Naromi Land Trust  
Forever. Sherman.  
                                                           October/November 2013
                                                                                               Vol. 4, Issue 11     

James Eyring address the crowd at the Naromi 2013 Picnic - Photo by Marge Josephson
In This Issue
Hike with NFLT
Photo Exhibit
Quick Links


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Members, Friends and Neighbors,
This fall has been a glorious time to be outdoors enjoying Sherman's natural resources.  We have been busy and have a lot to share with you.  

Be sure to mark you calendar for our next hike, on November 3 a joint hike with New Fairfield Land Trust. 

As always look at and our Facebook often for up-to-date information. 
"Thanks for a great picnic - we had a great time!" -John O'Donnell
James Eyring with Barred Owl - Photo by John O'Donnell
It was a spectacular day at Kemp's Meadow in Hadlow Fields.  Old friends and new came out to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, pies, cookies, brownies, and apples, not to mention the kites and James Eyring's birds!

Many thanks to everyone who helped at the picnic and to the many people who sent in their great photos!

Look at our website for more photos.
Kite Flyer at Hadlow Fields - Photo by Pauline Ores

Hike the Herrick and Appalachian Trails on Nov 3rd
Herrick Signpost  
Join Naromi and New Fairfield Land Trusts for a one way hike between Evans Hill Road in Sherman and Bull's Bridge in Kent via the Herrick and Appalachian Trails, with views of the Housatonic River valley and crossing the Ten Mile River on the Ned Anderson Bridge.
Meet at 9:45 AM on November 3rd.  Hike will be about two hours.  Bring a snack and water and be sure to wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking on uneven ground.  Pre-registration is recommended so we can arrange car pools ahead and so we can contact folks if there is a question of weather.  Call the NLT office at 860-354-0260 or email
Membership Appeal is coming!
Wimisink Boardwalk Opening April 2013 - Photo by Dennis Larkin
Keep your eyes peeled in your mailbox for the Naromi membership renewal in a few weeks.  We know you receive many membership requests at this time of year.  Naromi is the only organization dedicated to conserving and protecting the natural resources of Sherman, including wildlife habitats, water quality, agricultural lands and scenic vistas, for the benefit of and use by, current and future generations.  Please keep this Mission in mind when considering where and how to spend your charity dollars.
A Walk in the Quarry
It was good to have remembered your sunglasses when we walked into the Peckham Industries Quarry on October 5th.  The sun was shining without a cloud in the sky and the white rock was gleaming.  Read this great blogpost written by Kathy Diemer for a description of the day.  Thank you to Susan Locke for the photos!

This Weekend: FrOGS Art Show
October 26/27 - FrOGS Art Show: Friends of the Great Swamp Art Show & Celebration exhibits and sells work of local artists and crafters, and features live animal presentations by Jim Eyring (raptors) and by The Nature of Things (reptiles, amphibians, mammals), children's activities, educational exhibits, live music and light refreshments...and this year, some surprises. At the Thomas Memorial Center, Christ Church, Pawling, NY.  October 26 - from 11 AM to 5 PM & Sunday, October 27 - from noon to 4 PM  There are more events on the FrOGS website.

Photo Exhibit - Click on the poster for more info

Japanese Knotweed
The Washington Garden Club has a great page on their website with photos of Japanese Knotweed at various stages in its growth.

Japanese Knotweed is a very aggressive invasive plant that is very easy to see along roadsides and in wetlands.

Knotweed can be very tasty if shoots are harvested in the spring and used in recipes that call for rhubarb.