OCTOBER 27, 2016 | VOLUME 5 | ISSUE 7

SNAPSHOT: The Highlands Cubing Expo on Tuesday was the culmination of a project by students in Highlands Room 8 -- Mark Wallace's continuous progress classroom -- who used Rubik's Cubes to build community, expose kids to new things and to ignite potential sparks. The 40-minute Expo included a coaching corner to teach beginners, a tournament, a mosaic and display about Rubik's Cube history, and a champion cube solver.
Superintendent Ric Dressen announces his intent
to leave Edina at end of school year
After nearly eleven years at the helm, Ric Dressen announced Oct. 24 his intentions to have the 2016-17 school year be his last as superintendent in Edina Public Schools. Dressen arrived in Edina in July 2006 after serving for six years as superintendent of Alexandria Public Schools and seven years leading the Waconia School District. During his tenure in Edina, he has championed several district initiatives, including the passage of a $124.9 million bond referendum focused on updating all 10 of the district's educational facilities and a commitment to personalized learning for all district students. His strategic leadership has allowed Edina to maintain is national reputation for excellence while continuing to evolve in ways that address the changing needs of learners. Read more

Edina High School senior Tommy Jiang is among more than 400 semi-finalists named across the United States in this year's prestigious Siemens Competition, the nation's premier competition in math, science and technology for high school students. Read more
Edina Community Education took its adult enrichment programming on the road this month with a "field trip" to the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona. It is another way the program is exploring new opportunities for life-long learning experiences. Read more
Edina Public Schools took its first official student count for the year on Sept. 30 and found 63 more students in district desks than last year. That, other enrollment numbers and projections were shared with the school board at its Oct. 24 meeting. Read more

If you are disheartened by the current political climate, consider the results of classroom civics lessons in Edina Public Schools. Fifth graders at Highlands Elementary planned thoughtful political campaigns based on everything from protecting habitat to cyber security. Creek Valley third graders learned the importance of being informed voters through a hands-on lesson that included crackers and cookies. Read more

Concord, Countryside additions make connection, plus other updates
Work on the new building additions at Concord and Countryside is advancing and contractors are now at the point where the structure needs to connect with the roof. As such, preparation for the installation of the roof on the additions has begun. District officials and construction partners have taken measures to mitigate the odor of hot tar while this work occurs. The plan was for the work to be completed today and/or tomorrow (Oct. 27-28).

Additionally, site preparations for the district's new transportation services facility has begun; work on the lower fields at EHS continues to advance; and bids for the relocation of the EHS tennis courts to Creek Valley were approved by the School Board on Oct. 24.

Read more about these and other district construction project updates on www.edinaschools.org/ConstructionUpdate page of the district website.
Start/End Time Task Force explores options
At its third meeting, the Start/End Time Advisory Task Force explored and assessed options, prioritizing values and considerations. The district will use this information to draft options, along with benefits and challenges of each, to be presented to the Task Force at their next meeting. The Task Force will prioritize the options and decide which two or three will be presented to the School Board on Nov. 14.

The task force will hold its final meeting on Nov. 1. For more information, view the update on the district website.
Ed Fund accepting applications for 2017 grants
Behind every successful student is a passionate, highly trained, inspired teacher. To further inspire and support the Edina Public School staff, the Edina Education Fund is excited to announce the opening of its 2016-2017 Educator Grants Program (previously named Innovation Grants).
Since 1999, nearly 300 Innovation Grants have been awarded in every school across the district, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. The grants support projects that encourage and facilitate inspiration and creativity in the classroom, promote collaboration and exchange of ideas, and further academic excellence in Edina Public Schools.
In the 2016-2017 academic year, the Ed Fund is especially interested in supporting projects that align with three of the district's Educational Competencies: Globally Competent Individual, Motivated Lifelong Learner, and Well-Rounded Individual. In addition, funded projects will advance curriculum through best practice/staff development, curricular standards, and 21st century learning.
The grant process is open to all Edina Public Schools staff. For grant guidelines, applications, key dates and other related information visit the Ed Fund website . Don't delay -- Initial Project Concept Forms are due Nov. 28!

**NEXT ISSUE of The Buzz will be Nov. 10 - submit Staff News items by Nov. 8

Staff Milestones
To submit an entry for Staff Milestones, please include staff name, job title/type, employment location and major life event/announcement information to communications@edinaschools.org
Benefits Open Enrollment period runs through Nov. 9
The two week Open Enrollment period for EPS employee insurance benefits began Oct. 26 and goes through Nov. 9. There are informational meetings planned for various dates, times and locations around the district - you are welcome to attend any meeting that best fits your schedule. Representatives for the teachers' health plans and the non-teacher health plans will be present to answer your questions. More information about the benefits and the Open Enrollment meeting schedule is on the Staff Resources page of the district website. Corporate Health Services (CHS) will send an email to all eligible employees on Oct. 26 with instructions on how to enroll online. Click here to see the meeting schedule.

Translation service available to help you communicate
The district has contracted with Verbatim Solutions for the translation of written documents. This service has been used to translate large documents, such as the Family Handbook and Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook, as well as a number of common documents that are used throughout the district. This service is also available to help you meet the needs of our students. To manage this resource properly, you are asked to submit a Document Translation Request form to the translation request review team at epstranslate@edinaschools.org  Visit the Translation Resources page on the district website to learn more about the criteria for having document translated and to see the growing Translated Document Library.

