Transmission Line

In This Issue
> ArresterFacts 040
>Eaton/Cooper Update
> Call for Papers
> Mystery Arrester Photo
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October 2012
New IEEE C62.11 Arrester Test Requirements
ArresterFacts 040 Thumb


IEEE C62.11  the main high voltage arrester test standard will be available in the next few weeks on-line at the IEEE Standards Store.  If you would like to learn about the changes coming up, this standard, this  ArresterFacts is for you.  

The most important change is that we now have a Standardized energy handling test that not only is realistic in form, but is repeatable from lab to lab.    Other changes reviewed and explained in this ArresterFacts are the improved Disk Aging Test, the improved Discharge Voltage Test, and the improved Duty Cycle Test.  

This edition is also highly harmonized with the upcoming IEC 60099-4 standard that should publish in 2014.    

ArresterFacts 040:  The New IEEE C62.11 Arrester Test Requirements


Eaton Acquistion of Cooper Industries

Update on Eaton's Acquisition of Cooper Industries             

On Oct 26, the Cooper and Eaton shareholders overwhelmingly approved the proposed transaction.  In separate meetings in Houston and Cleveland, each company held shareholder meetings specifically for this approval.


Yesterday Eaton CEO, Sandy Cutler stated "We are pleased that Eaton's and Cooper's shareholders approved the Cooper acquisition last Friday.  We are awaiting two additional regulatory approvals and expect the acquisition to close in the fourth quarter. We are excited about the addition of Cooper to Eaton, as the combined company will have approximately 60 percent of its sales in the electrical markets, based on 2011 results, which are holding up well through this current period of global softness. In addition, Cooper's profitability, as shown in its third quarter earnings release, remains quite strong." 


Cooper posted record third quarter results just prior to the meetings and yesterday Eaton also posted record results.    Eaton's Earning Post and Cooper's Earnings Post



No Ordinary Call for Papers

2013 INMR Congress
In September of next year, the 2013 INMR World Congress will be held

 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  This event will include technical and commercial coverage of Arresters, Insulators, and Bushings.   It will no doubt be an energizing and thought provoking event for all attendees.

As chair of the Arrester Session of the Congress, I am especially eager to have well thought out, highly informative presentations about surge arrester applications.  Therefore this call for papers is a bit different than you would get in any other organization.  


Click here for more information and see why it is no ordinary call for papers


See you there......




  Mystery Photo
Hidden Treasures from the Past
Hidden Treasures from the Past
Click on photo to Zoom 


We spotted these treasures while photographing transmission line arresters in Virginia.  - A little Closer -    -Closeup-    If you have any photos from the past you would like to share, post it on our
FaceBook page or send us an email.
About Us
ArresterWorks is an International Consulting Firm, owned an operated by Jonathan Woodworth and Deborah Limburg, focused on assisting others in improving power system reliability through design, production and application of arresters to mitigate the effect of lightning and other transients.


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716 307 2431