The Cooper 
Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

News & Events 


Richard Knox: An Exhibition and Celebration
October Exhibitions
Student Opportunity | Off-site studio visit
Around School | Lecture: Building the Impossible
Save the Date: Film by Diana Agrest
Open Calls and Opportunities
Faculty and Alumni News
3 Lecture during October
Oct 17, 24, 31 at 6PM
Rm 315
Foundation Building
October 17 | Functionalism in Czechoslovakia 1918-1939. 

October 24 | Hans Scharoun: Early Works 1911-1945. Introduction by Antony Vidler.

October 31 | New Architecture in Brno

All lectures held in Room F315 at 6PM

Vladim�r Slapeta, Hon FAIA, graduated from the Czech University of Technology in Prague. From 1973-91 he was Head of the Architecture Collection of the National Museum of Technology in Prague, where he organized a series of exhibitions: The Brno Functionalists in Helsinki, 1983; Czech Functionalism 1918-1938 at the AA in London; and Czech Cubism at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in New York and the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989 he became Dean of the Architecture Faculty in Prague from 1991-97 and again from 2003-2006, and later in Brno from 2006-2010. He is a Fellow of the Akademie der Kuenste in Berlin, where he served as Deputy Director of the Architecture Department from 1997-2006. He is the author or co-author of more than 30 books on architecture of the 20th century in Central Europe.


Exhibition and Celebration

Oct 20 at 3-5PM
Houghton Gallery
Reception to Follow
Sculpture Shop, 4th fl
Richard Knox, Cooper Union School of Art alum, shop technician, artist and friend, passed away on July 4th 2013. For over two decades he mentored artists, architects, makers and thinkers during their time in the Sculpture Shop. Richard was a dedicated artist and a meticulous craftsperson. As students and colleagues will attest, he approached each problem with a unique creative intensity. 

An exhibition of Richard's work will be held in the Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery of the Cooper Union from October 19th through November 8th, 2013. A celebration of his life and work will be held in the gallery on Sunday, the 20th of October from 3pm to 5pm. A reception will follow in the Sculpture Shop on the 4th floor. In the spirit of community, the shop reception will be potluck, with hotdogs and drinks provided. 

Exhibition Dates: Saturday, October 19 through Friday, November 8 
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12-7pm 
Located in the Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery, 7East 7th Street, 2nd Floor 

Photo credit: John H. Busch.

Crowd-Sourcing a New Map for the Buckminster Fuller Institute
Oct 22 at  6-8PM
2nd Fl Hallway
7 East 7 Street
An exhibition presented by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union, The Buckminster Fuller Institute and The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design

The Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) is proud to partner with The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union and The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design to exhibit DYMAX REDUX, a crowdsourcing design contest to highlight today's graphic designers, visual artists and citizen cartographers own interpretation of Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map. Originally published 70 years ago, Fuller's map was a cartographic breakthrough showing one island in one ocean; an iconic design that has inspired generations since. The exhibit will feature mounted prints of all 11 finalists from the DYMAX REDUX contest, whose submissions offer a variety of beautifully original, informative and radical projections onto the Dymaxion world map. By using map as canvas these finalists explore a range of topics including deforestation, climate and atmospheric conditions, historic events, migration routes, water use, gun violence, urbanization, time zones and even lunar topography. Also exhibited will be a selection of Fuller's own maps to provide background and context for the project. 

On view October 22 - November 27, 2013

Images from the Mixing Layer
OCT 22 at 6-8PM
Great Hall Gallery
Foundation Building
7 East 7 Street

Is Manhattan sitting in a cloud of methane?

Odorless, invisible, lighter-than-air methane is a significant urban pollutant that is a potential crisis in the making.

Developed by artists Ruth Hardinger and Rebecca Smith as a confluence of climate change research, environmental activism and artistic practice, EMISSIONS: Images from the Mixing Layer initiates new ways of sourcing information, sharing and expressing data. The project draws upon a scientific study conducted by Gas Safety Inc. under the aegis of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability which utilized highly sensitive technology to measure fugitive methane emissions over 160 miles of roadway in Manhattan.

Partipating Artists:
Colleen Fitzgibbon, Ruth Hardinger, Joe Lewis, Christy Rupp, Rebecca Smith.

