Jan. 6, 2017
Assalamu Alaikum
Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,
Happy new year! We look forward to hearing from Salam Al-Marayati, President of MPAC, during jumma'a today today. And we look forward to welcoming you back this weekend when we have a couple of exciting special programs for parents and youth!Please join us on Sunday, when we launch a series of new programs!
From 9 a.m. to noon, the youth group will have a special screening of "The Message" followed by a special Q&A with Alex Quinn, son of actor Anthony Quinn. At 10 a.m., Dr. Najeeba Syeed begins her 4-week Highlights of the Qur'an series, "Stories of Prophetic Hope and Resilience." At 11 a.m., Parents Circle will feature special guests and authors Munira Ezzeldine and Noha Alshugairi , who will do a special book reading of their recently published "Positive Parenting in the Muslim Home." And at noon, Hassan Zeenni will launch a new series called "Rethinking Our Understanding of Islam."
The Islamic Center aims to uplift and empower you, your family and our communities. Let's join together in faith, community and action insha' Allah!
In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California
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