Muskingum Valley Presbytery
MVP Mission Update

January 16, 2014

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This week...
Save the Dates!
MVP News & Materials
Entering the Mess
Where are the 2014 Updated Forms?
2013 Session Statistical Report
Presbytery Bulletin Board
Prayer Requests/Updates

Save the Dates



January 11, 2014

8:30 am - 4:30 pm


The Journey

Discovery 2:

Where Am I Now?


Faith Christian Church

2012 Pleasant Valley Road NE

New Philadelphia, OH 44663








MVP Office 
Monday through Thursday
8:00A - 4:30P

MVP News:


2014 Mission Yearbooks  
are now on sale 
$15.00 each  
Per Capita 2014
Synod 3.25

A Message to Proclaim: 

Radical Hospitality


Jesus became who we are that we might become what he is.



Soon after his testing in the wilderness, Jesus preached in his home synagogue:  "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor" (Luke 4:18-19).


At the heart of these words is the call to extend the radical hospitality of God. Jesus both taught and modeled with his life that it is in the space between the stranger and the self that the divine is encountered.


As he told his disciples: "When I was thirsty, you gave me water [...] as you did to the least of these..." (Matthew 25:45). Quoting the prophet Isaiah, Jesus proclaims the radical hospitality of God, which beckons all the excluded, disabled and powerless with the promise of healing and wholeness: Shalom.


At first the words seem to welcome Jesus' neighbors and the synagogue warms with pleasure. But, with sickening rapidity, it grows cold as Jesus makes clear that he knows that they do not really understand or truly welcome him. In no time at all, the congregation turns into a lynch mob and Jesus narrowly escapes with his life.


Henri Nouwen talks about the challenges of practicing radical hospitality, born of the acceptable time of the Lord: "Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines."


Our unity, then, is found in Christ. But there is danger here: there will be change. Part of the spiritual practice of radical hospitality is to learn to recognize our internal reactions to people whom we consider "strangers." It is to name our fear of change and make a conscious decision to "let go." To whom do we find it hardest to extend hospitality? What of our past will be the hardest to "let go" of that there might be space for "the new" born of God's call? The answers for each of us are probably different.  Yet, we do well to remember that Jesus became who we are that we might become what he is.


Radical hospitality is more than welcoming the stranger in our midst.  It is an ongoing spiritual practice that challenges each one of us to look beneath superficial differences to engage the holiness that is the foundation of every person. Like every spiritual practice, it is meant to change us until we come to bear the image of Christ.


With Blessings,


Debbie Rundlett

General Presbyter 



Holy Habit: Hospitality


"I was a stranger and you invited me in." 

Jesus, Matthew 25:35b.


How is God calling you to practice radical hospitality?  Often, hospitality is understood to be synonymous with "friendliness." While not mutually exclusive, hospitality calls us to a deeper investment of self than simple friendliness demands. Hospitality calls us to share our stories, with both laughter and tears. Hospitality pulls us into a deeper relationship with God and one another. Jesus makes clear that offering hospitality is a moral imperative (Matthew 25), and that our fears do not excuse us from welcoming the stranger in our midst. It is interesting to note that the word for "stranger" in Greek (xenos) also means "guest" and "host." In fact, the New Testament word for "hospitality" (philoxenia) literally translates as "a love of guests or strangers." How might our lives change if we dared to greet each person we meet as Christ in the stranger's guise? 


Where is the 2014 Prayer Partners List?

from Candice McMath 

With the coming of the new year, many of you have been emailing or calling the Mission Center to ask, "Where can I find the 2014 Prayer Partners list?"  We are currently reviewing the list to make sure it is up-to-date and includes our new members of MVP and other organizations, and it should be ready for publication within the next week.   

Thank you for your patience during my transition into the roll of Mission Coordinator! I truly appreciate it.  If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at the Mission Center by calling 330-339-5515 or emailing at

2014 Updated Terms of Call Forms

Can Now Be Submitted!


