The Cooper 
Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

News & Events 


Richard Meier Lecture
Submissions: RSA Student Design Awards
Open Calls and Opportunities
Faculty and Alumni News
Notes from the Archive
Progress Report

The School of Architecture Dean Search process is continuing following the holiday break.  Reports on the progress of the search were provided to the Faculty of the School of Architecture at meetings on 7 October and 19 November and to the student representatives on the Committee at a meeting on 26 November. The Committee provides this summary of the current state of the search process.

To date:

The search was announced in August 2013 though electronic broadcasts to faculty, students, alumni and the broader architectural community as well as postings on the websites of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, the Society of Architectural Historians and The Cooper Union.

As of 15 November 2013, over 90 responses to the original call for nominations had been received from a broad range of sources, including those who nominated themselves. Immediately after the closure of nominations, the Committee contacted all those nominated to confirm their interest in being considered further.

Following the responses from those nominated, the Committee selected a list of applicants from whom it requested additional materials representing work in academic, professional and/or scholarly areas and a statement summarizing a vision for the School of Architecture in the broader context of contemporary architectural education. These materials are in the process of being collected.

As of this date, no candidates have been selected.

Going forward:

Three colleagues representing the professional and academic spheres of architecture were invited to serve as external advisors to the Committee and to participate in the selection process with the Committee. The Committee and its advisors will review the materials provided by individuals as outlined above in the second half of January.  

From this group, a selection will be made of potential candidates to be invited for interviews with the Committee, its advisors and the student representatives.

50th Anniversary in Practice
Jan 23 at 7PM
The Great Hall
7 East 7 Street
A special lecture to celebrate Richard Meier's 50th anniversary in practice.

This lecture is co-sponsored by the Architectural League of New York.

Richard Meier founded his New York City based firm in 1963. His practice has completed commissions worldwide that range from civic structures, museums, and corporate headquarters, to housing and private residences. From early projects - including the now iconic "white" houses, such as the Smith House in Darien, and institutional projects beginning with the Bronx Development Center - to the Getty Center in Los Angeles or Rome's Ara Pacis Museum and Jubilee Church, Meier and his partners continue to embody the accolades of the Pritzker Prize citation almost thirty years ago, that, in his "single-minded pursuit of the essence of modern architecture...he has broadened its range of forms to make it responsive to the expectations of our time." 

Moderated discussion to follow with fellow partners Bernhard Karpf, Reynolds Logan, and Dukho Yeon


Image: Richard Meier & Partners-Italcemente i.lab, Bergamo, Italy | photo: Scott Frances-OTTO
Call for submissions
Deadline for Submissions:
March 19, 2014
RSA-US Student Design Awards (SDA-US) is an awards program to inspire collaborative, multidisciplinary design-led social change which connects design students and faculty with industry needs.

All undergraduate design students currently enrolled in a US college or university are invited to participate as long as they have faculty support.

The 2014 design focus is in the following disciplines:
Applied Industrial Design * Architecture * Product Design * Fashion & Textiles * Interior Design * Materials Science

Deadline for online submissions is March 19, 2014.

learn more ...

Read about last year's Cooper Union student awardees here. 

HUD STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION | HUD PD&R invites teams from accredited educational institutions in the United States to participate in its Innovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition. Teams must be comprised of students enrolled in a graduate degree program. The site for the competition problem is in the Borough of Emerson, located in Bergen County, NJ. In addition to developing the site to provide affordable homes for veterans, teams will be challenged to creatively repurpose the Peter DeBaun House that was built on the property in the late 18th century. Registration Deadline: January 31, 2014  learn more ...

STUDENT SUMMER SCHOLARS COMPETITION | Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company seeks up to four architectural students for its Summer Scholars program. Scholars test their design skills with professional architects and put classroom experience to work on real projects. Submissions will be evaluated by an in-house design jury. This full-time summer position provides competitive compensation. Houseing included. Deadline: February 17, 2014   learn more ...

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Issue 10 of the Cornell Journal of Architecture invites you contribute a ghost story, a haunted house, a virtual reality, or a distillation that engages the spirit's complex and inevitable inhabitation of architecture. Issue 10 will collect a spectrum of specters from the phenomenal to the digital, and question the role and the possibility of the spirit in architecture today. Deadline: August 1, 2014  

STUDENT OPPORTUNITY: PAID INTERNSHIPS | The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers forty-one paid internships for undergraduate and master's degree students each year. Internships commence in June and are placed in host departments where they work closely with supervisors on special and ongoing projects. Deadline: January 9, 2014   learn more ...  


CURRENT GRADUATE STUDENTS: CALL FOR PAPERS AND ARTWORKS | SBU Philosophy and the Arts Conference: Façades: the Architecture of (In)Authenticity, April 11-12th 2014. The 2014 conference will explore the vicissitudes of the Façade - its place, importance, and structure. Deadline: January 12, 2014. learn more ...


CALL FOR PROPOSALS: SAH | 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, the Society of Architectural Historians. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of SAH chapters and partner organizations, as well as future members to chair a session at the conference. Deadline: January 15, 2013  learn more ... 


STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION | The Kazakh Student Association in Washington, DC (KSA@DC) together with the George Washington University are proud to announce the "EXPO Village 2017: Innovation in Energy Efficiency and Saving" contest aimed at attracting innovative projects and approaches in the field of energy saving and efficiency. Teams of up to ten students representing leading North American universities will be judged based on technical content and feasibility, market potential, relevance to the Kazakh market, customer adoption, completeness of work, creativity, and innovation. The winning team will be awarded $50,000. Deadline: January 15, 2014  learn more ...  


