Muskingum Valley Presbytery
  MVP Mission Update

May 29, 2014  

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MVP Office 
Monday through Thursday
8:00A - 4:30P

MVP News:


2014 Mission Yearbooks  
are available for 
$15.00 each


2014-2015 Planning Calendars 
are now on sale 
$9.00 each
(Bulk order through Mission Center
  due May 16, 2014)
Per Capita 2014
Synod 3.25

First Things First


Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food

in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if

I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so

much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

  --Malachi 3:10


I was first taught how to tithe as a child. On Saturday nights each week, we would receive our allowance. But, to make sure that God came first, my father would always break out the tithe so that we might immediately place it in our offering envelopes for Sunday morning. As I've grown, I find that I pay the bills the same way, God first and then the rest. What I've found is that when God comes first, there is always enough and more to spare.


Our tithes have a spiritual significance for our relationship with God. Richard Foster said,

"When we let go of money, we are letting go of part of ourselves and part of our security. But this is precisely why it is important to do it. It is one way to obey Jesus' command to deny ourselves.... When we give money, we are releasing a little more of our egocentric selves and a little more of our false security.... Giving frees us to care. It produces an air of expectancy as we anticipate what God will lead us to give. It makes life with God an adventure in the world, and that is worth living for and giving for"

(Richard J. Foster, quoted in "Reflections," Christianity Today, 6-12-00).  
We honor God when we show we are willing to trust him with our tithe and the rest as well. 



Imagine then what we could do if everyone here actually tithed. A few years ago, a Galveston church had a Tithing Demonstration Sunday for its members. On a designated Sunday everyone was asked to give a tithe of one week's salary. They urged everyone- whether or not they usually tithed-to give a tithe that one time. As you could imagine, the offering that Sunday was the largest ever given. In fact, it was six times the usual offering. The aftermath was even more exciting. Many who had never tithed before changed their attitude and decided if they could do it once, they could do it again. By the end of that year giving was up almost three times what it had been before the tithe demonstration. The people's enthusiasm was up more than that. Over and over, people gave testimonies of the many changes in their lives as God fulfilled his promise in Malachi 3:10. All of this came from a simple obedience to the God who provides.


With joy,



Debbie Rundlett

General Presbyter


Holy Habit: Relational Tithe

God has created an economy of abundance and intends for us to care for one another. This call is lived out not simply or even primarily by benevolence, charity, or even philanthropy, but through a call to Christian community. Economic sharing was a mark of the early church:

No one claimed that any of their possessions were their own, 

but they shared everything they had... 

There were no needy persons among them

(Acts 4:32, 34).


The Relational Tithe is a means by which we can participate in God's economy and care for one another. It's simple. Commit with a group of friends to tithe (10%) of your income into a common fund to meet the needs of one another and the needs of people in your community. 
Allow God to direct your shared giving. For more information:



Holy Habit for Children: 
Start a Shepherd's Purse


Set aside a "shepherd's purse." Collect all your loose change and put it in a purse or jar. Then when you hear of a need, offer what is in your "shepherd's purse."


Or check out other opportunities to give through






Adjusted Mission Center Office Hours


Regular office hours (8:00 am - 4:30 pm) will be observed on Thursday, May 22.


Monday, May 26: the Mission Center will be CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day.


Reduced office hours (call before arriving) will be observed Tuesday, May 27 - Thursday, May 29, as the staff attend the ACS Technologies Ideas to Impact Conference in Nashville, TN.


Normal office hours (Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm) will resume Monday, June 2.


The Synod Announces the Annual Multicultural Youth Conference


In June, the Synod of the Covenant will have their annual Multicultural Youth Conference in conjunction with the Annual Covenant Gathering.  


The Youth Conference is open to any raising 9th graders through graduates of 12 grades. The flyer is attached and information and registration is on the front page of the synod website.


Janet C. Fehlen

Executive Assistant

Synod of the Covenant



Announcing: "Through the Beautiful Gate - A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land"


Please see the attached brochure with information about a 2015 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Registration forms for the pilgrimage can be found at this link.For further information, please contact Rev. Anne Weirich at College Drive Presbyterian Church.


