Now that the Christmas season has come to an end, we are entering into the season of Epiphany, that liturgical season of the year when we read about the manifestation of Christ to the world. I write this newsletter article on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th. This event is referenced in the gospel of Matthew who tells us that wise men (magi) from the East "observed his star at its rising" and set out on a journey to find the Christ child. There are multiple ways to find Jesus. The wise men found Jesus by studying the stars and seeking out King Herod for specific directions. Some of you were born into the church and found Jesus through a community of faith. Others have had a conversion experience later in life. Madeleine L'Engle once said: "We draw people to showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it." As we begin the new year of 2016, my prayer is that Christ will fill you will such love, that others will want to know the source of this love and light and join our community of faith.
During this month of January, we are also getting ready for the Annual Meeting which will be held on January 31st. There will be one church service at 9:30am followed by the annual meeting. During this meeting, we will elect four vestry members (i.e. the board of directors) and four delegates to convention. We will review our 2015 activities with a slide show, present the budget for 2016, and hear some input from your leaders. So what are your dreams for Trinity Church? There will be time for comments, questions, and input. So please plan on coming to this once-a-year event and learn more about your parish church.
Members of Trinity Episcopal Church running for vestry are Steve Christiansen, Brian Scott, Margaret Lewis, and Meredith Miller.
Steve Christiansen and his family have been an active part of Trinity Church since 1986. He has served on the vestry, the search committee in 2010, and is a faithful member of the choir (singing at both services). He has been active in other services provided by the church, such as Break Bread with Friends, Las Posadas, bilingual education, and church maintenance, etc. He would like the opportunity to continue serving the church as a member of the Vestry for the next three years.
Brain Scott came to Trinity with his wife Doris in 2014. He was born in the North of England and has three children and 7 grandchildren in England and Denmark. He came to America in 1992 when Doris & he were married. They are both hosts at the 10:30 service as well as a coffee hour team. Brian now works for the Interfaith Food Bank Thrift Store as a Sales Manager. Previously, he was a tour guide in the tourist industry in England for 30 years and feels this will aid him when working with all the different factions of our Church. He is very objective and flexible and knows this will be helpful when making decisions that affect the congregation. He gives thanks for having the opportunity to work for the Church.
Margaret Lewis began attending Trinity in 1992 before marrying her husband Paul who had been a long time member of the church. Upon returning to Amador County, after their jobs had taken them out of state, the family rejoined worship at Trinity 15 years ago. Margaret has a passion for children, spirituality, and justice. Over the years, she has served as the family ministries chairperson, Sunday School Teacher, Spiritual director, and a licensed lay preacher, lector, and chalice bearer. She has served as a liturgical assistant for many years. Margaret has also served in administrative roles; several terms on vestry, being a delegate to convention, and serving as a member of the Health Ministries Board. Most recently, Margaret has worked toward bringing awareness to spreading the Charter for Compassion through Compassionate Amador and was instrumental in writing the resolution for convention, which ultimately resulted in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California becoming a partner to the Charter. Activities in the year 2015 included assisting in the development of the Lenten Soup Supper program and the series of Compassionate Conversations that occurred throughout the year.
Meredith Miller and her husband, Bob, started attending Trinity Church eight years ago. She worked as a nurse and was the nurse administrator of Kit Carson Rehabilitation Facility for many years. Now retired, she would like to share her administrative skills and practical thinking as a member of the vestry. She is currently a member of the Health Ministry Board and is in charge of the medical supply closet. She also is very generous in providing food and cookies as she shares her gift of hospitality with her church family. Meredith will be serving a two-year term.
Delegates to Diocesan Convention: Delegates represent Trinity Church at the annual diocesan convention. Those elected to this position will attend a pre-convention deanery meeting in October and the convention in November. This year, the convention will be held in Sacramento from Thursday evening, November 3rd at 7:00pm through Saturday, November 5th. Every three years, the convention is one day longer in order to elect deputies to the National Convention. Carol Holt, Mary Krauthamel-Lane, Margaret Lewis, and Noreen Lafferty are running for the position of delegate.
In closing, I want to especially thank Keith Sweet who was my Sr. Warden this past year, leading with grace and truth. I have chosen Nancy Moore to be my Sr. Warden for next year. I want to also thank John Lafferty who was your Jr. Warden these past two years and who oversaw many buildings and grounds projects. Many thanks to all the vestry members, both past and present who have been willing to offer their time, talent, and treasure in leading our church community in a forward and faithful direction. May 2016 be kind to you!