Part time positions available for custodians
There are several openings for custodial positions in the school district, primarily second shift (approximately 3 p.m. to midnight). For more information about these positions, go to the district's employment page under Custodial.

** TONIGHT - League of Women Voters-Edina presents documentary, discussion of social justice and voting rights
The community is invited to a social justice event presented by the League of Women Voters-Edina on Thursday, Oct. 27, 7-9 p.m. at the Church of St. Patrick. The program will center on a free screening of the 40-minute documentary Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot, produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A community discussion will follow the film and will include special guests Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon; educator, administrator and activist Dr. Josie R. Johnson; and attorney Jorge Saavedra. The event is free but to aid preparation, you are asked to RSVP if you plan to attend.
 Click here for more information.

EHS students and staff roll up their sleeves to give
By Brooke Sheehy, EHS Zephyrus Staff Writer

Edina High School hosted its annual blood drive Oct. 25, when staff and students come together to do good for people they will never know. Those who choose to volunteer will offer up a pint of blood in exchange for donuts and the satisfaction of knowing they have potentially saved up to three lives.

About 25 percent of donors at the EHS blood drive will be first time blood donors. "I have heard many positive reviews from people who have donated blood in the past. They say it is a very rewarding experience that people should take advantage of if given the chance," said senior andhopeful first time donor, Macs Balcer, a senior.  "I have also heard some people say that they didn't enjoy the process so much, but I have never heard people has speak negatively towards the results, and that was enough to encourage me to donate." Read more
School Board Highlights - Oct. 24
Highlights of the Oct. 24 regular Board meeting include:
  • A presentation of district's annual financial audit of the 2015-16 school year. The district received a clean opinion on all funds.  Click here to review the audit reports.
  • An update on the district's assessment plan, including continuous improvement efforts around transparency of data and helping staff use data to improve instruction and learning.
  • A report on the district's K-12 curriculum review cycle: The district follows a six year cycle (one year less than the state mandated seven year cycle) to review curriculum content areas and make major purchases of materials, equipment or curriculum as necessary. This year K-12 mathematics and English language learner curriculum is being reviewed, along with elementary French language arts writing, which is continued from last year.
  • A status update on the math curriculum review currently underway: Andi Loger, district mathematics coordinator, noted that the K-5 Math Curriculum Design Team has identified two curriculums to be piloted at district schools from November to January. A recommendation on a preferred curriculum is expected in February or March. The 6-12 Math Curriculum Design Team is working on aligning curriculum across grade levels and to the district's educational competencies. The team is exploring curriculum used by top school districts in the country, working on sequencing of courses and possible new courses.
  • Superintendent Ric Dressen announced he will be leaving EPS at the end of the 2016-17 school year. The Board said that additional information about the search process for a new superintendent will be shared soon.
The next regular meeting of the School Board will be Monday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m., ECC Room 349.
Complete agendas and meeting minutes are available online. Watch video of past School Board meetings on the district website. (Note: Due to staff absences, the Monday, Oct. 24 School Board meeting video will not be posted until next week. Likewise, it will not air on Southwest Community Television on Sunday.)
Trash and recycling and organics, oh my!
We all try to be Earth-friendly but sometimes it is hard to know the right thing to do -- especially when you are faced with an array of disposal bins. A group of students at Countryside Elementary are here to help with an informative video created at the beginning of the school year. Their intent is to help educate their peers at Countryside but their video offers helpful information for all of us. Proper sorting of trash, recycling and organics is an important part of the district's Go Green efforts. To learn more, click on Countryside's Go Green video at left.


** TONIGHT - October 27: Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot Community Film Screening and Discussion
  • Thursday, Oct. 27, 7-9 p.m. at Church of St. Patrick, 6820 St. Patrick's Lane, Edina
  • Screening of 40-minute documentary; discussion with special guests follows
  • Presented by League of Women Voters-Edina
  • Help us plan - RSVP if you plan to attend
October 29: EHS Carnival Concert
  • Saturday, Oct. 29, 6 p.m., Fick Auditorium
  • Instrument "petting zoo" and games 6-6:30; concert begins at 6:30 p.m.
  • All seats general admission, tickets sold at the door
Nov. 3-5: EHS Fall Musical - The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
  • Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 3-5, 7 p.m. EPAC
  • Matinee performance Saturday, Nov. 5 at 1 p.m.
  • Click here for ticket information
Nov. 5: Edina Dance Team Fall Kid's Clinic
  • Saturday, Nov. 5, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Valley View Middle School (parent show at 11:45 a.m.)
  • For kids up to age 12 of all dancing abilities -- dance, play games, make crafts, have fun!
  • Cost is $35 per participant; Register at edtkidsclinic.eventbrite.com/
Nov. 8: Election Day -- REMEMBER TO VOTE!
  • No activities after 6 p.m.


Contact the communications team at 952.848.3919 or email us at  communications@edinaschools.org with news, story ideas or photos! 
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5701 Normandale Road 
Edina, MN 55424