It's the MUSE Issue! Let's Play...

Welcome to my spontaneous re-creation park!
O are you ready for the ride this moon?
No need to buy a ticket or stand in line
I am the slip and slide gateway through
The cement walls you may think surround you
Eternally here inside of you
Lurking between the leaves of your mind
As little eyes giggling at your apparent bind
For laughter has always been your free ticket to ride
Eternal re-fills you have inside
That face of you that is lit by the ridiculous
Completely transforming the o-so-serious
Yes, even the oooooo-soooooo-serious
No immunity here!
Sorry, wrong house!
My joy, shaking quaking your drama free
Ride the re-creation coaster of whimsy!
O, yes...your fears....right!
What if I do it wrong? What if they say, "so long!"
What if it doesn't come true? What if I can't unstick from this stew?
What if, what if...blah blah blah blithering
Blossoming beckoning burgeoning bursting
Do you hear?
Breathe in
Slow down
To magnify your senses
Opening to the world of wonder
Ever available at the Center in you
As you move even slower
Here you are!!!! 

your JOY has been waiting for you!
Don't worry; your mind, your worries, your judgments 
Will still be here by the door to pick-up at any point
But be forewarned, this is a transformative, drug-free joint!
Yes, let me serve you my funny little grin
Stay long enough and you'll start to naturally spin
And lose your reference points of being serious or stuck altogether
And you'll find yourself largely unaffected by the weather
Unpredictable blossoms of joy everywhere in this park
Hummingbirds rising out of the dark
Stilling your mind to open your heart
Move slower to vibrate faster
Be lubricated by not needing to know
The radiance of release is the afterglow
As your authentic expression steals the show
And you get down dirty to your inspired core
And you break out, RISE UP OPEN EYED
To the vast, uncharted, laughing skies
A rainbow kite, an intoxicating light
O one hell of a vibration raising sight!
Even sweeter than wine
When the divine child runs up your spine
And creation solutions suddenly align
And the fire of inspiration swallows all time
And in the eye of the storm, o Mama Mama Mi
You are calm, Centered as a Tree
An improbable jewel, graceful as chi
So let yourself leap, foolish free
CLAIM YOUR WAND, sparkle the sea!
O do open the gates to my miraculous Estate
To lift your frequency to a Radiance that is no longer a match to whatever you were afraid of to begin with
Disempowering its hold on you and all potential manifestations in its wake
You are Pure Light for Goddess sake!
So feel the gold rush through your cells pour
And do what you came here for!
O what the hell are you waiting for?
And curious, what's that funny little door?
Hey, anyone want to play?
I gotta move, spontaneously steer
O Hummingbird, butterfly, dolphin, deer
O LET'S GO!!!!!!!!
Woosh zoom woosh zoom
A mojoyama manga tan toom
Busting out of this room
Sayonara to the known, the predictable
Wherever you've been before
Feeling the pulsation of new life course through your veins
Re-creation service here never ever wanes
Joyfully here at the Muse Park in you
If you open to see
That you've always been free
You've always been free
But don't take me too seriously
Or you'll lose me

To the One Heart,
Angie Banangie


13 Moon Oracle Box
Is Now Your Time? 
13 Moon Mystery School Circles Starting Soon!
Are you ready to step into your mythic life? To remember who you truly are? To become a direct receiver and living embodiment of divine principles, direct knowing, and LOVE?

The 13 Moon Mystery School is offering several opportunities for you to participate in a full 13-month (moon) ordination circle with one of our senior focalizer priestesses. These circles are our primary offering through the 13 Moon Mystery School, wherein you have a direct experience of initiation into the Feminine Mysteries through the 13 Moon archetypes. Bringing these heart-centered, mythic role models to life in each of our unique expressions serves the individual, the community, and the collective. We have one virtual offering and several live circles being offered in various California locations. Please see below for more information.

Upcoming 13 Moon Ordination Circles

Virtual Circle with Sarah Uma: An invitation to explore the potency of Archetypal Embodiment...remember and renew the deep calling of your soul!

Sarah's virtual circle begins this summer and will go through the summer of 2016. The circle is almost formed with a few spaces remaining. To explore more go to 

San Rafael, CA, with Sara Eden 

Eden Amadora will be starting a new 13 Moon Priest/ess Ordination circle in September. If you feel drawn to be part of her circle in San Rafael, contact Eden at 415-250-4192.