4TH YEAR DESIGN STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES | The following opportunities are open to students who will be entering their final year of study in September 2014: 

MOA Architecture Scholarship and Internship: Submissions due in January 2014 

2014 Hart Howerton Fellowship: Deadline is January 17, 2014

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: EXHIBITIONS/INSTALLATIONS | The Center for Architecture is currently accepting proposals for its Breakthrough Space gallery for the 2014 season. Deadline: Ongoing  learn more ... 

DESIGN AWARDS AIANY 2014 | The AIA New York Chapter announces Design Awards in the categories of Architecture, Interiors, Urban Design and Projects. Submissions should also reflect a strong sense of place, history, or purpose. Deadline: February 3, 2014  learn more ...


CALL FOR ENTRIES | Young architects and designers are invited to submit work to the annual Architectural League Prize Competition. Projects of all types, either theoretical or real, and executed in any medium, are welcome. Deadline: February 10, 2013  learn more ...  


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | The journal Nova Organa is accepting written and visual work that utilizes new and forgotten methods of fiction, critique, and philosophy in the creation of art/architecture theory and thinking. The next issue will use "Architecture" as an epigraph/theme. Deadline Extended: February 15, 2014  learn more ...


STUDENT OPPORTUNITY: VELUX AWARD | The International VELUX Award encourages students of architecture to explore the theme of sunlight and daylight in its widest sense to create a deeper understanding of this specific and ever relevant source of light and energy. The Award is global and open to any registered student of architecture backed by a teacher from a school of architecture. Register by March 3, 2014. learn more ... 

PUBLICATION | Diane Lewis has contributed the introduction to the publication Berlin: A Morphology of Walls (Archive Books, 2014) by Anna Kostreva (AR '09) learn more ...

GUEST SPEAKER | Teddy Kofman will give the lecture "Urban Forest: Houston, Texas," as part of The Cooper Union Texas Founder's Day in San Antonio, Texas on February 22, 2014. learn more ... 



Diller Scofidio + Renfro (Elizabeth Diller, AR '79; Ricardo Scofidio, AR '55) | article | "2013 in Review: Top 10 Newsmakers," Azure Magazine, December 13, 2013 

Toshiko Mori (AR '76) | lecture | First Friday, The Architectural League of New York, January 10, 2014

Toshiko Mori (AR '76) | lecture | Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria, January 20, 2014 

Frank Gerard Godlewski (AR '82) | article | "Maps chronicle changes, history of the Meadowlands,", December 8, 2013 

Shigeru Ban (AR '84) | keynote speaker | Green Design for the Future: Tsinghua-ECGB Asia Architecture Summit & Exhibition, Beijing City, China, December 12-13, 2013 

Christine Benedict (AR '86) | news | "Synapse Residential Group and Taurus Investment Holdings Acquire Harlem Development Site: First Large Scale Market-Rate Building to Be Built to Passive House Standards in NYC," PR News Wire, December 10, 2013 

John Lin (AR '02) | symposium participant | Green Design for the Future: Tsinghua-ECGB Asia Architecture Summit & Exhibition, Beijing City, China, December 12-13, 2013 

Sotirios Kotoulas (AR '03) | news | "City of Winnipeg committee approves Waterfront Drive tower," Metro News Canada, January 6, 2014

Snarkitecture (Alex Mustonen, AR '05) | honoree | Installation: Bend, Interior Design's 2013 Best of Year Awards, Interior Design, December 6, 2013 

Anna Kostreva (AR '09) | book launch | Berlin: A Morphology of Walls, Gallery Molly Krom, New York, NY, January 4, 2014 

Jeremy Jacinth (AR '13) | honoree | Graduate Directory 2014 (slides 28-29), Wallpaper Magazine, January 2014 
Jianjia Zhou (M.Arch.II '13) | exhibition | "Confrontation or Communication? A Timeline of City Edges," exhibited in 2013 Shenzhen/Hongkong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzhen, China. On view until February 28, 2014. 
*Please submit your news to
Publication Highlight: Solitary Travelers (1980)

In the Spring of 1977, under the auspices of the Mellon Professorship, John Ashbery, poet; Jay Fellows, literary critic; Robert Freeman, filmmaker; John Hawkes, novelist and playwright; Aldo Rossi, architect; and Joseph Rykwert, historian were invited to the fifth year studios of the architectural school of The Cooper Union. The purpose was general: to make the school a crossroads where the maker and his work were no longer heroically apart but where the guest and student, in company, could share and sense the affinities of each other's craft.

This book is a collage of thought containing eleven Poems by Ashbery, a labyrinthine text by Jay Fellows on John Ruskin, stills from Secret World by Robert Freeman, a story by John Hawkes and essays by Aldo Rossi and Joseph Rykwert. The reader may make a whole fabric of these pieces, or may remember these encounters, chance or chosen, as a necessary experience - something is always there for the eye that listens.

Preface by John F. White. Introduction by Sean Sculley. Afterword by John Hejduk.
Designed by Janet Gold and Tom Kluepfel.


Image: stills, Secret World by Robert Freeman
School of Architecture Archive historical background: In 1970 John Hejduk and Roger Canon, AR'70, established a methodology to document student work for the publication Education of An Architect: A Point of View, which coincided with an exhibition of the same name held at the Museum of Modern Art in 1971. Supported by a recommendation of the 1980 National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) Visiting Team, the Archive was established in 1983, and officially became a department of the School of Architecture in 1991. 


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