Rev. Anne Weirich

 College Drive Presbyterian Church 



Announcing Healthy Congregations Facilitator Training - Summer 2014!


Information is now available for the summer 2014 offering of Healthy Congregations Facilitator training:

Announcing the 2014 Fall Cohort for Commissioned Ruling Elder Training!


We will be launching another cohort of Commissioned Ruling Elder training beginning September 2014.  More information (including the CRE application packet and other necessary forms) are found on the MVP website. Questions regarding the training can be directed to Ron Walker or Candice McMath.


Click here for more information!


Board header  
Tax-Advantaged Plans Can Save Employees Money


Be sure to view Board University's latest Web module, Tax-Advantaged Plans, to learn how employing organizations can offer plans that help employees save money on healthcare and dependent care expenses.


These tax savings are possible under Sections 125, 105 of the Internal Revenue Code. The four types of tax-advantaged plans reviewed in the module are  
  • Healthcare Dues-Only Plan (Section 125 plan);
  • Health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) (Section 125 plans);
  • Dependent care flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) (Section 125 plans); 
  • Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) (Section 105 plans); and
  • Wrap Plans. 
Along with a general overview of each type of plan, the module covers how the plans can work together, how employers can implement the plans, and Board-provided resources.


To learn how employees can use pretax dollars to pay the allowable dues share for medical coverage and dues for dental coverage, see the companion Web module, Increasing Employee Take-Home Pay� --� Using Section 125 Healthcare Dues-Only Plans at Board University. From the home page, click on Members and Employers>Board University>E-Learning
Presbyterian Hymnals Available!
From Carly Jones

Wooster Westminster Presbyterian Church has Presbyterian Hymnals that they no longer need.  They are now using the Glory to God Hymnals and are looking to recycle or redistribute the old hymnals.  They are in good shape if there is another congregation that can use them. 


For further information, contact Carly Jones at the church (info below) or via email.

Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 E. Pine Street
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Phone: (330) 263-2398 

Updated RMMG Calendar is now available on the MVP Website!


for the Retreat Ministry Mission Group. 

Used Paraments Available!


First Presbyterian in Plymouth has a set of used paraments available.  They are in good condition. If interested, contact Linda Kaufman at 


Seeking an Organist/Pianist

New Concord Westminster Presbyterian Church


Westminster Presbyterian Church is looking for a new organist or pianist for Sunday morning worship, beginning in June. We would like to have someone who is willing to play each Sunday (10:30 worship), lead a small choir (we are extremely compliant and pleasant!) and do occasional extra services as needed. Our starting pay is $35 per worship service, with evaluation and raise to $50 as per performance. It would be ideal for a college student or a resident of New Concord.
Contact Rev. Ellen Thomas at OR 740-260-6151.  


2014 PW Gathering: "Radical Hospitality"

From the Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Covenant 


The PW in the Synod of the Covenant wish to announce their 2014 Gathering, "Radical Hospitality."

  • Date: July 18-19, 2014
  • Location: Trinity United Presbyterian Church, 5151 W Lennon Rd, Flint Township, MI 48507

Details on breakout sessions, cost, and speakers can be found in this brochure.

We are happy to post news and requests from your church in this section of the MVP Update.  Just email Candice or call 330-339-5515 to relay your news.  Please also let us know the "expiration date" on the news item so that we can keep this section current.

Prayer Requests/Updates
  • Prayers and congratulations to Jen Baer (New Harrisburg), who gave birth to Calvin Andrew Baer ("Cal") May 14, 2014.  Mother are child are doing well, but Cal is currently staying in the hospital nursery to stabilize his breathing and blood sugar. Blessings to the new family, with father John and sister Natalie!
  • If you or someone you know has a prayer request, please send them to Candice at

Journeying with Jesus to touch the world...
Empowered by the Spirit to:
Make Disciples, Nurture Our Faith, and Serve the Needs of the Community! 

Candice McMath, Mission Coordinator 


Muskingum Valley Presbytery

109 Stonecreek Road NW

New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 



Fax: 330.339.6225


 Visit our website:



Regular Office hours

Monday - Thursday

8:00A to 4:30P