SEPT. 4, 2014 


Many of the Edina Public Schools held pep fests this week as a way to welcome back students and offer parents with information about how to get involved at their child's school. Pictured above: Students from Creek Valley smile after enjoying pizza, hula hooping and dancing with friends.

The latest stories about what's happening in our schools
New professional opportunity provides deeper learning for staff

At the core of the mission of Edina 

Public Schools (EPS) is the objective to 

educate all individuals to be responsible, lifelong learners. That means learning, mentoring and teaching doesn't strictly apply to PreK-12 students. In the EPS community, teachers, families and individuals of all ages are encouraged 

to participate in district opportunities 

that deepen learning and broaden horizons. This summer, the district held 

a new professional learning opportunity for EPS staff called the Edina Learning Institute. Read more about how the experience will impact learners across the district.   



Less than one-tenth of 

one percent of students receive a perfect score 

of 36 on the ACT each year. EPS is happy to congratulate EHS senior Jamie Bodeau for joining those ranks! Read more.


Edina High School is ranked 53rd on a recent list of the nation's best public high schools by The Daily Beast. The ranking is the highest of any Minnesota public high school. Read more.

Homecoming is just around the corner! Click here for the full schedule of events and game information. Join the community and be a part of one of the biggest Edina celebrations. [Photo by: Edina Magazine]


Keeping the theme alive


As you know, our theme in Edina Public Schools this school year is "Bringing Hope and Happiness to Our Future." Looking through the lens of hope and happiness is quite powerful and critical to success not only in our professional work, but also in our personal lives. Hope and Happiness can be seen in the littlest of gestures, but they have a great impact. It has been exciting to see how this theme is already taking hold in our schools over these few
first couple weeks of school, for example:

  • New students, especially those making transitions to new schools and programs (e.g. kindergarteners, sixth graders, tenth graders), becoming more comfortable with their new school surroundings thanks to extra support and welcome activities provided by fellow students and school staff
  • Twelfth grade students discussing post-secondary plans and what steps they need to take to reach their goals
  • Parents talking to one another about all that their children have learned in just a few days of school
  • EPS teachers connecting during and outside of the school day to plan and adjust lessons based on individual student needs
  • Bus drivers sharing their excitement for the new school year and connecting with students during their routes before and after school
  • The overall energy and excitement felt throughout the crowd as the EHS marching band performed at this season's first football game

Our district is off to a great start to the school year and I challenge us all to be mindful of this theme of hope and happiness throughout the weeks and months ahead. Shane Lopez, in his book, Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others, discusses the concept of "nexting" as a way of practicing and sustaining hope in our lives. He encourages adults to pursue nexting with our youth by asking them "what is next" for them-as the next few days, their plans for the year, and their dreams for the future.  According to Lopez, nexting is something that comes naturally for young people as they are often looking to what lies ahead. Adults can take advantage of this innate drive for what is next in ways that allow for dialogues about what our students are feeling, what support they need, and what strategies they can employ to help them reach their goals. The more our young people practice thinking about their future, the more they have hope about what lies ahead of them.


Nexting is a wonderful, informal tool that can help all of us as we look to and plan for a future that is even better than the present. It aligns with our Next Generation strategic efforts and reinforces the importance of working in partnership with each other. The research shows that hope and happiness cannot be achieved alone. I encourage all of us to utilize the strategy of nexting as we work on bringing hope and happiness to our students, our future.


I thank you all for a fantastic start to the 2014-15 school year. It's been a great beginning, so I ask you all ... what's next?


- Ric


P.S. - I want to extend my thanks to everyone that assisted with our back-to-school preparation efforts. It takes literally hundreds of staff at the site, program and district levels working together to ensure our EPS team is ready to start the new year. A special thanks goes to our EHS Marching Band for continuing our tradition of filling the auditorium with music and energy at the All-Staff Kickoff event.