Berkeley, CA, with Elana Auerbach

Are you ready to raise your frequency and vibrate LOVE? Elana's circle begins October 2015 in Berkeley. You're invited to have a direct experience of this alchemical container at an Open House on Aug. 5 @ 7:30 p.m. in Berkeley.

For more information, click here

Grass Valley, CA, with Natalia Price

Natalia's 13 Moon Priestess Circle begins in September. Intensive, in-depth ceremonial circles will be held one day per moon for a total of 13 moons, as well as an evening half moon circle and mentoring support. Cost is $222 per moon.

Attend a FREE OPEN HOUSE in Grass Valley Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. or attend her upcoming Goddess of Compassion night on July 15. See the event on Facebook here. Or contact Natalia at / 415.646.6391.
Let us revel and awaken in each other's presence! Scroll below for a listing of upcoming opportunities to commune, delight, and uplift one another in the One Heart!
Join Us For Summer Solstice ~
the Longest Day of the Year!

When: Sunday, June 21st at 2 p.m.

(Directions at bottom)
Why: To celebrate together, the Faerie High Holy Day in the Muse Moon

What to Wear: Mythic, whimsical, fun Faerie frolic-wear! 

What to Bring: a towel to sit on, a hat, a flower symbolizing a manifestation/intention you wish to empower, small musical instruments like tinkly bells and small wind chimes (or any other musical instrument you wish to bring!)

Food: a Faerie Feast finger food (only) to share for a Faerie picnic (on the grass with table cloths)

Community Offerings: Any offerings you wish to add to the inspiration of the celebration in poem, song, dance, etc.!

All genders, and children who can hold ceremonial space, are welcome.

RSVP: $15 members / $20 non-members (please register and pay online ahead of time at the link below)

>>>Directions to Lagoon Park by the Civic Center in San Rafael, CA 94903. Across from Civic Center, turn right on Armory St. and park at the end. You will see the blue flags for our circle under the trees. Click here to go the park website for more information.
An Introductory Evening Circle in the Temple of the Goddess of Compassion

Journey with us into the realms of Unconditional love as we enter into the Heart of Compassion. Remember yourself as a priestess in this temple in an ancient anointing ritual with sacred holy oils. Embodying forgiveness practices to clear anything that is less than the vibration of Love using the sacred tools of Mantra, Yantra and Mudra. 

Date: July 15, 6-9pm
Location: Grass Valley home temple
Cost: $22
To register or for more information, email Natalia Price.

Natalia Price in an ordained priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School. She has been involved with this lineage and Ariel Spilsbury for 13 years. Drawing inspiration from her experiences as a performance artist, yoga instructor, ceremonialist, and sacred dancer, she facilitates women's circles, retreats and online programs to support and inspire women in embodying their full expression of the Divine and rediscovering the gifts they came here to offer.

Natalia's 13 Moon Priestess Ordination Circle begins in September in Grass Valley, CA. See Natalia's 13 Moon Priestess page on Facebook here.
Open House!
13 Moon Mystery 
School Circle with Elana

Wednesday, Aug. 5 at 7:30pm
Yurt Temple,
Berkeley, CA 

Are you ready to raise your frequency and vibrate LOVE? 

There's no time to waste and no excuses to make!
Elana's 13 Moon ordination circle begins October 2015 in Berkeley. Have a direct experience of this alchemical container on August 5. 

For the full Circle invitation, go here!

Live Virtual Circles Every Month!

FREE for Sanctuary members tithing a minimum of $33/month 

Every moon, we gather virtually in an online temple hosted by Priestess Presence founder and 13 Moon Focalizer, Elayne Kalila Doughty.

We know there is incredible potency when we all join together in temple space, and that our own individual practice is amplified and supported beyond measure when we are in temple together. 

***IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE 13 MOON TEACHINGS, this is the perfect way to get a feel for the work and join our global community.

***IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED A 13 MOON CIRCLE AND ARE LOOKING FOR A WAY TO STAY CONNECTED TO THE PATH, this is the perfect way to deepen your practice and stay in touch with your sisters.

