The Cooper 
Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

News & Events 


Lecture Tomorrow: Design Excellence
Save the Date: Massimo Scolari Exhibition
Updated: Call for Abstracts
Alumni News

Post-Professional Degree Program
Friday, Sept 21
6pm - 7:30pm
Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery, 2nd Fl    
The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture will hold an Open House this Friday for the Master of Architecture II program, including presentations by faculty and graduates of the program. The Open House begins at 6pm with information sessions on applying for the 2013-2014 academic year beginning at 6:30pm. The work of the 2011-2012 class will be on view in the Houghton Gallery through Friday 21, September.

Advanced Design Studio - Thesis 2012   

Without prescribed boundaries, the projects address a myriad of critical issues affecting architectural discourse, ranging from urban theory to the present condition of globalization and the continual emergence of new scientific developments and technologies. The exhibition illuminates the graduates' year-long exhaustive research using text, photography, drawing, technology, science and history to develop innovative programs, all of which feature configurations and narratives that bring forth potential solutions that may not be obvious to the viewer. 


The Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery 
The Cooper Union 
7 East 7th Street, 2nd floor 
New York, NY 10003   

For more information please email [email protected] 

Image: Installation view, 2012 Thesis Exhibition   


Design Excellence and the U.S. Department of State   
SEPT 19 at 7PM
The Great Hall
7 E. 7 Street

Lydia Muniz, Director of the Bureau of Overseas Building, and Casey Jones, Director of Design Excellence, will outline the U.S. State Department's new Design Excellence program. The product of an extensive two-year interdepartmental and interdisciplinary study, the Design Excellence program emphasizes an integrative approach to site selection, architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and engineering.

A major project in design during this transitional time at the OBO is the new U.S. Embassy in London. Architects James Timberlake and Stephen Kieran will discuss their initial competition-winning scheme and subsequent design development for the new embassy, including the goal for the new complex, responsive both to environmental and programmatic concerns, to "provide a street-level experience while respecting the urban texture of the existing landscape."

Casey Jones, Director of Design Excellence, U.S. State Department
Lydia Muniz, Director, Bureau of Overseas Building, U.S. State Department
Stephen Kieran, KieranTimberlake
Moderated by James S. Russell, architecture critic at Bloomberg News

Co-sponsored by the Architectural League of New York and the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter

Image: Rendering of New U.S. Embassy in London, view from east | courtesy of KieranTimberlake

Susannah Drake 
SEPT 27 at 6:30PM
RM 315 
Green infrastructure holds tremendous promise for the future of cities. With our national highway infrastructure reaching the end of its projected lifespan there is an opportunity for adaptation of these larger conduits into new ecological corridors. dlandstudio catalyzes change by finding ways to make mono-functional infrastructure systems such as highways and canals more environmentally productive. The firm proposed transformation of the form, perception and experience of infrastructure systems to make cities more ecologically resilient. She will discuss projects in New York including the Gowanus Canal Sponge Park, BQGreen, MoMA Rising Currents among others.

This event is open only to students, faculty, and staff of The Cooper Union  


The Representation of Architecture 1967-2012
Oct 2 at 6:30pm
This exhibition is a comprehensive retrospective of the work of visionary architect and artist Massimo Scolari, who taught as a Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture in 1977 and 1978. Originating at the Yale School of Architecture, with a nucleus of drawings first exhibited at The Cooper Union in 1977, the exhibition includes over 160 original drawings, paintings and watercolors, as well as other works completed between 1967 and 2012. Curated and designed by Scolari himself, this is the first retrospective of his work to be presented in the United States since 1986. 


Presented by the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture and organized by the Yale School of Architecture. Additional support for the exhibition is provided by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, the Turner Foundation, and by Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown. 
Presented in association with Archtober, Architecture and Design Month New York City, October 2012. 


The Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery 
The Cooper Union 
7 East 7th Street, 2nd floor 
New York, NY 10003
Opening Reception: Tuesday, October 2 at 6:30pm


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Image: Massimo Scolari: Modern City 1995, watercolor on cardboard, 23.6 x 34.6 cm

Exhibitions & Opportunities 

ARCHITECTURE_M_P_S | Architecture: media, politics, society is a new peer-reviewed academic journal and forum that investigates questions of contemporary and historical Architecture and its relationship with media, politics and/or society in its broadest sense. The journal welcomes articles from academics and professionals on themes related to contemporary and historical architecture.  learn more ... 

