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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

July 2016

In This Issue
Rector's Report
Did You Know?
Vestry Briefs
Food Drive Coming Up
Food Bank Donations
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter
Rector's Report for July 
How did the Christian faith morph from emphasizing a journey of healing and wholeness to a system of religious beliefs?  The history of Christianity is both a fascinating and bumpy journey filled with surprising turns, reformations, disappointments, and sacrificial movements of compassion.  Unfortunately, many churches have focused mainly on teaching about the Christian faith rather than living it.  Fortunately, under the charismatic leadership of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (Michael Curry), there is a renewed interest in the "Jesus Movement."  This means we place our attention on following Jesus' example of compassion, generosity, peace, and inclusivity, rather than concentrate on a belief system about Jesus.  Perhaps the most important ministry of Jesus was his ministry of healing.  Using his gifts of healing and preaching, Jesus pointed to an abundant life that was meant for all people.  It is this promise of "abundant life to all who follow in his ways" that excites me most about being a Christian.  It gives me hope for a different future.
However, I know that it is very difficult to follow in his steps when my ego really wants me to focus on "Me, Myself, and I."  It is also very distracting to be controlled by those internal cravings and desires that are not ultimately good for my health and wholeness.  So for the past few weeks, I have been preaching about and practicing the spiritual disciplines as a way of opening up and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct and control my life.  The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, the spirit of truth that enables us to grow into the likeness of Christ.  By practicing the spiritual disciplines, we allow a power greater than ourselves to guide us onto that path of abundant life.  The spiritual disciplines include but are not limited to the following: Meditation, Prayer, Contemplation, Fasting, Study, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service, Confession, Worship, Guidance, & Celebration. 
During my sabbatical this summer, I will create a space where I will especially practice these disciplines as a means of seeking wisdom about how to lead our parish forward.  In June, your vestry and I put aside some time to think, pray, and celebrate together.  Our focus was on discerning the priorities of our parish and raising up new leadership and resources to make that possible.  You will be hearing from your vestry soon.  So if you have some wisdom to offer, please speak to one of them or join us at a future vestry meeting.  While there was a range of different ideas expressed at the retreat, the vestry felt that the ministries listed below were the most important for our parish. 
  • Full time Rector/Pastor
  • Stewardship drive (most understood this was an essential component of having a full time rector)
  • Part - time Secretary
  • Part - time Musician
  • Hospitality Team
  • Health Ministries
  • Missio Engage (or some active outreach arm of the church)
  • Food Drives / Homeless bags  
  • Weekly Holy Communion
  • Spiritual Education/Growth
  • Work Days
  • Parish Picnic
  • Sunday School (in a new form)
 ""Gracious Father, we pray for your holy universal Church.  Fill it with all truth, in all truth, with all peace.  Where it is corrupt, purity it; where it is in error, direct it; where in any thing it is amiss, reform it.  Where it is right strengthen it; where it is in want, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite it; for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son our Savior."  {BCP 816}
Yours in Christ,

Pastor Karen Siegfriedt+

Emergency Procedure/Contact during the Rector's Sabbatical (July 12-August 5)
  1. Call Sheilah in the office immediately.  If she is not there, leave a message.
  2. If Sheilah is not in the office and it is an emergency situation, then call Carolyn Hennings who is chair of Health Ministries.  She will be able to dispatch pastoral care, a deacon, and other health ministry needs.
  3. If there is a general parish emergency, call a vestry member listed on your Sunday bulletin.  The officers of the vestry are:  Nancy Moore, David Hoos, Carol Holt, and Margaret Lewis.
If there is a sudden death, severe illness, or tragedy requiring the sacramental duties of a priest, call Father Craig in Placerville.