EMISSIONS: Images from the Mixing Layer is a two-part program consisting of a panel discussion moderated by Al Appleton and an art exhibition curated by Ruth Hardinger and Rebecca Smith. It is sponsored by the Institute for Sustainable Design at Cooper Union for Marfa Dialogues/NY in cooperation with The Rauschenberg Foundation.



with Ryan Oakes (A '04) and 
Trevor Oakes (A '04)
Oct 19 at 12PM
Oakes Studio
3302 Skillman Ave, 4th fl
LIC, Queens, NY
Ryan and Trevor Oakes collaborate to create works that explore human spherical vision and the construction of images. Learn more about their art and their practice by seeing it on site and hearing about the artists' practice through visiting their studio in Long Island City, Queens. Also, see 

Register for the Off-site Studio Visit online at this link 

Download more information and directions to the studio here.

Presentation by Jon Magnusson 

Oct 22 at 12PM
The Great Hall
7 East 7 Street

Architects are exploring forms and aesthetics that were impossible to realize as recently as ten years ago. From the swoopy curves of Frank Gehry's Experience Music Project to the crisp angularity of the Rem Koolhaus Seattle Central Library, architects are truly exploring the boundaries of what modern building technologies can support.

This presentation by Jon Magnusson, a civil engineer and Senior Principal at Magnusson Klemencic Associates, will explore the way many "impossible dreams" were conceptualized, designed, and built. Projects to be examined include the Seattle Central Library, the San Jose International Airport designed by Fentress Architects and CenturyLink Field in Seattle, designed by Ellerbe Becket in association with Loschky Marquardt & Nesholm Architects. Each of these projects succeeded by creating a different set of engineering solutions ranging from inventing new structural systems to advanced construction methodology to seismic isolation. The presentation will finish with a look to the future with another generation of exotic architecture pushing technology forward. 
This lecture, organized by the Civil Engineering Department of the Albert Nerken School of Engineering, has been generously funded by the Steel Institute of New York
Image credit: The San Jose International Airport; Fentress Architects

The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 1967-1984
Film Screening
Nov 13 at 7PM
The Great Hall
7 East 7 Street
A documentary written, produced and directed by Diana Agrest

A public screening of the film will be held in The Great Hall of The Cooper Union on Wednesday 13 November at 7pm with a reception to follow.

This event is co-sponsored by the Architectural League of New York.

About the film:

The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, founded in 1967 with close ties to The Museum of Modern Art, made New York the global center for architectural debate and redefined architectural discourse in the United States. A place of immense energy and effervescence, its founders and participants were young and hardly known at the time but would ultimately shape architectural practice and theory for decades. Agrest's film documents and explores the Institute's fertile beginnings and enduring significance as a locus for the avant-garde. The film features Mark Wigley, Peter Eisenman, Diana Agrest, Charles Gwathmey, Mario Gandelsonas, Richard Meier, Kenneth Frampton, Barbara Jakobson, Frank Gehry, Anthony Vidler, Deborah Berke, Rem Koolhaas, Stan Allen, Suzanne Stephens, Bernard Tschumi, Joan Ockman, among others.

Panel discussion and reception to follow.



VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY | Van Alen Institute (VAI) is seeking volunteers to assist our small staff at programs and events. We are hoping to build a core group of dedicated volunteers, so we ask that each volunteer commits to working a minimum of 4 events per year. Volunteers should have an interest in VAI's mission, its past and current work, and in cities, design, and/or planning. Deadline: Ongoing. learn more ...

FELLOWSHIP | OfficeUS is seeking five fellows to take on the role of Principals during the 2014 Venice Biennale at the US Pavilion. From May 23, 2014 through November 23, 2014, the Principals will speculate on and project new futures of a history of American architectural exports on exhibit at the pavilion. The work of OfficeUS will be published as a book and exhibited at Storefront for Art and Architecture in the spring of 2015. Deadline: December 2, 2013.  learn more ...