Every Moon You Will: 

  • Receive an invitation to a live Priestess Presence Sister Circle Temple (via live video webcast) In these sessions you will have a chance to learn new practices, deepen established practices, ask questions and receive real time feedback. These are recorded so you can watch them anytime.
  • Have the chance to deepen with a specific face of the Goddess connecting into the feminine rhythms and cycle of the year. 
  • Receive two Deepening Practices emails per moon with inspirations, invitations to practice, or missives from the Goddess. These offerings will help you stay connected and deepen your practice in between our live sessions.
  • An Online Community Temple page, where you can share your hearts with sisters all over the world who are called to grow this temple of Priestess Presence.
If you would like to become a member or increase your tithe to $33/moon, click here!  

If you have questions about becoming a member, increasing your tithe, or joining Priestess Presence, please email us! 
Grail Quest Intimate Weekend Retreat 
with Ariel Spilsbury

Oct 23-25, 2015
Yurt Temple, Berkeley, CA

Would you like to deepen spiritually by being initiated through the lens of the Grail myth? Ariel is joyfully offering that exploration to an intimate circle of Grail Questers. 

Energy exchange: $888 

This is filling up fast...Pay in full or hold your spot with a deposit of $444.

*If you have not worked with Ariel before, please email her at to set up a phone interview so that, together, you may check into whether there is adequate preparation for this soul journey. 

To register and for more information, click here

We are delighted to promote events for our members that resonate with the mission and vision of the Sanctuary. If you are a current member and would like to include your offerings in our newsletters, or if you would like to become a member, please contact us for details.
The Art of Sacred Circle: Incubator, Mentorship and Training 
with Christine Arylo, initiated priestess and master circle holder

For Women Devoted and Desiring to Lead and Call Powerful Circles
Whether you are leading a circle now that could be more powerful or you desire to birth a circle this year, calling your sacred circle in a way that elevates and supports you and others is an ancient art that requires modern application. After 15 years of leading, calling and creating circles - in person and virtual - I'll share with you everything I can over the course of six moons about creating, leading and growing sacred circles. Through mentorship, creative guidance, teaching, resources and more you will gain the tools, content, technology and processes not just for the circles you will lead now, but the wisdom and presence you will tap into for a lifetime.

Starts June 23 for 6 moons: Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice

Virtual training via video and/or phone. Accessible to women around the world! Optional in-person weekend in November.
Cost: $3,300 (monthly payment plans available)

Download the complete invitation and description & apply at:
Awakening the Inner Diety ~ Mantra, Yantra, Tantra

Intention: To bring together a circle of women to create a sacred container for sadhana (dedicated practice) that is rooted in Sri Vidya Tantra. Together we will commit to 44 days of individual and collective practice starting with the diety Ganapati.

In the female body, the point of concentration is at mooladhara chakra, which is situated at the cervix. Ganapati resides at the mooladhara chakra. This is where space and time unite and explode in the form of an experience. That experience is what one might call an orgasm but in tantra is called an awakening. I will guide you through yoga, bandhas (locks) and pranayama and various techniques at the level of the root to begin the process of "Awakening the Inner Diety." 

Date: Saturday, July 18 ~ 11am-5pm - New Moon
Saturday, August 1 ~ 7-10pm - Full Moon
Saturday, August 15 ~ 7-10pm - New Moon
Closing Circle ~ Date TBD - Full Moon

Location: Sausalito (address upon registration)

Cost: $333 (includes in-person transmission and rituals, inspirational and instructional emails, personal guidance) Space is limited to 9.

Contact: Janice Craig, janice@alohanamaste.com808-346-1838
About Janice: Janice Craig has taken Deeksha with Guruji Amritananda in the lineage of Sri Vidya Tantra and is a Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School with Ariel Spilsbury. She is a Certified Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Practitioner and a Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in rejuvenation as a path to wholeness. Janice is the founder of Aloha Namaste where she facilitates and produces workshops and retreats in the USA, Hawaii, India and Russia. She shares her open-heart spirit to create a sanctified, nurturing space and gracefully guides one to the inner remembrance of a deeper embodied truth.
Sanctuary of the Open Heart
About Us
The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others' presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.