Photos of Activities at Trinity in June: 
Trinity Outing to Big Trees State Park

 Trinity supports the Motherlode Labyrinth walk 
in remembrance of those slain in the Orlando Massacre

60 cans of food donated to the food bank 
in honor of Lisa's 60th birthday
Did You Know? 
July 3rd @ 7:30-10:00 pm:  Open house and fireworks at the rectory (835 Argonaut Drive, Jackson).  Slide show begins at 8:00pm; Fireworks around 9:15pm. 
- August 6th 3:00pm-6:00pm:  Swim (optional) and Barbeque at the Lafferty's home in Ione.  Hotdogs and hamburgers provided.  Bring a side dish to share and schmooze with the Trinity community.
- Aug. 12, 19, 26 @ 5:30-7:00pm: Book Study at Trinity led by rector:  Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr.  Held in undercroft.
- Aug. 19th (1-4pm) or Aug. 20th (9-12noon):  Confirmation/Reception gathering.  All are invited to learn more about the Episcopal Church, its theology and practices.  Held in church.
- Bible study on the Book of Acts continues on the first Sunday of each month at 9:40am.
Vestry Briefs: Vestry Retreat
While on retreat at Christ the King Retreat Center in Sacramento June 10-11, your Vestry had 24 hrs. of uninterrupted time to reflect upon the vision stated for Trinity, how we have progressed toward that vision, and where we need to devote more prayerful attention.  After a time of meeting with a prayer partner and asking for personal prayer support, we focused on Trinity Church.  We kept in the forefront the need to raise up more leaders in the Trinity family.  Toward this goal, Pastor Karen has requested of current leaders that they approach parishioners to help with their particular area of responsibility. We also took a close look at the ministries that Trinity offers, identifying those that we regard as vital, offering ideas for improving others, and praying for understanding the direction in which the Holy Spirit is leading us.
The topic of a disaster plan for Trinity was discussed, the objectives being to protect Trinity's assets, to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable parishioners, relief to the surrounding community, and to establish a service location if the church cannot be used.
The retreat concluded with a brief Vestry meeting in which David Hoos reviewed building and grounds maintenance and future projects.  Ken Von der Heiden led us in proposing aligning our Bylaws with those of the Diocese concerning the number of Vestry members.  Unanimously approved, the Bylaws now state the number of Vestry members shall be no fewer than 5 nor more than 15, and that the officiant will announce the number at Sunday services at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
On a personal note, I feel honored to be a part of a Vestry whose members listen with respect to one another, enjoy being together, and who strive to follow the calling of the Holy Spirit.

Nancy Moore, Senior Warden
Upcoming Food Drive
Hunger doesn't take a vacation- On Friday, July 8th and Saturday, July 9th, Trinity Episcopal Church is partnering with Safeway to sponsor a food drive for the Interfaith Food Bank of Amador County. 

As you know, the schools provide meals for many children in our community and when summer comes, these meals are no longer available. Amador County also has a thriving senior program, but many  seniors are unable to go to the senior center to participate in their meals. The food bank is able to provide food to low income seniors, homeless, disabled and unemployed individuals and families that require assistance. Sadly, summer is the time that the food bank experiences difficulty getting donations and has a shortage of non-perishable grocery items that are needed to fill the many requests for food.

Helping to feed the hungry has always been a part of our church's mission and sponsoring the food drive, providing homeless bags, volunteering at the Interfaith Food Bank Thrift Store Great Finds, and the Interfaith Food Bank are all ways in which we accomplish this goal.

We need volunteers to work a minimum of a two-hour shift on July 8th or 9th. Shifts start at 9:30am and end at 6pm on Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturday. A clip board at the welcome center (back of church) will be provided for you to sign up or you can call Noreen Lafferty at 274-4000.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to this outreach.

Submitted by Noreen Lafferty
Food Bank Donations

The Food Bank's cart, in the sanctuary, yielded 183 lbs. of food in June. Total giving in 2016: 942 lbs. of food.



Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7PM. Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Carol Harper at 916-604-1872 or email Web site:
July Birthdays

The following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in July!


 2nd- Jim Tscharner

 4th- Michael Freeman

 6th- Myrna Hammer

 6th- Richard Yocam

 18th- Nancy Moore

   23rd- Dorean Davis

   28th- Ray Farley

   31st- Steve Christensen


If you are celebrating a birthday in July, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.