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Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

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at The School of Architecture
JULY 8 - AUG 2 
The School of Architecture will offer 4-week intensive workshops in summer 2013 for college credit in introductory and advanced programs. These programs will introduce students to foundational concepts and practices within the study of architecture and explore the role of advanced digital technologies as a theoretical and formal determinate in contemporary architecture.

INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURE: Foundational Studies and Portfolio Development
Introduction to Architecture is an intensive, full time, studio-centered summer program that offers college level students a comprehensive overview of the culture, practice and history of architecture through the unique studio design pedagogy that has distinguished the School of Architecture for over thirty years. The program is directed towards students who wish to pursue a professional degree in architecture and seek to develop fundamental skills and an application portfolio.

STRANGE CRAFT: Masterclass in Contemporary Digital Architecture
This four week intensive workshop sets out to understand contemporary digital techniques in architecture through its relations to aesthetics and fabrication. To work in a digital environment is to be constantly shifting between technologies of mediation. This course will explore contemporary digital design through the creation of virtual and physical objects joined to conceptual and aesthetic discourse. 


Structure and Architectural Concept
APR 16 at 6PM
Great Hall
7 E. 7 Street
Holger Schulze-Ehring, Dipl.-Ing., Cand.-Arch. and Vice President at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, applies his expertise in advanced engineering and architecture to the design of unique, inventive, and complex structures. Uniting his strong technical and creative background he works with renowned architects and artists on museums and other cultural buildings, transportation hubs and bridges (including the World Trade Center Port Authority Trans-Hudson Transportation Hub), as well as sculptures, lightweight and moveable structures. Applying his training and research in both structural engineering and architecture, he teaches design of long-span structures at the Manhattan College and has been a guest lecturer, critic and juror at numerous universities, including Columbia University, Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania.

This lecture, organized by Civil Engineering Department of the Albert Nerken School of Engineering has been generously funded by the Ornamental Metal Institute of New York. 

Architecture on an Island
APR 23 at 12PM
RM 315
Foundation Bldg
gpy arquitectos sees architecture as a means of using space to seek out new forms of relating man with his surroundings. Dissolution of the limits between interior and exterior, public and private, urban and territorial, is employed as a strategy for transforming its projects into social spaces.

The studio has received a number of high-profile awards in recognition of its work. In 2003, gpy arquitectos won the international ar+d Award for Emerging Architecture (The Architectural Review) and was awarded the Silver Medal at the Bienal Miami + Beach. That same year, the studio was nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award, and in 2008, it was nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov International Prize. In 2009, gpy arquitectos won the Bronze Medal at the Bienal Miami + Beach as well as the Experiencia/Futuros: Mi obra favorita (Experience/Futures: My Favorite Work) award of the Higher Council of Architects in Spain (CSCAE) for its work on the Tenerife Centre of Dramatic Arts, a project that was also featured at the exhibit On-Site: New Architecture in Spain at the MoMA in New York in 2006.

Image courtesy gpy arquitectos

Michael Webb
APR 18
RM 315
Foundation Bldg
Michael Webb joined the Archigram Group in 1963, a collection of six young architects rebelling against what they saw as an English architectural scene on life support. Through the pages of a magazine the group produced highly colored images of 'a new architecture that would stand alongside the spacecapsules, the inflatable structures and the lifestyles of a new generation.' For eleven years, an exhibition of the group's work toured the world. Originating in Vienna, it visited New York in 1998. In August of 2003 it was mounted in Seoul, Korea, and in London in March of 2004.

Lecture and Ceremony
APR 26 at 6:30PM
APR 27 at 2PM
Rose Aud
41 Cooper Sq  
The RSA-US Student Design Awards is an undergraduate competition to inspire collaborative design-led social change in the areas of architecture, interiors, urban transit, industrial design, fashion and textiles connects design students and faculty with industry needs. Promoting sustainable innovation for social good: This new awards program inspires socially inclusive, change-making design that cuts across traditional boundaries.

The Annual Lecture will take place on Friday 26 April with introductions by President Jamshed Bharucha and Professor David Turnbull.

The Awards Ceremony will take place on Saturday 27 April and will include presentations by 12 designers and architects, followed by a round-table discussion and reception. 

Guest Editor Diane Lewis with Articles by Faculty and Alumni
Volume 54
No. 1 
The current issue of Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media includes essays by School of Architecture faculty and alumni.

"In the dossier, Architects on Film: Architects on the Frame, guest edited by Diane Lewis, ten architects were asked to examine a single film still and to write about it in a single page in whatever manner they chose. Each piece, with a personal, almost dreamy, quality, is distinct. At times the still is discussed on its own; at times supporting images are used. Some pieces have a journal-like tone, others seem like a reflection, others are meditative, and others an exegesis. Each is its own 'house.' " - Drake Stutesman

Contributing authors to DOSSIER: Architects on Film: Architects on the Frame include:

Diane Lewis (Guest Editor), Alessandro Melis, Juhani Pallasmaa, Catherine Ann Somerville Venart, 
Lebbeus WoodsDaniel MeridorWes Rozen (AR '05), David TurnbullEmma Fuller (AR '06)



JOB OPPORTUNITY | The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design is looking for student workers to help with set-up and logistics for its event on April 22, the New York Mayoral Forum on Sustainability. We will mostly need students from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. This will be a paid job. Interested students should email Patrick Robbins at [email protected]


CALL FOR WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS | Terra Insola is a scripting and fabrication workshop taking place this summer in Crete, Greece.  This workshop will have four areas of development: theoretical, computational, material fabrication and film documentation. The project (design, process, researches, documentation, construction, etc.) will entirely emerge from the collaborative work of the group, as a unique and engaged realization. Blurring the limits between students and instructors, together a strategy of co-responsibility and co-authorship will be defined. Workshop instructors include Ezio Blasetti, Stephan Henrich, Lydia Kallipoliti, Camille Lacadee, Francois Roche, Andreas Theodoridis, Danielle Willems. 

