 | View from Vigilance Vineyards Photo Courtesy of Shannon Ranches
A Note from the Commission President ...
Bright blue skies and pops of orange and yellow appear in the vineyards as bins of deep purple fruit arrive at the wineries... Autumn is here. Harvest's end is approaching.
It's formally approved: the final rule establishing the Big Valley District - Lake County AVA and the Kelsey Bench - Lake County AVA published in the Federal Register on October 2. These two will become officially recognized AVAs 30 days after publication. Read on for details on these new AVAs and labeling considerations.
Mark your calendars now for "Momentum!" - an exciting seminar series for Lake County winegrowers, winery owners, winemakers, and tasting room managers. The first seminar will be Friday, November 22, at the Soper-Reese Theatre in Lakeport. Highlights include:
- A special keynote presentation by Professor Greg Jones on his study of the climate of the Clear Lake winegrowing region
- A presentation on the Lake County Rising story
- An informative winegrower/winemaker panel discussion on Lake County's AVAs
- A guided technical tasting on the evolving style of wines from Lake County's sub-appellations
Space is limited, so stay tuned for registration details...
A big "Congratulations!" to the team at Shannon Ranches for achieving Certified Sustainable status. Read on to learn how they did it.
Sacramento Bee's Mike Dunne says "Lake County is right for Sauvignon Blanc." Read more
Additional articles on the Commission web site.
On the radio ...
"The Elixir of Lake County: The New Wine Country of Northern California" on The Taira St. John Show, KPFZ Radio 88.1 FM, Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, and replayed Mondays, 1:00-2:00 pm.Upcoming guests: 10-23-13 - Glenda Humiston, Ph.D., Rural Development State Director, United States Agricultural Department11-06-13 - Banyon Kirkendall, Winemaker, Wildhurst Vineyards 11-20-13 - Gregory Graham and Chic le Chef Julie Hoskins
Big Valley District and Kelsey Bench AVAs Approved
KELSEYVILLE, CA - David Weiss, chairman of the Big Valley District and Kelsey Bench Growers Committee, announced the recent publication of the final rule establishing two new American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) in Lake County by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).
Weiss noted that the process to finally getting these new AVAs approved was a lengthy one. "The addition of these two new AVAs helps to further define the distinct characteristics of Lake County as a wine region," Weiss said.
Shannon Ranches Earns Sustainable Certification
Editor's note: This version corrects information regarding certification, which was to the vineyards only.
LOWER LAKE - Shannon Ranches is proudly farming all 745 acres of its Lake County vineyards sustainably, and it has the official certification to show for it.
The Shannon Ranch vineyards recently earned the distinction "Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing."
Upcoming Events
Lake County Winegrape Commission events can be found on the Commission's web site Calendar. Check out this month's happenings!
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Seminar November 15, 8 am-5 pm
Rod Shippey Hall, UC Hopland Research and Extension Center
Labor Management in Ag - Cultivating Personnel Productivity Workshop
November 20-21, 9 am to 4 pm The Lodge at Blue Lakes, 5135 W Highway 20, Upper Lake Designed for Spanish-speaking farm supervisors and mid-level agricultural managers. The two-day workshop is open to all foremen and supervisors who work with vineyards and wineries, orchards and packing sheds, and farms and ranches in Northern California. Register Online Now. Cost is $125 before November 10; $150 after.
Momentum! November 22 Soper-Reese Theatre, Main Street, Lakeport First in a series of seminars for winegrape growers, winery owners, winemakers and tasting room managers.
Master Vigneron 2013 Graduation
December 5
Location to be determined
Agency Compliance, Sustainable Winegrowing & Certification: How It All Might Come Together December 11 Mendocino College Computer Lab, 2565 Parallel Drive, Lakeport
Sustainable Winegrowing Workshop.
Vintage Nurseries
Meet Our Affiliate Sponsors Submitted by Brook Advertising and Public Relations Vintage Nurseries is dedicated to supplying the cleanest materials as possible to the industry. The nursery, an industry leader located in Wasco, California, is one of North America's largest grapevine nurseries, with products ranging from field grown benchgrafts and natural rooted vines, to dormant field grown rootstock, custom grown dormants and cuttings. Read more