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2015 INMR World Congress
Arrester Session extended to two days in 2015
Munich, Germany
October 18-21, 2015
The Arrester Session of the Congress this year will include twelve papers presented by authors from around the globe. Each presenter will be hand selected for their area of expertise.



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September 2014
Where have we been....

It was been almost a year since we published an ArresterNews, and as of late we have received a number of emails and calls wondering if all was well.  We appreciate the concern and are happy to say that everything is going very well, so well in fact, that we now find ourselves having to redefine our priorities in order to meet the increase in demand for our expertise.


We have not given up on our ArresterNews or publishing new ArresterFacts, and plan to continue our efforts to provide free resource papers and industry news whenever possible.  Thanks to those who have expressed the fact that they miss our publication and hope everyone finds our latest ArresterFacts on separation distance informative.



Jonathan and Deborah


ArresterFacts 024 

Separation Distance


A common question asked by those responsible for the protection of transformers in substations is: "How far from my transformer can I locate my arrester and still provide adequate protection?"   The answer, of course, is never simple and is one that generally takes a few diagrams and charts.  Because the value of the power transformers is so substantial, this question cannot be taken lightly.  The general rule of thumb is: "Locate the arrester as close as possible to the bushings of the transformer".   This rule is one I suggest whenever possible; however, it is not always possible, especially at higher system voltages. more ...




              2015 INMR World Congress 

Arrester Session

Call for Papers



Session Title:  Service Experience in Improved Arrester Applications and Monitoring


Arrester papers and presentations on interesting and practical applications are sought for the 2015 INMR World Congress to be held in Oct 18-21, 2015, Westin Grand Hotel, Munich, Germany.


Preferred Subjects are

  • Successful applications of Transmission Line Arresters
  • Successful resolution of repeated equipment failures with arresters
  • Unique issues where arresters were part of the solution
  • UHV Arrester Applications and Design
  • New monitoring methods
  • Unique transient studies and issues
  • Arrester design reviews
  • Cable protection
  • Series Capacitor protection
  • FACTS protection
  • Wind-farm protection
  • New ground lead disconnector designs


Paper and Presentation Title and Content Suggestions

  • Specifying the Perfect TLA
  • Overview of the perfect condition monitor
  • How to justify the installation of TLA's
  • The application of TLA's on un-shielded lines
  • Energy handling considerations for TLA's
  • How to apply arresters to reduce the cost of transmission lines
  • Improved methods of transient analysis
  • Software tools for the study and application of arresters
  • The self-installing Arrester
  • Defining the Smart Arrester
  • Monitoring external leakage current on arresters in highly contaminated areas
  • Testing internal partial discharge of hollow core arrester during heavy and light rain


Paper and Presentation Submission Timeline

To ensure that only the highest quality and subject appropriate papers are presented, each paper will be reviewed and approved by an INMR based committee.


Date                   Action

Oct 31st              Intent to write and present paper in Germany must be submitted.  

   To include short abstract of the paper and title. (Sooner is better)

Nov 15th             Notification of approval 

Jan  31st             Last day to submit paper for final review.  

Feb 15th             Notification of final approval


Writing Assistance

For the novice and first time writer and presenter, assistance is offered as needed.  If you would like us to review your paper with comments we can do so.  If you would like assistance in learning how to present, we can work with you beforehand or at the world congress. 


Photos of Interest

Thoughts on crossover configuration? 




While in the Canadian Maritime this summer we spotted this distribution pole with an interesting crossover configuration at the top.  At first we were not sure what its purpose was, but after studying for a while we came up with a theory.  To read more on this go to 





Visit us on FaceBook or send us an email if you have any comments on this photo or a photo of interest you would like to share in a future issue of ArresterNews.



Send us an email at:

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About Us
ArresterWorks is an International Consulting Firm, owned an operated by Jonathan Woodworth and Deborah Limburg, focused on assisting others in improving power system reliability through design, production and application of arresters to mitigate the effect of lightning and other transients.


We are always glad to hear from our reader.


716 307 2431