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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

April 2016

In This Issue
Rector's Report
Did You Know?
Vestry Notes
Report on Care Packages
A Season of Prayer
Help Wanted
Spring "Fun Days" are Coming!
Benefit Concert for Food Bank
Excursion to Wildlife Sanctuary
Food Bank Donations
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter
Rector's Report for April  
Trinity Is:  Recently, I visited one of our parishioners in the hospital who was recovering from surgery.  After anointing her with oil and offering a prayer shawl, she told me how grateful she was to the Trinity family for all of their prayers and support.  She loves our community of faith where she feels God's love reflected in its members and is so glad she is a member.  She is not alone in her sentiments.  Last month during a Sunday service, parishioners were asked to write down what Trinity means to them (i.e. "Trinity Is....").  Below are their responses:
  • My salvation and hope for the future.
  • The home God calls me to return to as I remember over and over again, who I am and whose I am.
  • Kindness, understanding, compassion where everyone is welcome
  • God's love / God's peace.
  • Peace, Love, Grace in friendship.
  • Inclusion, hospitality, forward-moving.
  • My life line.
  • Hope and solace.
  • Love and God's family.
  • Caring for one another.
  • Home, comfort, warmth.
  • My guidance & encouragement to continue my commitment to living each day with thoughts, words and deeds pleasing to God.
  • A sanctuary.
  • A holy place. A sanctuary.
  • Peace / Serenity. 
  • My spiritual family.
  • Haven in a storm.
  • Security and comfort.
  • Good!
  • A friendly fellowship focusing on faith.
  • A comfortable new beginning.
  • Worship, Meditate, Communion.
  • A spiritual home and hope for the future.
  • Love in all the Lord's ways.
  • A haven on my journey through joy, fear, sadness, and joy!
  • A house of giving, love and friendship.
  • A very loving and giving community.
  • Continuing faith in the future.
  • Support to us while elder family members were failing/passing.
  • The sermons are wonderful -well thought out, humorous - most importantly related to daily live and living. Church has given me a path to begin over, closer to Jesus Christ.
  • A family of open-minded people who respect all people. A place of support and help in times of need and troubles.
  • Welcoming.
  • Manifestation of the Holy Spirit and giver of life. Unconditional love, comfort. Christ to the community. Inspiration and daily reminder of God's love. Hope. Great sermons.
  • Support and Healing.
  • Worship and a great group of people.
  • My spiritual "home" where I have been supported and transformed. Where I was ordained.
  • Welcoming.
  • Home.
  • Family, caring, welcoming, inclusive.
  • Refuge, home, solace, friendship, caring people, worship, support.
  • A spiritual community, home, family. A gentle, forcible reminder to do better.
  • A place where I was accepted on my journey no matter how I walked in and it is a place to grow spiritually for me. My second home.
  • Compassion, concern and love for each other and all.
  • A caring, welcoming church
  • A center of kindness, a place of welcome, good news in Christ. K+
  • A place to serve God. A place to worship. A place to learn.
  • A place to find balance in my life. To focus on important things. People who care.  A way to share your talents.
  • A place of love and acceptance where we are supporting in exploring our individual and unique pathways to God.
  • God's creation. Peace and beauty.
  • Community, family, love
  • Love, kindness, caring, warm soup, compassion, joy. ~Janet Kendig
  • God. One in three; Father, son, Spirit. A building in which to worship them and listen for direction.
Our vision at Trinity is to be a "loving, inclusive, spiritually dynamic Christian family, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with each other and the world."   I encourage each and every one of you to participate fully in the life of our small, rural church by being generous with your time, talent, and treasure in building up the Body of Christ.
Christ is Risen!
Pastor Karen Siegfriedt+

Photos of Activities at Trinity in March: 
Lenten Soup Supper & Program on Christian Mysticism

