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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

September 2014

In This Issue
Rector's Report
Thank You!
Article Headline
Joan Brock Coming!
Farewell to Canon Britt
Back to Church Sunday
Scam Alert!
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
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Rector's Report for September 


A sower went out to sow some seeds.  And as he sowed, some seeds fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some among the thorns, and others on fertile soil.  Some of these seeds did not take root while others brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.  Let anyone with ears listen! {Mt.13}

Two years ago, Trinity received an invitation to plant seeds in the Amador Community.  Out of this invitation, the Missio:Engage initiative was embraced, beginning with a dedicated team of 8 leaders (now 9).  Over the period of 24 months, they have worked together to plant seeds.  This has included an emphasis on radical hospitality through such efforts as the training of hosts and an expanded coffee hour. It has included reaching out beyond our parish and going into the community "to share the good news in Christ."  It has included working with other committees within the church such as the Charter for Compassion, the Health Ministry Board, and food programs so that we can reach our goal of becoming a more active and visible force in the community.

Under the direction of Tom Brackett of the National Church and the leadership of Ken Pitsenbarger of Trinity, the missio:engage team met twice each month to plan, to listen to a webinar, and to brainstorm ideas on how and where to plant more seeds in our county.  Last Sunday, they completed their 2-year commitment and have agreed to continue with some quarterly outreach.  They are looking for new team members as well as feedback from all of you who long for Trinity Church to thrive into the future and become a stronger force in the Amador Community.

The Missio:Engage expectations of planting seeds over time can result in the following outcomes:

  1. A transformed and outwardly-turned faith community.
  2. Multiple streams of newcomers and visitors from the surrounding communities.
  3. A refined new-member incorporation process leading to a "strengths-based" approach to ministry formation for all.
  4. Core leadership development on multiple levels.
  5. The critical mass necessary to engage in sustainable missional ministries (i.e. spreading the good news).
  6. A real-time, on the ground reconnection (or re-rooting) in the ministry context.

While some of these outcomes have been achieved, others are still in their infancy.  Why?  When it comes to church growth, seeds often take a while to germinate, especially when a congregation is uneasy about evangelism.  It is not yet clear whether the seeds we have planted have hit rocky, thorny, or fertile soil.  Our job is to sow the seeds of good news with abandonment, nurturing the soil as we are able.  It is God's job to make the seeds grow.  Sometimes, it can take many years for seeds to come to fruition.  So I want to encourage all of you to keep on sowing seeds, nurturing growth, and praying that God will bless us with a harvest in the years to come. Take the time to meet, greet, and embrace our newcomers.  With your love, they just might end up joining us.


One of the ways to help us plant seeds is to bring a friend to church on September 21st (National Back to Church Sunday). Like planting seeds, your job is not to force someone to come but to simply invite folks with abandonment like the sower in the gospel story.  Another way to plant seeds is to invite someone to Trinity to hear the Joan Brock presentation on September 7th at 2pm.  We are very fortunate that our diocese has awarded us with a grant to present this fabulous seminar for the people of our parish and our county.  Because we are so blessed as a community of faith, it is especially important to remember to count our blessings during this time when many folks are leaving the county or dying.  Remember:  We are planting seeds for a future that is yet unknown but will be revealed in the fullness of time.  Where is God calling YOU to sow?


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Karen Siegfriedt +


Photos of Life at Trinity:

Missio:Engage Team + Carol Holt
Outreach to the Homeless
Making Care Packages for the Homeless
Barbecue and Pool Party at the Lafferty's

Thank You from Cindy & Roger Simpson
Thank you for your prayers, both for healing for my mother, Alicia Wotring, and for comfort following her passing. Roger and I also appreciate the cards and notes of sympathy we received. God Bless!             Cindy & Roger
Memorial Service for Lys Marr
Saturday, September 27th at 1:00pm:  A memorial service will be held for Lys Marr at Trinity with a reception to follow.  Cards may be sent to her daughter, Laurie Leed at P.O. Box 114, Volcano, CA  95689.
Author/Speaker Joan Brock Coming to Trinity

Joan Brock, internationally known speaker and noted author, will be bringing her inspirational presentation, the Gift Of Hope, to Jackson on Sunday, September 7th. This inspiring, poignant, humorous and uplifting presentation comes to our small town only because a longtime friend, Episcopalian Barbara Wells, invited her.