It's that time of year again! 2014 Updated Terms of Call forms can now be submitted to the Mission Center.  For your convenience, a mailing went out at the end of December to the church.  The 2014 forms to be completed and returned to us no later than February 15, 2014.  Many thanks in advance for your timely response!


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Candice at the Mission Center by calling 330-339-5515 or emailing at

Attention MVP Clerks of Session:
2013 Session Statistical Report and Clerk's Annual Questionnaire are now available!


"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"  And for the Clerks of Session of MVP's congregations, this means that it's time for 2013 reports to be prepared and filed with denominational staff in Louisville. 


A software issue that had threatened to delay the opening of the online filing system into January has been fixed and is now open.  The 2013 statistical report form and accompanying instructions can be downloaded from the website of the Office of the General Assembly (  



Both experienced and new session clerks should read through the instructions and the new FAQ section before starting to fill in the form.  This will help answer most if not all of the questions about completion and submission of the statistical report.  Additional help is available by contacting MVP Mission Coordinator Candice McMath here at the MVP Mission Center (330-339-5515). 


Please remember that since this annual statistical report is a report of the session, the completed report cannot be filed before it has been reviewed and approved by the session (not the congregation), as soon as possible after December 31, 2013.   



The Clerk's Annual Questionnaire is available on the same web site as listed above and provides important information for the denominational research staff.  This is does not need to be approved by the session or congregation before it is submitted.  Again, questions about this form can be answered by contacting Candice. 


Copies of the completed Session Statistical Report and Clerk's Annual Questionnaire should be retained as part of the congregation's records.  It is not necessary that copies be filed with the MVP Mission Center.  For those session clerks who do not have internet access, draft reports and questionnaires can be mailed to the MVP Mission Center and will be filed on their behalf.


Last year there was considerable confusion about the completion and submission of these important reports and questionnaires.  We apologize for this and anticipate a much smoother process this time.  Our goal is a 100% completion / filing rate this year.  Although no prizes will be awarded, we ask for the cooperation of every session clerk in our presbytery in this reporting process.   


The Illuminated St John's Bible is now on view at Canton Museum of Art


The Illuminated St John's Bible can be seen at the Canton Museum of Art from now until March 2014.  Further details are available at the museum website.  This awe-inspiring exhibit is not one to be missed! 



Below is the illuminated "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse" by Donald Jackson, from the exhibit.


From Christ Presbyterian Church in Canton

Gold and Ivory: Concert for Flute and Piano

February 9, 2014


Mark your calendars for an afternoon of great music! Sunday, February 9, 4:00 pm at Christ Canton will be "Fold and Ivory: Concert for Flute and Piano" feature Dianne Williams and Brent Schloneger. Music lovers will appreciate the duo's classical pieces, featuring compositions from Bizet, Debussy, Taktakishvili, Beethoven and Brahms.


The concert flyer can be accessed here, as well as a full schedule for Christ Canton's 2014 Church Concert series.

From the Office of Immigration Issues, PC(USA)

Invitation to Trainings regarding Immigration Issues


The Office of Immigration Issues is providing trainings to help the denomination respond to issues regarding immigration.


Further details are available at this link.

From George Bullard, The Columbia Partnership 
Travel-free Learning Schedule available

 The Columbia Partnership is offering Travel Free Learning opportunities.   The schedule is attached.


From First United Presbyterian Church of Clinton, IA

Presbyterian Cookbook Project




The FUPC of Clinton, Iowa is beginning a nationwide Presbyterian Cookbook project. Details and contribution information are available at this link.

From Rev. Robin Swinsburg

Choir Robes Available


Free for the cost of shipping.  60 choir robes (blue)  Only a couple of years old and only worn one year.  


If you are interested, please contact The Rev. Robin Swinsburg at 941-748-2848

From Massillon Central Presbyterian Church

Seeking an Organist


Central Presbyterian Church of Massillon has an immediate opening for a quarter-time organist and accompanist. Instruments are a 2002 Allen Renaissance 80-stop, 3-manual digital organ with MIDI and a Steinway six-foot grand piano.  The individual filling the position will be responsible for one Sunday morning worship service, weekly rehearsal (September-May) with a twenty-five voice chancel choir, special liturgical services, weddings, and in-church funeral services.  