2013 LATROBE PRIZE |  The AIA College of Fellows established the Latrobe Prize as a grant program in research intended to serve as a catalyst for significant investigation into issues important to the profession. DEADLINE: The first stage of submissions are due October 1, 2012.  download the pdf submissions form here ... 

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS | 2013 ARCC Architectural Research Conference, The Visibility of Research, will take place at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte on March 27-30, 2013. Researchers, educators, and practitioners in architecture and affiliated design and technical professions are welcome to participate. The conference committee invites paper submissions on new and continuing research in the following topic areas: POLICY: Educating policymakers, practitioners, and the public; CULTURE: Making visible: new ideas, minor voices, and topics on the margins; SUSTAINABILITY: Visualizing sustainability and performance in buildings; HISTORY: Maps, media, and models in architectural history; URBANISM: Technology, connectedness, and the urban environment; CONSTRUCTION: Innovations in materials and construction visualization; PEDAGOGY: New visions and revisions in architectural education. DEADLINE: October 8, 2012  learn more ...  

THE BATTERY CONSERVANCY AMERICAS DESIGN COMPETITION 2012 | The Battery Conservancy invites students and professionals from the Americas (Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean), to design an iconic moveable outdoor seating element. The winning design will be fabricated for use at The Battery, the 25-acre park at the tip of Manhattan which annually welcomes six million visitors.  DEADLINE: Accepting submissions through October 20, 2012.  learn more ... 

NEW!! 15TH ANNUAL BERKELEY PRIZE | An essay contest in three stages open to all current full-time registered students in an undergraduate architecture degree program, undergraduates majoring in architecture, or diploma students in accredited schools of architecture worldwide. Each year  the Prize Committee selects a topic important to the understanding of the interaction of people and the built world that becomes the focus of the Essay Competition. This year the topic is: The Architect and the Accessible City. STAGE ONE DEADLINE: November 1, 2012   learn more ... 

The competition will focus on the post-industrial development of a contaminated site in the Gowanus Canal watershed that offers the challenge of rethinking how a new community resource can become an agent for remediation within a diverse urban context. The jury will be comprised of industry professionals and experts in the areas of architecture, sustainable design, landscape design, and community development. Jurors include: Julie Bargmann, David J. Lewis, Richard Plunz, Robert M. Rogers, Andrew Simons and Joel Towers.  DEADLINE: 
December 14, 2012.  

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EXHIBITION | FIELD CONDITIONS EXHIBIT AT SFMOMA | Works by Lebbeus Woods, Stanley Allen (AR '81), Daniel Libeskind (AR '70), as well as projects by other noted architects and contemporary artists, are on view at the SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA, September 1, 2012 - January 6, 2012. In addition, on October 4, 2012, Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher, Assistant Curator of Architecture and Design, will deliver a lecture on Lebbeus Woods' Conflict Space Series.  

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SYMPOSIUM David Turnbull participated in the symposium India Initiative: The Emerging Megacity + The Enduring Village at the University of Virginia School of Architecture, Charlottesville, VA. September 14, 2012.   learn more ...  

IOWA WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE (iaWia) Diana Agrest's lecture and discussion on the evolution of her varied and successful career as a practioner, educator and theoretician will be the feature of the Iowa Women in Architecture event on September 28, 2012, Des Moines, IA.   learn more ...  

Peggy Deamer (AR '77) | article | "Why Architects Need Feminism," The Design Observer Group, September 12, 2012

Elizabeth Diller (AR '79) | keynote | B+/A-, keynote lecture, The J. Irwin Miller Symposium: The Sound of Architecture, Yale University School of Architecture, October 5, 2012
Stanely Allen (AR '81) | lecture | Discussions in Architecture: Stan Allen with Preston Scott Cohen, Harvard University GSD, October 20, 2012

Maurice Cox (AR '83) | article | "POV: Q&A with Maurice Cox," Metropolis, September 6, 2012

Jeffrey Hou (AR '90) | essay | "Making Public, Beyond Public Space," in Beyond Zuccotti: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space, Edited by Ron Shiffman, Rick Bell, Lance Jay Brown, and Lynne Elizabeth with Anastassia Fisyak and Anusha Venkataraman, New Village Press, 2012

Catherine Seavitt (AR '94) | participant | Circularity and Feedback, DredgeFest Symposium, Columbia University GSAPP Studio-X, September 28, 2012

Alexis Rochas (AR '02) | exhibition and lecture | STEREO.BOT, exhibition opening and discussion with Eric Owen Moss, SCI-Arc, Los Angeles, CA, September 14, 2012


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