Yet, we know that not everything went off as well as it could have. As we championed in our yearly theme two years ago, we strive to be remarkable, not perfect. I apologize for the unforeseen schedule conflicts, sound system difficulties, attempts at humor that could be taken as offensive to some, and construction project challenges. We continue to learn from this event, to include seeking your input via the staff survey below. I thank you all for your feedback and appreciate the energy and excitement you bring to these back to school events. Have a great year!





Kindergarten teacher at Normandale


When Jessica Schmidt graduated from Edina High School and started attending McGill University, the "Harvard of Canada," she enrolled to study pre-med. At the same time, on top of studying to become a doctor or a nurse, Schmidt served as a camp counselor at Camp Mariste in Montreal. The more involved she became with the camp, the more she realized that her true passion wasn't medicine. What she wanted to do was work with kids and make learning fun. 


From McGill, Schmidt transferred to the University of St. Thomas, where she completed her bachelor's degree in elementary education. Prior to her new position as a kindergarten teacher at Normandale French Immersion School, Schmidt completed her student teaching at Countryside Elementary and served as a KIDS Club recreation leader.


Read more about Schmidt's journey in becoming a teacher and how she plans to contribute to advancing our excellence.

Do you know a teacher or group of teachers who deserve recognition? Send your nominations to to be considered for the weekly blog spotlight.
Important EPS employee news

Staff Milestones 

To submit an entry for Staff Milestones, please include staff name, job title/type, employment location and major life event/announcement information to

  • Congratulations to Cesley Bergsten, Edina High School health service associate, and her husband on the recent birth of their baby boy. 
  • Our condolences to Nate Koller, Countryside KIDS Club Recreation Leader, and his wife on the recent passing of his father-in-law.
  • Our condolences to Janet Jans, choral and vocal music teacher at South View, on the recent passing of her father.

Resources and updates from 

EPS Digital Learning Specialists

Want to learn more about technology and ways
you can utilize it in your work? Edina Public Schools Digital Learning Specialists have created this helpful online resource to guide you through the many technology platforms that are available in the district. Find links to district applications and resources on how to use various tech tools in your classrooms, work and life. Click here to get started.

WE NEED YOUR INPUT: August Training Evaluation Surveysurvey

All staff are invited and encouraged to complete the (very brief) 2014-15 August Training Evaluation Survey, which will be open through Sunday, Sept. 7. Your feedback is essential to our continuous improvements efforts and planning for future professional development opportunties.  


e.Leadership: an opportunity to grow your leadership skills 
Edina Public Schools will again be offering e.leadership, a four-session leadership skills course for all EPS staff. The course is open to staff members involved in leadership positions within their sites or programs, and provides training and applied learning in a collegial, cohort model. Over 70 teachers, custodians, coordinators, administrators, and support staff have completed the training.  The commitment involves four 1�-hour sessions over the fall and early winter months, which are facilitated by Research and Evaluation Director 
Chad Schmidt and Superintendent Ric Dressen. 
  • Meeting time: 4:30-6 p.m.
  • Meeting dates:
    • Thursday, Sept. 25
    • Tuesday, Oct. 21 
    • Tuesday, Nov. 11 
    • Tuesday, Dec. 9
  • Location: Edina Community Center, room TBD 
  • Registration: Sign up via KeepCertified
  • Program details:
    • Click here for a screencast that provides more information (note you must be logged into Edina Apps before clicking on the link). 
    • For additional information, please contact Chad Schmidt

Facilities Advisory Task Force Sept. 2 Meeting Recap


On Sept. 2, the Facilities Advisory Task Force (FATF) held its second meeting to analyze pertinent information and consider options for future district facilities to meet the needs of EPS' Next Generation learners.


The FATF reviewed a host of relevant data, including: specifications, challenges and needs of current buildings as well as fitness, physical education and activities/athletics spaces; existing reports and work in progress related to safety and security, maintenance, and an alternative transportation site; community survey data; financing options; and a review of the most recent 2003 facilities bond referendum projects. 


