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> Insulation Coordination FAQ's
> Unique Cable Design
> Photos of Interest
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INMR 2013 World Congress 
Featuring Expanded
Arrester Session
Vancouver, Canada
September 8-11, 2013
The Arrester Session of the Congress this year will include twelve papers presented by authors from around the globe. Each presenter was hand selected for their area of expertise.



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Mountains In Idaho
April 2013
Insulation Coordination FAQ

Last July we published ArresterFacts 037 - Insulation Coordination Fundamentals.  We are now expanding on that to include an FAQ page on our website addressing some of the questions we have received.  We hope you find this useful, please send us any questions and we will do our best to address them on our FAQ page.


FAQ Thumb

Q: What is Insulation Coordination?

In its simplest form, Insulation Coordination is "the selection of insulation strength". 


In a few more words, Insulation Coordination is a series of steps used to select the dielectric strength of equipment in relation to the operating voltages and transient overvoltages which can appear on the system for which the equipment is intended. 


Many factors are taken into account during the selection process including the service environment, insulation withstand characteristics, arrester characteristics and in some cases, the probability of potential surges.


   more FAQs ...


Cable Over Niagara Falls
Copyright � 2012 Keith Meehan /

Unique Cable Application

Leads to Design Opportunity for Power Engineers       

There are some of us that as we ride down the highway, we are constantly looking up, checking out the wires and equipment overhead. I would wager that our numbers are few and nil to none once you step outside the power systems related industries.   However this past year Power Engineers designed a cable that has been viewed by over 13 million people. Yes, you read that right; 13,000,000 people, that is the number of viewers quoted by ABC for Nik Wallenda's walk over Niagara Fall last June.


Being natives of the Western New York area and having visited Niagara Falls numerous times, we made sure that we were part of that 13 million watching as Nik inched his way across the cable. Having felt the power of the Niagara River as it plunges over the rim into the churning pool below, we had a healthy respect for the danger of the feat we were witnessing.


When Wallenda decided to do a walk of that magnitude he knew he needed the help of an expert in the field of cable design and what better place to look then in the power industry. He and his engineer teamed up with Power Engineers to design a cable that would meet all of the challenges of bridging the 1,800 foot span between the US and Canada over Niagara Falls.


The icing on the cake for those of us who attended the Power Delivery Design Conference, sponsored by Power Engineers, in Sun Valley, Idaho in March was the opportunity to listen to Nik, and the team, discuss the expected and unexpected issues they faced in not only designing, but installing the cable as well. At lunch we had the good fortune of sitting at the same table as Nik and I asked him if he experience any fear during his walk. He responded "No, walking tight ropes is what I do, I have taken all the necessary precautions and I am confident in my ability." 


Congratulations to Power Engineers Inc of Hailey Idaho and Nik Wollenda for a great show last summer. Oh by the way if you have not heard, they have teamed up again, and on June 23 of this year Nik will be walking across the Grand Canyon on a Power Engineer designed cable. 


  Photos of Interest
Lightning Damage to Utility Pole
Pole Lightning Damage 

These photos of a pole damaged by a lightning strike on an unshielded line in Newfoundland, Ca were sent to us by one of our readers.  We would like to establish the frequency of this type of pole damage. Please contact us if you have seen this before. We would be interested in location and line particulars, photos are a definite plus.  We will let you know our findings in a later issue.

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About Us
ArresterWorks is an International Consulting Firm, owned an operated by Jonathan Woodworth and Deborah Limburg, focused on assisting others in improving power system reliability through design, production and application of arresters to mitigate the effect of lightning and other transients.


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Olean, New York 14760
716 307 2431