Get the word out! What an opportunity for us to share this gift with the wider community. Bring your friends, bring the kids, tell your neighbors, and if they fear it will be "too religious", assure them that Joan Brock's story is "spiritual" in the way that courage, hope, and inspiration are spiritual, uplifting and transforming.  


At the age of 32, Joan Brock suddenly lost her sight while working at a school for the blind. Then, at age 37, she tragically lost her husband to cancer, leaving her to raise their young daughter alone. What kept her from dark despair or bitterness? The titles of her best-selling autobiographies give us a clue: More than Meets the Eye and Come to Your Senses. Her story is so remarkable it has been made into a Lifetime made-for-TV movie: More than Meets the Eye, The Joan Brock Story.  


She will be available to sell and sign her books after the presentation at Trinity Episcopal, Sutter Creek, 2:00 pm,  Sept. 7th


Save The Date: Farewell for Canon Britt 
As most of you probably know by now, Canon Britt will be leaving our diocese at the end of September in order to move with her husband Bryon to Seattle.  The Capital and Central deaneries are hosting a farewell dinner for Britt on Sunday evening September 14, starting at 5:30 p.m. at St. John's, Roseville.  The dinner will be potluck, and more details will be sent out later.  Mary Hustler, a member of the cathedral and of our Deanery Planning Group, has agreed to help coordinate the event.  If you would like to help with the event or have ideas for it, please contact Mary at or 916-715-6942 (cell). 
National Back to Church Sunday

"We want Trinity to thrive into the next generation"

"We want Trinity to be an active and visible force in Amador County"


These are the things you, the Trinity congregation, said at our annual meeting.

Now it's time to put those words into ACTION!


Sunday, September 21st is our "Back To Church Sunday" service.

This service could possibly make a difference to Trinity's future, beyond imagination! However, this day will not be successful without everyone's participation.


Start now!Call your friends, family, neighbors and those who you have not seen in church for awhile and ask them to come to church with you on Sunday September 21st. You know how everyone plans ahead. So don't wait!


If everyone would bring one person, we would fill the church to capacity! What a blessing that would be to see the church house jammed! Hear the voices of 100+ people singing the praises of God!


PLEASE make every effort to make this a joyous occasion for Trinity. Let's break the record for attendance on this Sunday!


There will be a special potluck following the 1030 service. This potluck will be a "finger foods" selection. Everyone please bring a dish! I have a feeling we're going to need to open the doors of Jane's Hall to make room for everyone.


All visitors will receive a small welcome bag.

There will be balloons, welcome signs and special music on this day.

This day will also be the end of our Charter for Compassion Games. We will hopefully have made enough compassion rings to circle the entire church.
Back to Church Sunday Promo 
Back to Church Sunday Promo
Scam Alert! Amador County Targeted

BEWARE of these callers:

1) Citizens are being contacted by a person representing the Sheriff's Department stating they have a "Failure To Appear" thus needing to pay a fine. Amador County Sheriff DOES NOT make such calls.


2) Notice that you are being given a gift card of $100 from Walmart or Target. You must call an 800 number then are asked to pay a processing fee of $7.48 and provide a credit card # to process, thus they have an authorized credit card.


Please inform the Sheriff about any such calls you may have had!

                               (209) 223-6500

The Trinity missio:Engage! team has completed their initial two year commitment. However, our "Mission" is not over. We will continue to "take our joy and energy out into our community and share the good news of Jesus Christ with all we encounter".


 The missio;Engage! team will continue to exist, but at a different intensity. There will be no more webinars and no rigorous meeting structure. We plan to meeting once every 2-3 months, or as needed. Our next meeting is October 19th, after coffee hour.

We would like to invite you to join missio; Engage!, into the future
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 7PM. Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Carol Harper at 916-595-1493 or email Web site:
September Birthdays

The following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in September!


1st- Colin Kendig

3rd- John Lafferty

4th- Sarah Hart & Evan Kendig 

10th- Jan Lemos

18th- Paul Lewis

   22nd- Mary Krauthamel-Lane

   25th- Carolyn Hennings

   28th- Jennifer Putnam

  29th- Bob Blair, Bud Busch & Mary Kriletich


If you are celebrating a birthday in September, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.