, private property, and the sharing economy. With this competition, UO invites writers to infuse the discourse around structural economic change with narrative, theory, history, or humor. Deadline: May 12, 2014  learn more ...

CALL FOR PAPERS | The 9th International ENERGY FORUM on Advanced Building Skins conference's main objective is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach to sustainable buildings, and to create a dialogue among architects, engineers, scientists, energy managers and manufacturers with the aim of reducing the energy consumption of buildings. Deadline: March 10, 2014 learn more ...  

STUDENT DESIGN AWARDS | RSA-US Student Design Awards (SDA-US) is an awards program to inspire collaborative, multidisciplinary design-led social change which connects design students and faculty with industry needs. All undergraduate design students currently enrolled in a US college or university are invited to participate as long as they have faculty support. Deadline: March 19, 2014.  learn more ... 


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | CLOG announces an open call for its forthcoming issue: REM. While CLOG is about architecture, they encourage individuals from any field or background to contribute. Deadline: March 20, 2014  learn more ...  


HOUSING DESIGN AWARDS | The Boston Society of Architects announces their 2014 BSA Design Awards program. Any housing type anywhere in the world may be submitted if the architect/firm currently resides in New England or New York. This award is co-sponsored by the AIA New York Chapter. Deadline: March 21, 2014  learn more ...


CALL FOR PAPERS | Horizonte Journal is an independent student initiative of the Bauhaus - University Weimar. In its ninth edition, Horizonte questions the ruin as house, as idea, as concept and as architecture. Submissions may be in essay form, project-related, or as a result of research. Deadline: March 23, 2014 learn more ...


DESIGN COMPETITION | The Design Parade 9th International Festival of Design revolves around an international competition open to young designers, which combines exhibitions and discussions. Deadline March 31, 2014 learn more ...  


DESIGN CHALLENGE | Theatrum Mundi, in partnership with the American Institute of Architects, New York, has launched a "Designing for Free Speech" challenge. The challenge asks architects, designers, activists, artists to identify public spaces in New York City and propose re-designs that transform them into places that activate the rights enshrined in the First Amendment. Deadline: March 31, 2014  learn more ...  


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Urban Emergencies : Emergent Urbanism is seeking papers and projects in a variety of fields which discuss the implications of emergent risks on the built environment and its inhabitants. In addition to architects and urbanists, we welcome submissions from all disciplines including anthropology, geography, history, economics, psychology, political science, etc. Deadline: April 10, 2014learn more ... 


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | The Deborah J. Norden Fund, established in 1995 in memory of architect and arts administrator Deborah Norden, awards up to $5,000 annually in travel and study grants to students and recent graduates in the fields of architecture, architectural history, and urban studies. Deadline: April 17, 2014 learn more ...  


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Issue 10 of the Cornell Journal of Architecture invites you contribute a ghost story, a haunted house, a virtual reality, or a distillation that engages the spirit's complex and inevitable inhabitation of architecture. Deadline: August 1, 2014  learn more ...

ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ARTICLES | Anthony Vidler has recently published the essay "Troubles in Theory V: The Brutalist Moment(s)," as part of an ongoing series for The Architectural Review, January 30, 2014. The article "Future Frontiers: Anthony Vidler on Theory," also in The Architectural Review, covers Vidler's third lecture held as part of the Future Frontiers lecture series in which he discusses architectural theory, February 10, 2014.

LECTURE | David Gersten presented the lecture "John Hejduk: Through the Wall," at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico Escuela de Arquitectura in Ponce, Puerto Rico on Feburary 28, 2014. learn more ...

TRESPA EVENT | Situ Studio, where Wes Rozen is partner, presented their recent work in the event "#MakingIsDesign with Situ Studio" at Trespa, New York, NY, on February 27, 2014. learn more ...



Diller Scofidio + Renfro (Elizabeth Diller, AR '79; Ricardo Scofidio, AR '55) | article | "Dialogue: Security Theater," Architect Magazine, February 2014

Lance Jay Brown (AR '65) | moderator | "The Power of Architecture: Toyo Ito's Thoughts Post 3/11," Japan Society, New York, NY, March 11, 2014

Daniel Libeskind (AR '70) | speaker | "Celebration of the 110th Anniversary of Lazar Khidekel: An Artist, Visionary Architect, Designer, Theoretician and Pioneer of Environmentalism," Center for Architecture, New York, NY, March 11, 2014 
Elizabeth Diller (AR '79) | article | "Video: Liz Diller on the High Line, A Mile of Respite in the City that Never Sleeps,, February 22, 2014

Peggy Deamer (AR '77) | contributor | "The Critical Problem, Or, Talking Shop," LOG 30, Winter 2014 
T.J. Gottesdiener (AR '79) | article | "Studio Visit: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill," American Architects eMagazine, January 27, 2014 
Shigeru Ban (AR '84) | interview | "Q&A with Japanese Architect Shigeru Ban," Dwell, December/January 2014 
Shigeru Ban (AR '84) | news | "Shigeru Ban's Aspen Art Museum Set To Open This Summer," The Architect's Newspaper blog, February 26, 2014 
Jeffrey Hou (AR '90) | keynote | Cities That Talk: the 8th AESOP Young Academics Network Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 10-12, 2014 
Anthony Titus (AR '98) | contributor | "Eyes to the Ground, Visionary Notions of the Urban Landscape", Urban Hope Made in China by Steven Holl, Christoph a. Kumpusch (Ed.), Lars Mueller Publisher, 2014

Anthony Titus (AR '98) | participant | "City in a City: A Decade of Urban Thinking by Steven Holl Architects", panel discussion for the opening of the exhibition, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Schindler House, West Hollywood, CA, January 29, 2014 
Sotirios Kotoulas (AR '03) | article | "Project designer of the pumphouse prides himself on sustainable developments," Smart Tab Magazine, February 21, 2014 
Situ Studio (Basar Girit, Aleksey Lukyanov, Wes Rozen, Bradley Samuels, all AR '05) | lecture | "#MAKINGISDESIGN," Trespa, New York, NY, February 27, 2014

David Huber (AR '10) | contributor | "Chandigarh, Noted," LOG 30, Winter 2014 
Zhou Jianjia (M. Arch. II '13) | award | "Confrontation or Communication? A Timeline of City Edges," Public Choice Award, 2013 Shenzhen/Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture 
*Please submit your news to
Spain and Portugal, 1986:
Selections from the Stanley Prowler Travel Photos

This collection is comprised of over 6,000 transparencies all taken by late architect Stanley Prowler, who traveled extensively in the U.S. and abroad.  The images focus mainly on built works of architecture. A selection of images taken during his travels to Spain and Portugal are currently on view in the Third Floor Exhibition Hallway of the Foundation Building. The exhibition focuses on the ornate details of Christian and Moorish architecture from the 14th to 17th centuries. The exhibition will be on view from March 4th thru April 25th, 2014.

The Third Floor Hallway Exhibition is open to current students, faculty and staff of The Cooper Union.

School of Architecture Archive historical background: In 1970 John Hejduk and Roger Canon, AR'70, established a methodology to document student work for the publication Education of An Architect: A Point of View, which coincided with an exhibition of the same name held at the Museum of Modern Art in 1971. Supported by a recommendation of the 1980 National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) Visiting Team, the Archive was established in 1983, and officially became a department of the School of Architecture in 1991. 


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