CALL FOR PAPERS | The Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities After Disasters' (CRSCAD) forthcoming International Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Sustainable Reconstruction: The Role of Architectural, Planning and Engineering Education, is currently accepting abstracts. The event will be held at the University of Massachusetts Boston, May 8-9, 2014. Paper presentations, posters and students' work on post-disaster reconstruction are welcome. Selected papers will be published in an edited book format after the conference. Deadline: December 3, 2013. learn more ...
CURRENT GRADUATE STUDENTS: CALL FOR PAPERS AND ARTWORKS | SBU Philosophy and the Arts Conference: Fa�ades: the Architecture of (In)Authenticity, April 11-12th 2014. Artists and scholars to the 2014 conference in order to explore the vicissitudes of the Fa�ade - its place, importance, and structure. Other aspects of the main theme to be considered include: public/professional vs. private/personal features of fa�ades; the relation between the fa�ade and the human face; the politics and ethics of fa�ades. Deadline: January 12, 2014. learn more ...

STUDENT OPPORTUNITY: VELUX AWARD | The International VELUX Award encourages students of architecture to explore the theme of sunlight and daylight in its widest sense to create a deeper understanding of this specific and ever relevant source of light and energy. The Award is global and open to any registered student of architecture backed by a teacher from a school of architecture. Register by March 3, 2014. learn more ...

GENSLER INTERN PROGRAM | Gensler is currently reviewing applications for our Global Intern program. Gensler invites global students to join our creative studio environment as we redefine what's possible through the power of design. Applications are reviewed monthly and outstanding applicants may be contracted by Gensler when an opportunity opens. Deadline: Ongoing.   learn more ...  

2014 BERKELEY PRIZE: ESSAY COMPETITION | The Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Design Excellence endowment was established in the Department of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design to promote the investigation of architecture as a social art. This year the topic for the Essay Competition is: The Architect and the Healthful Environment. Deadline: November 1, 2013  learn more ... 


RFP: LOS ANGELES BASED ARCHITECTS | SKYLINE is a free, ten-day, annual architecture and art event that showcases site specific, experimental, interactive installations that embrace Los Angeles' ever-evolving cultural landscape. SKYLINE participants will consist of eight local architect(s) and artist(s) via an RFP process, and eight national and international teams invited by SKLYINE's prestigious host committee. Deadline: November 1, 2013  learn more ...   

DESIGN COMPETITION | Blank Space will soon be launching the world's first narrative-based architecture competition. The proposals will combine text-based architectural fairy tales with innovative graphic representations. Early Registration Deadline: November 8, 2013  learn more ...


SAH FILM AND VIDEO AWARD | The SAH Award for Film and Video was established in 2013 to recognize annually the most distinguished international work of film or video on the history of the built environment. Deadline: December 1, 2013 learn more ...

FOUNDATION FOR LANDSCAPE STUDIES 2014 BOOK PRIZE | There are two prizes for publications on landscape and garden design awarded for 2014. Deadline for nominations: December 1, 2013  
DESIGN COMPETITION | The Living Cities design competition asks professionals and students in architecture and engineering to share their vision of multi-use residential towers for the 21st century. Sponsored by Metropolis magazine. Deadline: January 3, 2014  learn more ...

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: SAH | 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, the Society of Architectural Historians. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of SAH chapters and partner organizations, as well as future members to chair a session at the conference. Deadline: January 15, 2013  learn more ... 

ARTICLE | The work of Situ Studio, where Wes Rozen is partner, was featured in the article "Maker's Paradize," in the Architect's Newspaper on October 10, 2013 for the construction of a new complex of permanent pavilions designed to facilitate interactive learning at the New York Hall of Science's Lower Central Pavilion.  learn more ... 

EXHIBITION | Pat McElnea has curated the exhibition Bent In at Primetime Gallery in Brooklyn, NY. The opening reception is October 18 and will remain on view through October 30, 2013.   learn more ...

Daniel Libeskind (AR '70) | lecture | Fall 2013 Baumer Lecture Series, Knowlton School of Architecture, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, November 6, 2013

Christoff:Finio (Martin Finio, AR '88) | award | East End House, Long Island, New York, AIA New York State 2013 Award of Merit (Residential - Single Large)

SITU STUDIO (Basar Girit, Aleksey Lukyanov, Wes Rozen, Bradley Samuels, all AR '05) | news | "Maker's Paradise," The Architect's Newspaper, October 10, 2013

Lior Galili (AR '06) | folio | Recent inclusion of a drawing in the Architectural Review online folio. October 2013

Ezegbebe Imade Eribo (AR '13) | undergraduate runner-up | "Secret Radio Station and Fish Smoking Facility," Global Architecture Graduate Awards 2013, The Architectural Review 


*Please submit your news to [email protected]


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