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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

May 2016

In This Issue
Rector's Report
Did You Know?
Vestry Briefs
Farewell from Helen Bonner
Excursion to Wildlife Sanctuary
Help Wanted
Food Bank Donations
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter
Rector's Report for May 
Grace:  "Grace is God's favor towards us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills." [Catechism, BCP 858]  We become partners with God as agents of grace when we reach out with Christian love and generosity, bestowing grace to others with an attitude of forgiveness and mercy.  Being an agent of grace means we offer kindness to the suffering and needy, not because they necessarily deserve it but because they are children of God.  Grace ceases to be grace if God is compelled to withdraw it in the presence of human failure and sin.  In fact, grace cannot be exercised where there is the slightest degree of human merit to be recognized. 

Next month, Californians will go to the polls to vote for a candidate for the next Commander in Chief of the United States of America.  This is one of the most important positions in the world, one that holds tremendous power and influence.  The president can set a national and international tone that recognizes the dignity of every human being, a posture that can have a great influence in reducing human violence and suffering.  At this point in the history of our world, we need to become more gracious when it comes to our political endeavors.  Gracious politics needs to be humble, open, and compassionate.   Gracious politics reflects the teachings of Jesus, loving our neighbor and enemy while treating others as we want to be treated.  Because sincere Christians will have differing opinions, we especially need to listen to one another with respect and humility.  We also must be open to the viewpoints of other religious traditions and philosophies.  Together, with all people of conviction, we must move beyond self-interest and seek the common good. 

"Ungracious politics, even when waving a flag or a cross, violates the principles of Jesus.  When politics becomes ungracious, no matter how noble and righteous the cause,  the priorities of God invariably suffer.  Ungracious politics demonizes our opponents.  Refusing to weigh their concerns and consider their point of view, we slander their motives and question their integrity.  We create an atmosphere of distrust and hate.  Whenever we attack individuals, rather than critique their ideas, we violate the principles of Jesus and perpetuate the battleground of politics.  Unfortunately, traditional Christianity has often given tacit support to this view of politics with it division between the "righteous" and the "unrighteous."  or  "Only my party has the truth." [ Gulley & Mulholland: If God is Love]
My prayer for this community of faith is that we use our critical thinking skills as we decide on the best candidate for the office of the president.  This will require us to study the important issues, to discern truth from nonsense, and to take the time to fill out a ballot and vote. 
"O Lord our Governor, whose glory is in all the world:  We commend this nation to your merciful care, that, being guided by your Providence, we may dwell secure in your peace.  Grant to the President of the United States, and to all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do your will.  Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness, and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in your fear." [BCP 820]

Pastor Karen Siegfriedt+

Photos of Activities at Trinity in April: 
Newcomers Gather at Rectory (14 newcomers)

 The Rev. Freda Smith witnesses the vows between 
Joan Tarr and Mel Thompson

Jim and Shirley Tscharner celebrate their 60th!
Jr. Warden David Hoos & past Jr. Warden John Lafferty
busy with projects on work day.
Did You Know? 
- Leslie Frudden is a newcomer who now attends both the 8:30 and 10:30 service.  She is a resident of Jackson and recently lost her husband.  Leslie lives with her feisty Dachshund, Daisy.  Please welcome Leslie.
- The Labyrinth Project, sponsored by Amador Wellness Days, is holding introductory labyrinth classes and walks in Amador County starting next week.  Anyone interested in participating in the free workshops and walks should contact The Labyrinth Coordinator, Marla, at (209)256-3750 for days, times and locations.   Anyone wishing to become a labyrinth docent will be offered a volunteer class after taking the introductory class.
- Joan Tarr and Mel Thompson were recently married.  Rev. Freda Smith oversaw the nuptials.
- Bob Carlson died on April 16th after almost 90 years on this earth.  A celebration of life will be held Saturday, June 18, 2016 at the American Legion Hall in Sutter Creek, Ca 12:00 P.M.  All who knew Bob are invited. Donations can be made in his honor to Trinity Episcopal Church Sutter Creek, CA. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting and signing the guest book.
- The application form for families who are participating in the Back Pack 2 School program for the next school year is available on our website
Vestry Briefs
- Rector reported on a successful newcomer's gathering with 14 newcomers in attendance.
- Rector spoke about sabbatical plans for the future.
- $750 was appropriated for the purchase of a new computer for the office.  The current computer was bought over 8 years ago and runs on Windows XP.  Our software no longer supports this operating system.
- Rosalie led the vestry with a lively "get to know your vestry members" exercise.
- Parish Picnic date set for October 9th.
Jr. Warden Hoos spoke about repair and maintenance of our facility and the April work days.
- Next vestry meeting is on May 26th at 6pm.  All invited to attend.
A farewell note from Helen Bonner (and Chuck)
I could not be there to receive the lovely blessings to send me on my way, but I want to thank you all so much for who you have been for me all these years.  I am not exaggerating when I say I have never been with such a large group of people who are so filled with love and caring.  You have all made me proud.  Here is some advice I learned too late for me about moving:

- Remember to let go and let God.  The let go here means "ALL That Stuff!" 
- Also, let go and let GOOD.   Once you know where you are moving to, let all those good people who want to help, Family and young folks,  do it all while you go on a cruise somewhere!  

Love you all.  Come see me at O'Connor Woods in Stockton CA.  You will love it and I will love seeing you.

Excursion to P.A.W.S.
The Performing Animal Wildlife Sanctuary (P.A.W.S.) in San Andreas is holding an Open House on Saturday, May 14.  This organization cares for abused, abandoned, and retired wildlife. The fee is $25.00 for seniors 60 and over, and children. Adults pay $50.00. There is lots of walking involved, so it's important to wear comfortable shoes. Please see details on the website, where you can order tickets. If you would like to carpool to this event, please call me at 267-5182.  Nancy Moore
Help Wanted
A Trinity parish disaster coordinator to implement the disaster plan when needed.
- A leader to head the removal of the old carpet and purchase new, high quality, 10 year commercial carpet (26-28 ounce) in the parish hall.  (82'x12' for $2500 or less).
- A leader to oversee the removal of the old carpet in the sacristy and replace with non-slip tile for $1200 or less.
- New members for the altar guild who will serve one weekend per month.  Approximately 2-3 hours/month.
- Someone to play the acoustical guitar on Sundays.  Please contact Carol Harper.
Food Bank Donations

The Food Bank's cart, in the sanctuary, yielded 84 lbs. of food in April. Total giving in 2016: 639 lbs. of food.



Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7PM. Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Carol Harper at 916-604-1872 or email [email protected]. Web site:
May Birthdays

The following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in May!


4th- Sandy Honnold

18th- Bob Zwieg

 19th- Bernice Honeychurch

   25th- Joshua Lewis

   25th- Helen Bonner


If you are celebrating a birthday in May, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, [email protected] by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.