June 30, 2015
Photo by Nathan DeHart
Vigilance Vineyards, Red Hills AVA                                   Photo by Nathan DeHart
A Message from the Commission President...

As summer temperatures climb, consider cooling off at the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG) Summer Conference on July 22-23 at the Silverado Resort in Napa. During the event's 4th Annual Award of Excellence Dinner, CAWG will be presenting the award for Grower of the Year to Andy Beckstoffer. Join fellow grape growers from across the state in recognizing Andy for this achievement. See event details below...


If you're looking to buy or sell winegrapes and/or bulk wine, we invite you to check out LCWC's Grape Marketplace, a dedicated web page where Lake County winegrape growers can list grapes/bulk wine for sale and view postings from wineries seeking Lake County fruit.


And don't miss a great opportunity to learn about sustainable winegrowing certification during an upcoming self-assessment webinar or workshop presented by California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA). Read on for more info.



In This Issue

CAWG Summer Conference Set for July 22-23 in Napa 


The California Association of Winegrape Growers is hosting the CAWG Summer Conference on July 22-23 at the Silverado Resort & Spa in Napa. The 41st Annual Meeting features a full slate of activities, including educational sessions and presentation of leadership awards. CAWG will present this year's Grower of the Year award to Andy Beckstoffer at the awards dinner on Wednesday evening. 


CAWG's speaker program on Thursday will feature:

  • Wine Market Update and Insights by Mike Veseth, editor of The Wine Economist, and John Gillispie, Wine Market Council president
  • "How Do We Grow the Market for California Wines?" by Rob McMillan, EVP and founder of Silicon Valley Bank's Wine Division, and Amy Hoopes, chief marketing officer/EVP, Global Sales, Wente Family Estates
  • Update from Washington, DC, by Louie Perry, CAWG's federal lobbying team member from Cornerstone Government Affairs
  • The View from Trinchero Family Estates (luncheon keynote address) by Bob Torkelson, president and COO of Trinchero Family Estates
Lodging: CAWG has negotiated a room rate of $199 at the Silverado Resort & Spa. Reserve at this rate by Wednesday, July 8.

Event info is available on the CAWG web site

For sponsorship opportunities, call CAWG at (916) 379-8995.


'Lake County's Irrepressible Rise' by Linda Murphy


Be sure to take a look at a wonderful article by Linda Murphy in Wine Review Online. The piece, titled "Lake County's Irrepressible Rise," provides detail about the Lake County wine region and several of its growers and highlights a selection of the wines sampled during the Lake County Rising Fly-In Trade Event, presented by the Lake County Winegrape Commission in mid-May.


Murphy is the co-author of American Wine with Jancis Robinson and is the U.S. correspondent for JancisRobinson.com, the West Coast correspondent for Decanter magazine, and a contributor to Food & Wine magazine, Epicurious.com and the San Francisco Chronicle.


Read the full article here.

CSWA Encourages Grower Participation 
in Sustainability Self-Assessment

The California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA) is gearing up for its 2015 Sustainability Report to be released in January 2016. This five-year report will provide a statewide overview of adoption of sustainable practices, and is a valuable communication tool for the California wine industry's key stakeholders in both the public policy and market arenas.

All of California's vintners and growers are encouraged to help meet the industry goal of 80 percent of California's winegrape acreage and wine case production assessed with the Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Workbook (third edition). The higher the participation level, the more the sustainability message resonates with policymakers, regulators, environmental and community organizations, trade, and media.

Lake County winegrape growers are encouraged to participate before the August 30, 2015, cut-off date. 

Sign up for a login to access the online self-assessment system and get started on a self-assessment today.

Find an upcoming free self-assessment workshop or webinar to learn more.

For more info, visit the CSWA web site.
UC Davis Survey Seeks Grower Input 

Winegrower participation is requested in the 2015 Wine Industry Financial Survey, conducted by the UC Davis Graduate School of Management.

Robert H. Smiley, Ph.D., Dean and Professor of Management Emeritus, will present the results during the Wine Industry Financial Symposium being held September 21-22 at the Napa Valley Marriott.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Respondents are encouraged to skip any question deemed too proprietary in nature and continue answering the rest of the survey. Aggregate data is used to perform the survey analysis, and thus, all responses will be confidential.

Go to the online survey.

Affiliate Sponsor:

SERVPRO Industries


SERVPRO Industries, with warehouses and offices in Lakeport, Ukiah, and Healdsburg, is proud to call itself an Affiliate Sponsor for the Lake County Winegrape Commission. 


"We know how important it is for businesses to recover from water, fire, smoke, and storm damages - that's what we can offer to the grape growers of Lake County," said Jonathan Bridges, marketing manager for SERVPRO of Lake, Mendocino, and Sonoma County Northeast.


Specializing in fire and water cleanup and restoration, SERVPRO can provide emergency services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Besides providing fire, water, and storm damage cleanup, SERVPRO offers mold remediation and restoration following the cleanup from various disasters and is available for both residential and commercial services.


SERVPRO franchises of Lake, Mendocino, and Sonoma County NE are independently owned and operated and can handle all losses from small broken water pipes to large losses from fire or smoke. If need be, the companies have access to the parent company's resources to handle large catastrophic events.


SERVPRO will respond to a request for service within one hour of the first call and will be on-site at the damaged property within four hours. In addition, SERVPRO works with all major insurance companies to help speed up the process to get a business up and running as soon as possible.


"We are a company you do not want to have call, but if the need arises, you will be happy to have a local company with our expertise and resources available to deal with unexpected disasters and get you back to business as soon as possible," said General Manager Robert Roumiguiere.


For information about SERVPRO and its services, call (707) 263-9283 or visit its web site or Facebook page. SERVPRO's emergency number is (707) 462-3848.


Affiliate Sponsors

Umpqua logo
Allied Grape Grower logo
North Coast Vineyard Services logo

Bob Bartley Pump logo

PG&E logo

Ag Unlimited logo

Novavine logo
Savings Bank logo
Lincoln Leavitt logo
American AgCredit logo
Guillaume logo

Ranch winery logo

Peterson logo

Ag Unlimited Lyman logo