Position reports to the Director of Music Ministries. Compensation will be negotiated and based upon commensurate experience.  A full position description is available upon request. 


Interested persons are asked to contact Larry Lalama at 330-832-7455 or

From Lynn Thompson Bryant 

Orwell North Presbyterian Church Seeking a Pastor


The Orwell North Presbyterian Church, a spirit filled, "country" church, is looking for a full-time covenant pastor.  Our church is located in the Village of Orwell in southern Ashtabula County Ohio.  The church was established in 1831.  It has a membership of 110 members.  


We are looking for a pastor who reflects God's abiding love and the peace and joy that following Him brings.  If you feel that our church would be a good fit for you please contact us with your information and we will provide our pastoral information form in its entirety.  We look forward with great anticipation and joy to meeting the new pastor God has chosen for our church.  


To receive further information, please contact Laura Pietras at  440-228-9205 or



Orwell North Presbyterian Church

135 N. Maple Ave.

Orwell, OH  44076

(440) 437-6677

From Jerry Norton, Christ Church

1990 Hymnals available


Due to a recent upgrade, the 1990 version of the hymnals previous used at Christ Church are available for churches in need. 

  • Regular Hymnals (with music):         470
  • Large Print Hymnals (words only):    120

All the hymnals are in good condition, as Christ Church got them in 1999, so they have only been used for 14 years.  They are boxed and available to ship immediately on a first come- first served basis.

Contact information is below:
David Kienzle- Director of Music:  
Phone 330-456-8113;  E-mail

Jerry Norton- Chair, Music Ministry:  
Phone (Cell) 330-705-2057; E-mail: 
(the fourth character in that e-mail address is a lower case "L")


In Thanksgiving for our Lord on this Christ the King Sunday,
Jerry Norton

Save the Date: May 1, 2014

Re/Entry: Rebuilding Productive Lives, Post-Incarceration

A Policy Coordination and Training Symposium for Professionals


Muskingum Valley Presbytery, along with our NE Ohio Presbyterian peers, are hosting a training symposium at Christ Presbyterian Church.  The symposium will cover frontline programming for professionals in a variety of disciplines, including clergy.  Further details and contact information can be found in this brochure.

From Alice Phillips, Creston Presbyterian

Seeking an Organist/Pianist


The Creston Presbyterian Church is seeking an organist or pianist for their church.  The church is located at 13070 Cleveland Rd., Creston, OH  44217.

For more information, please contact Rev. Alice Phillips at or 330-435-4262 (church) or 740-391-2531 (cell), or Marilyn Piatt at
or 330-345-9265.  
From Rick Hastings, Barlow Presbyterian
Seeking Hymnals

Barlow Presbyterian is looking for 50-75 copies of "The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration." If your congregation has any to spare, please email Pastor Rick Hastings or call 740-336-0111.  Thanks and blessings!
We are happy to post news and requests from your church in this section of the MVP Update.  Just email Candice or call 330-339-5515 to relay your news.  Please also let us know the "expiration date" on the news item so that we can keep this section current.

Prayer Requests/Updates


Prayers are requested for the baby son of Brandon and Nichole Hannahs, born three months prematurely at 2.64 lbs. Brandon and Nichole are residents of Zanesville. (From Kathleen Adams)


Prayers are requested for the family of William Clarke, a member of Christ Presbyterian Church in Canton, who passed away on January 12, 2014.  His full obituary can be found at this link. (From Wendy Bausman Gray)



Journeying with Jesus to touch the world...
Empowered by the Spirit to:
Make Disciples, Nurture Our Faith, and Serve the Needs of the Community! 

Candice McMath, Mission Coordinator 


Muskingum Valley Presbytery

109 Stonecreek Road NW

New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 



Fax: 330.339.6225


 Visit our website:



Regular Office hours

Monday - Thursday

8:00A to 4:30P