FATF members then heard about Next Generation efforts, including future grade configurations, and a look at some current innovative spaces already in use in EPS. 


Visit to learn more about how the group will work together to rethink and envision facilities to meet the needs of Edina Public Schools' Next Generation learners.

  • All meeting materials and resources are available online.
  • The next FATF meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 9, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Edina Community Center, Room 350. All meetings are open to the public.

September Board Meeting Previews

On Sept. 8, the School Board will hold a special meeting / work session to approve some personnel items and discuss leadership actions and efforts as part of the district's Next Generation of Edina Public Schools Strategic Plan.


The Board's next regular meeting is slated for Sept. 22 at which they will be discussing the district's World's Best Workforce Plan, hear an assessment update, and continue strategic discussion. A finalized agenda will be posted by Friday, Sept. 19.  


Previous School Board Meetings 

Fit Food at Concord Elementary


The Concord Elementary PTO was featured in this 

month's issue of PTO Today for its wellness program 

and annual recipe contest. Click here to read about 

their efforts to educate students about food, health 

and wellness. For a look back at last year's recipe 

contest, click here.




Helping Hands (Edina Magazine)


Sleepless nights, soiled diapers and self-help books can leave new parents feeling like they're wading through a swamp of confusion for the first few years of their child's life. To help alleviate some of the stress, Edina Community Education Services offers free Baby and Me classes at the Edina Family Center. Read more.


Edina High School and Edina PCN Presents: Life of An Athlete
Sept. 18, 7-9 p.m., Edina Performing Arts Center

Learn about the residual effects of drugs and alcohol on the body and brain development, as well as how sleep and nutrition affect concentration, energy levels, training and performance. Keynote speaker and Olympic Trainer John Underwood will talk about the curriculum for the Life of An Athlete program and how it can help students reach their full potential and become healthy leaders - in the classroom, on the field and in life. This forum is open to the community and presented in collaboration with Edina Committed, the Activities Department and Edina PCN.

2014 Candidate Forums
Sept. 22 & 30, starting at 7 p.m., Edina City Hall


The League of Women Voters of Edina will hold candidate forums at informed voter Edina City Hall before the Nov. 4 general election. You will have an opportunity to hear opening remarks, ask questions of the candidates and hear their closing remarks. The schedule is as follows:


Monday, Sept. 22: 

  • House District 49A Candidates at 7 p.m. with Dario Anselmo and Ron Erhardt
  • House District 49B Candidates at 8 p.m. with Barb Sutter and Paul Rosenthal

Tuesday, Sept. 30: Edina City Council Candidates at 7 p.m.


Curriculum Night Dates to Note:
  • Sept. 4: South View Middle School Back to School Night For Parents; Valley View Curriculum Night for grades 7-9
  • Sept. 8: Countryside 2nd Grade Curriculum Night at 4:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 11: Countryside 3rd Grade Curriculum Night at 5:15 p.m.
  • Sept. 11: Normandale Classroom Information Night at 5:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 16: Highlands Curriculum Night at 6 p.m.
  • Sept. 23: Highlands Kindergarten Curriculum Night at 7 p.m. 
DID YOU KNOW?didyouknow

1951: Edina High School's 

First Homecoming Parade

The first graduating class of Edina High School 
earned their diplomas in 1951, a milestone that 
also commemorated the city's first homecoming 
parade. Though small, the route included all 112 graduates completing a loop around the Kuhlman 
Field track. In the years since, the small parade 
has grown to become an exciting, glorified tradition. 

Today, learners of all ages in Edina Public Schools travel from the Edina Country Club to the Edina Community Center,march and cheering along the official parade route. Mark your calendar for Sept. 12 at 4:30 p.m. to join in on the 2014 fun!

Help us keep the 2014-15 school year Hope & Happiness theme alive. 

Contact the communications team at 952.848.3919 or email us at with news, story ideas or photos! 
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5701 Normandale Road 
Edina, MN 55424

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