 Making 160 Food Packages for the Homeless

Health Ministry Sunday: March 13th
The Feast of the Resurrection: Easter Sunday
Did You Know? 
- Dick Felberg and Jeanne Eidsmoe passed away last month.  R.I.P.
- Mary Mahoney has returned from Hawaii to live in Jackson.  Yea!
- Patti and John Hanaway from Ione are two of our newcomers who also serve at "Breaking Bread with Friends."  They attend the 10:30 service.
- There will be a special newcomers gathering at the Rectory on April 2nd
- Helen Bonner and her husband have decided to move to a senior living facility in Stockton.
Pam Afindios has a new phone number.  Please change your directory to: 209-296-6404.
- Gloria Tam's mailing address is now:  Kit Carson, 811 Court St., Rm. 16, Jackson CA 95642
On April 24th at the 8:30 service, the Tscharners will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.
David Hoos, our Jr. Warden, has recently taken some fabulous photos of Californian avian predators like eagles and hawks.  Ask him to show you his album.
Vestry Notes
Following the Maundy Thursday evening service, your Vestry held a brief meeting.  Topics to be addressed in future meetings were reviewed, and the annual Vestry retreat was scheduled for June 10-11.  Treasurer Carol Holt presented a financial report, including copies of the Parochial Report (which summarizes for the Diocese our current statistics) , and our 2014 audit. 
     The next Vestry meeting will be held on April 28, 6:00 p.m. in Jane's Hall.  You are cordially invited and encouraged to attend.   Nancy Moore, Sr. Warden
Report on Care Packages for the Homeless
Through your great generosity, we were able to complete 160 bags for the Homeless!  The bags are for you to take and give out to whom ever you see in need, wherever they are.  Bags are available in the narthex, under the bookcases to the north of the front doors, in Jane's Hall to the south of the main door, and in the second classroom downstairs.  Please remember to take some with you and return for more as you give those out.  A special thanks to all those who helped with the preliminary work that is needed for this project and to all who turned out for the bag assembly.  Many hands assembled 160 bags in less than an hour and no one was late to church!
Prayers during the Easter Season
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has called for a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion which are experiencing violence and civil strife:  "In this season of Resurrection, I call on everyone to pray for our brothers and sisters in areas where there is much burden and little hope."  Beginning on April 3, the Second Sunday of Easter, and continuing throughout the season, members of The Episcopal Church are asked to lift up in prayer parts of our world experiencing extreme violence and unrest. This is an opportunity to learn more about what the churches in these regions are doing to be sources of support and hope. This Easter, we will focus on Burundi, Central America, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Middle East, Pakistan, and South Sudan.
Help Wanted
A Trinity parish disaster coordinator to implement the disaster plan when needed.
- A leader to head the removal of the old carpet and purchase new, high quality, 10 year commercial carpet (26-28 ounce) in the parish hall.  (82'x12' for $2500 or less).
- A leader to oversee the removal of the old carpet in the sacristy and replace with non-slip tile for $1200 or less.
- New members for the altar guild who will serve one weekend per month.  Approximately 2-3 hours/month.
- Someone to play the acoustical guitar on Sundays.  Please contact Carol Harper.
- Folks to volunteer for "clean up" days at the church on April 29 & 30th.  Many hands make work light.
Save the Dates for Spring "Fun Days"
Our Spring Fun Days (otherwise known as the Spring Work Days) will be on Friday, April 29 from 9 AM until 3 PM and on Saturday, April 30 from 9 AM until Noon.  It really is fun and all your generous efforts really help make Trinity shine!  Mark your calendars so you don't miss the party!  
Benefit Concert for Interfaith Food Bank
This year's Broadway & Beyond  concert to benefit the Interfaith Food Bank will emphasize famous movie theme songs and feature lots of group numbers, fun duets and audience sing alongs. Admission is free, but donations are welcomed. There will be a raffle and refreshments as well.
See the flyer in Jane's Hall for more details.

Where: Community Church of Pine Grove 14045 Ponderosa Way 
When: Saturday April 30th at 7pm and Sunday May 1st at 2pm.
Excursion to P.A.W.S.
The Performing Animal Wildlife Sanctuary (P.A.W.S.) in San Andreas is holding an Open House on Saturday, May 14.  This organization cares for abused, abandoned, and retired wildlife. The fee is $25.00 for seniors 60 and over, and children. Adults pay $50.00. There is lots of walking involved, so it's important to wear comfortable shoes. Please see details on the website, where you can order tickets. If you would like to carpool to this event, please call me at 267-5182.  Nancy Moore
Food Bank Donations

The Food Bank's cart, in the sanctuary, yielded 216 lbs. of food in March. Total giving in 2016: 555 lbs. of food.


 Good Work! 

Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7PM. Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Carol Harper at 916-604-1872 or email Web site:
April Birthdays

The following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in April!


8th- Linda Busch

18th- Norm Regan

 28th- Steve Russell

   29th- Mary Elizabeth Yount


If you are celebrating a birthday in April, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.