
In This Issue
Quote of the Month
New Years Resolution Ideas for Small Business Owners
Featured Product
of the Month
Bright Green Ideas
Did You Know...
January Specials
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The Get Fit Kit has all the essentials for going to the health club, a sporting event or any fitness activity. Kit includes a black and grey duffle bag (10" x 17 1/2" x 7 3/4"), 32 Oz. water bottle with carbineer clip, pedometer, 5 hour energy drink and a 12" x 36" Chill Out Cooling and Drying towel.


Order by 1/31/13 and receive 25%

off list price! 


refer to code: janss13  

                                                                                                                    January, 2013
Motivation Monthly



We hope you are off to a great start accomplishing your new years resolutions! We found information that can help keep you motivated whether you are in a large or small company. The second article we have included in our January newsletter, offers insight and statistics about the use of promotional products. (Did you know that 91% of people have a promotional product in their kitchen that they see everyday?!)


We are also offering new Bright Green Ideas, a new Featured Product of the Month and exclusive savings throughout our January 2013 newsletter.   





It's that time of year again. The time to reflect on what we didn't achieve this year (and perhaps wallow in self-pity), and make promises for the next year: that we'll change; we'll do better; we'll actually stick with our resolutions until the end.


We all know the difficulties in making New Year's Resolutions we can actually keep. We all have the best intentions for the new year: to exercise more, to spend more time with our family and friends, to have a better work-life balance, to be more motivated, to be more organized. However, by the time March rolls around, how many of these resolutions have we actually stuck with?


Small businesses are no exception. While they may have an advantage to larger corporations in terms of gaining approval from management to implement change, this doesn't automatically make them more likely to succeed with their New Year's Resolutions. The reality is, while small business owners may start the year with high expectations and hopes of what they will achieve over the year, the day-to-day activities of running a small business takes precedence over the big picture.



So if you're telling me it's virtually impossible to keep your New Year's Resolutions, then why even bother, I hear you say. Because those resolutions you came up with in that split second are too important to dismiss. They are the changes you have known for quite a while that your business needs, yet for some reason, are resisting recognizing or implementing: perhaps it's too much work, or you think it's unachievable, or you don't want to get on the bad side of your employees. You are doing nobody, including yourself, any favors for being too scared to try something new. What is the worst that could happen if you just tried?


For inspiration, our team has come up with 5 New Year's Resolutions for 2013 we believe small businesses leaders need:

1. Small Business Owners, Join a business organization or networking group specific to your industry

Industry-specific business organizations are a great way to keep up with advances in your field, contribute to the growth of your industry, make contacts and learn from others' strengths and skills. Other benefits of joining a business network group include:

■  Generation of referrals
■  Opportunities for joint ventures, presentation talks, business promotion, client leads or sales
■  Increased database of contacts
■  Increased confidence in yourself, your ability and your business
■  Friendship


2. New Points of Customer Interaction

Whether it's blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, mobile coupons or QR codes, new ways to connect with customers seem to pop up daily. As a small business owner, you don't have to excel in every new technology or network that comes along, but you should try to be wherever your customers are. Ask your current customer's where/how they'd like to connect with you, then spend some time in 2013 to make it happen.


3. Small Business Owners, Give Your Website a Fresh New Look

In the race to master Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for business purposes, don't overlook your own website. After all, social media efforts like Twitter campaigns end up driving traffic somewhere, right? It doesn't make any sense to build a beautiful and savvy Facebook presence that funnels people to a bland and badly designed website. Keep it current and engaging so they keep coming back.


4. Really get to know your clients and employees

While you may know their position and responsibilities, how much do you really know about the person behind the name? We're not asking you to ask them out for dinner, but it is beneficial to know these people as exactly that: people. Developing a friendship can held you build a stronger work relationship, and also gives you insights into their personality and how they approach situations. That way, when having a difficult or uncomfortable conversation with them, you know best how to approach it.



5. Set a personal goal for yourself and encourage your employees to do the same

It might be to spend more time with your family, or to complete a marathon. Whatever it is, find a way to remind yourself daily of this personal goal and take steps towards it each day. Equally importantly, consider how your business can support its employees in their resolutions, whatever they may be. Remember, employees that have a satisfying and happy personal life are more likely to be productive and motivated at work, so it is to the advantage of your business to help employees achieve these personal goals.

Sticking to 5 (or any) resolutions is a lofty goal for anyone. Develop resolutions that ring true to your business, not resolutions you think you should have. And always have a contingency plan: the resolutions you develop at the start of the year may be different to the ones your business needs halfway through the year. Recognize this, adjust as needed, and mostly importantly, never give up.


Featured Product of the Month:





Feeling the winter blues? Is that tree outside your office window covered in snow? We have the perfect gift to perk you up during the long and cold winter. This Solar Powered Dancing Flower stands 4" tall and puts a smile on anyone's face as it sways back and forth! We have one in our office making it feel like Spring has come early this year. 


Order by 1/31/13 and receive 20% off the list price!
As low as $5.08!

For more information click here 
Did You Know...

A Study Of American Consumers Shows:
They love promotional products. For more than 200 years, these vehicles of promotion have integrated their way into daily life, serving not only as useful tools, but as powerful, long-lasting advertising.

How Consumers Feel:
* 83% of American consumers surveyed like receiving a promotional product with an advertising message
* 48% would like to receive promotional products more often
* 38% feel promotional products serve as a constant reminder of the advertiser


How Consumers Act:
If free promotional products were being handed out by an advertiser at an event/mall/tradeshow which of the following actions would consumers most likely take?



The Result:

Consumers are inundated with advertising messages and the challenge for businesses is find a way to cut through the clutter and to not only reach their target audience, but to resonate with them. And, according to survey respondents, promotional products do just that.
Respondents were asked to think of a promotional product they'd received in the past two years and to recall the specific product, the advertiser and the message: A whopping 76.2% recalled all three key pieces of information.   


The Staying Power:
Promotional products are powerful, both as effective forms of communication and as useable, necessary tools. The following results reveal just how seamlessly promotional products integrate into life, impacting the daily routines of the recipients.
* 91% had at least one promotional product in their kitchen
* 74% had at least one promotional product in their work area
* 55% had at least one promotional product in their bedroom closet/storage space  


Source: Promotional Products Association International 

Please contact us if you would like help in selecting items for your next promotion, award program or tradeshow. Our website has many other special offers and promotions for you to review. We are offering 20% off fitness related items throughout the month of January.

I am grateful that you are part of our business family. I wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year. 




Corporate Motivation, Inc.


1332 N. Halsted Street, Suite #403
Chicago, IL  60642
Phone:  312-867-7111     Toll Free:  800-840-4925     Fax:  312-867-7179



To help keep you motivated and working towards your resolutions, we are offering 20% off fitness related items for the month of January. Orders must total $300.00 or higher. Coupon can only be applied to one fitness item.
This offer cannot be combined with any other special offer
and does not include tax, set up or shipping charges.


Offer Expires: 1/31/13     Coupon Code:  jancc13