APPLICATION DEADLINE : 30 April 2013  learn more ...  

OPEN FIGURE DRAWING SESSIONS | The School of Art has scheduled models for two open sessions of Figure Drawing. School of Architecture students are welcome to attend. There is no RSVP necessary, just come on the scheduled days with materials and ready to draw. The sessions are held in a well ventilated classroom, so students are welcome to do oil sketches in additional to the usual charcoal, etc. 

Sunday, 4/21, 3-7pm, rm 630C Foundation (two models) 
Sunday, 4/28, 3-7pm, rm 630C Foundation (one model) 
TRAVEL AND STUDY GRANT | The Deborah J. Norden Fund awards up to $5,000 annually in travel and study grants to students and recent graduates in the fields of architecture, architectural history, and urban studies. Deadline: April 17, 2013.  learn more ...   

MELLON FELLOWSHIP | The grant will support a major new initiative within LSE Cities exploring the intersection of architecture, urbanism and the humanities.  learn more ... 

CALL FOR PAPERS | Constructing Urban Intelligence workshop is part of the 9th International Conference on Intelligence Environments, and will take place in Athens, Greece, July 16-17, 2013. Designers, researchers, and practitioners across multiple disciplinary domains are invited to submit papers. 
Deadline: April 24, 2013  learn more ... 


MIT CALL FOR PAPERS | Thresholds is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish only original material. The Call for Papers for Issue 42 is HUMAN. Deadline: April 30, 2013  learn more ...  
CITY OF DREAMS PAVILION COMPETITION | FIGMENT with the Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA) of the American Institute of Architects NY Chapter (AIANY) and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY) are hosting a design competition for an architectural pavilion on Governors Island, the City of Dreams Pavilion.  Registration: May 1, 2013  learn more ... 


STUDENT OPPORTUNITY: THE CHARLES E. PETERSON PRIZE | The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) of the National Park Service, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia and The American Institute of Architects (AIA) announce the 2013 Charles E. Peterson Prize, which annually recognizes the best set of measured drawings prepared to HABS standards and donated to HABS by students. Deadline: May 31, 2013  learn more ...

THE LEICESTER B. HOLLAND PRIZE | This annual competition recognizes the best single-sheet measured drawing of an historic building, site, or structure prepared by an individual(s) to the standards of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), or the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS). Deadline: May 31, 2013   learn more ... 
DESIGN COMPETITION: POST-SANDY | 3C: Comprehensive Coastal Communities invites entrants to design a 'prototype' resilient housing typology responding to the local  conditions and integrate the prototype into a neighborhood context in the scale of the neighborhood block. REGISTRATION: June 30, 2013  learn more ...  

SAH AWARD | Anthony Vidler was presented with the 2013 Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award by the Society of Architectural Historians for excellence in published exhibition catalogs for James Frazer Stirling, Notes from the Archive, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Yale Center for British Art in association with Yale University Press, 2010  learn more ...
PANEL DISCUSSION | David Turnbull will moderate the panel discussion Transforming Markets by Design, co-sponsored by The Cooper Union Alumni Association and Financial Servies Affinity Group on April 25, 2013.   learn more ...
LECTURE | Michael Young lectured at the School of Architecture at Woodbury University in Los Angeles, CA, as part of their Spring 2013 Lecture Series on April 9, 2013.   learn more ...
PANELIST AND PUBLICATION | Lydia Kallipoliti participated on the panel discussion Definitions Series 03: On Capital to be held at Storefront for Art & Architecture on April 12, 2013. Her article "Torre David/Gran Horizonte" was published in the March 2013 issue of the Journal of Architectural Education (JAE).
WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR | Markus Schulte lead the DESIGNING & BUILDING PERFORMING FACADES: No Performance - Poor Performance - High Performance? workshop as part of the facades+PERFORMANCE Consortium held at the McGraw-Hill Conference Center, New York, NY on April 12, 2013.  learn more ...

Daniel Libeskind (AR '70) | lecture | "The Art of Memory," The Cooper Union, April 30, 2013
Toshiko Mori (AR '76) | panelist | "Municipal Art Society Challenges Architects for New Penn Station Vision," The New York Times, April 4, 2013 

Shigeru Ban (AR '84) | solo exhibition | "Shigeru Ban - Architecture and Humanitarian Activities," Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery, Mito City, Japan, March 2-May 12, 2013

Robert Cowherd (AR '88) and Jeffrey Hou (AR '90) | panelist | Engaging the Asian City: Alternative Approaches to Urban Theory, Pedagogy and Practice symposium, University of Southern California, April 12, 2013 

Jeffrey Hou (AR '90) | lecture | "Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking," Geography Colloquium, The CUNY Graduate Center, April 18, 2013 

Jeffrey Hou (AR '90) and Robert Cowherd (AR '88)  | panelist | Emerging Asian Cities: Provocations and Practices Symposium, Parsons The New School for Design, (postponed from last November) April 19, 2013

Gina Pollara (AR '91) | author | "Louis Kahn's Place of Memory," Faith & Form, Vol. 46, Issue 1, 2013

Vladimir Belogolovsky (AR '96) | curatorial presentation | "Harry Seidler: Architecture, Art and Collaborative Design," Architecture Center Houston, TX, April 5, 2013

OBRA Architects (Jennifer Lee, AR '97) | longlisted | WAN 21 for 21 Awards, World Architecture News, March 2013 

Jennifer Lee (AR '97) | lecture | FUN and Architecture Conference, Young Architects Forum Korea, March 26, 3013

*Please submit your news to [email protected]


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