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Did you know that God's word can profit our lives if we learn to mix the word that we hear with faith, by being doers of the word? In Hebrews 4:1-3, the Bible says that God promised the children of Israel a land for them to possess. However, they never entered into their promised-land because they didn't mix their faith with the word they were given. This is the tragedy of so many of God's people today. They profess that they believe the word of God, but they do not mix the word with corresponding action, which is faith. Until we combine our belief, which is the possibility of a thing, with faith, which is corresponding action, our belief will remain a statement of truth but have no impact on our lives.

Not mixing faith with what we believe about God's word will limit the possibility of the revelation we can receive and keep it from becoming a reality in our lives.

We are discussing 'Divine Connections' and the connection between our belief and our faith. Remember, believing puts us into a position to act, but we have to walk by faith based on what we believe. Faith is acting like God is telling the truth all the time about everything. So we need to start acting on his word, because if we never act on what we believe, our circumstances will never change. 

Your pastor and life coach,
Randy Morrison

Remember: Spiritual Success begins on Sunday Morning!   


James 1:22-25 teaches us how to be blessed in life. "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." It goes on to say that if we only hear the word, we are looking into God's perfect mirror that reflects who we really are, and many times when trials and tribulation comes our way we forget what God made us to be. As hearers only, we forget the word when circumstances and troubles arise. When we are doers of the word, we will affect our circumstances and not the other way around.

The blessing of God is in doing his word, not hearing it only.
REMEMBER: Our life is made up of 80% application and 20% information.

Psalm 1 teaches us how to be blessed in life. "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly..." The counsel we listen to is so important. Many times we end up in the wrong place because of the bad counsel we act upon. The Psalmist goes on to say, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night." How do we meditate on God's word? We 'ponder, think about, and say' the word until we get the image of what it says about us on the inside of us.

We respond to life according to how we see ourselves. When we see ourselves according to God's word, as doers of His word, we will be blessed in life. You need to look into the mirror and say,"I allow myself to be blessed!"

Since God has dealt to each of us the measure of faith, we should not allow our measure to be limited. There are ways that we can increase our measure of faith to another level by acting on what we believe. The measure of faith you had when you first started will not be enough to take you where you want to be at the next level of your life. You will have to increase your measure to get there.
For example, the children of Israel had enough faith, based on what God told Moses, to get them out of bondage in Egypt. However, they didn't have enough faith to get into the promised-land because of what the spies told them on their return from searching out the land. They allowed what they heard from the spies to be more real to them than what they heard when they came out of Egypt believing.

God will allow us to live on whatever level our faith settles for in life.

Anything of value takes time to nurture and grow. The same is true with the principle of increasing our faith.

A faith-life requires us to do something because Faith is an action. That is why 2.Corinthians 5:7 says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Romans 1:17 connects the gospel of Christ with faith. "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

The two requirements for increasing our faith is by how we walk and how we live our lives. We cannot say that we are walking and living by faith if we are not proactive when it comes to what we hear from the word of God.

Every contact anyone had with Jesus; He required them to exercise faith in what they believed. He could only do something for them when they acted on His word.



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