November 4, 2016

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,

Tonight we will gather for our last Spiritual Night of 2016. It will be an evening of soulful restoration as Dr. Najeeba and our Religious Committee guide us through an program of "Healing in Times of Hate." Dinner will be served. Please encourage your loved ones to attend.

Also, last week we informed you about a criminal threat made towards the Islamic Center. In an effort to keep our community informed, Islamic Center leadership held a Town Hall Safety Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 30. At that time, we announced a new campaign called 'Stay Safe. Stay Informed.' This project has been developed in order to have efficient, effective communication in times of crisis. Please stop by the front desk for more information and sign-up today. Help keep your friends and family informed by sharing this newsletter. 

In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California

In this Issue

Friday Khutbaskhutba
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
NOV 11
Dr. Gasser Hathout

Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (Oct. 28)

Watch our Safety Town Hall
Sunday, Oct. 30

New Horizon School Los Angeles welcomed a special guest last week. Team USA, Olympic bronze medalist, Ibtihaj Muhammad stopped by to speak with students about having ambitions and setting themselves up for success. During her visit, Ibtihaj said, "I don't encourage kids like you to say, 'When I grow up I want to go to the Olympics.' Instead, I will tell you to choose something you are passionate about and commit to it. Practice and do your best." Muhammad was in Los Angeles working on her fashion line, "Louella."
Coming up at ICSCcomingupagain
This Weekend

FRIDAY (11/4)
1 p.m. Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
7 p.m. Spiritual Night
Dr. Najeeba Syeed
"Healing in Times of Hate"

9 a.m. - Domestic Violence Conference

10 a.m. 
ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (11/6)
10 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Asim Buyuksoy
"Surah al-Hujurat" (Part 1)
11 a.m. Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
Noon - Speaker
Dr. Gasser Hathout
"How to Approach Understanding the Qur'an"

Next Week

MONDAY (11/7)
6:30 p.m. Qur'an Recitation Class
Asim Buyuksoy

TUESDAY (11/8)
6:30 p.m.Message of the Qur'an Class
Asim Buyuksoy

FRIDAY (11/11)
1 p.m. Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Dr. Gasser Hathout

SATURDAY (11/12)
10 a.m. ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (11/13)
10 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Asim Buyuksoy
"Surah al-Hujurat" (Part 2)
11 a.m. - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
Noon - Speaker
Hassan Zeenni
"Hijrah: The Great Migration"

Community Connectionfeature
"Words of Support from our Community"

A week later, we are still receiving messages of support from surrounding mosques, interfaith organizations as well as the Greater Los Angeles community. 

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." 
(Qur'an 49:13)

"I feel so terrible about the awful threats made against people there. There is no excuse for this ignorance and hate! I work down the block from your Mosque. Please stay safe and best wishes to all!"  - Linette

"I just heard the news about the man who made threats against you and your community. I'm really sorry that happened. I'm not sure of the purpose of this message but I just wanted to send some love and good thoughts your way! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way.  I'll be praying for your safety and your happiness!"

"Yesterday, members of First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles participated in a small delegation to the Islamic Center of Southern California (ICSC). This effort is in recognition of recent threats to our Muslim neighbors both locally and in national dialogue. It is also in our effort to be more whole. We recognize the web of existence that binds each of us together and when this web becomes more familiar it also becomes more actionable and asks us to be more accountable. May we hold our end of this web and this relationship with ICSC in the days to come, and may we grow to be better neighbors and friends to this sacred community."  - Samantha
"I heard on the news today about the threats against your center and people. I am a Christian woman who believes God loves us all. I have Muslim relatives who are faithful, kind and generous."  - Juanita
"My name is Stephanie Rice and I am the pastor of the United Methodist Church of La Mirada, a Protestant church in LA County. I wanted to offer the prayers and support of myself and my church as you go through this challenging time. We stand with you against hate and ignorance. We pray for your continued safety and for God's blessings as you worship and serve together. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help now and in the future."

 With Peace and Hope,
 Pastor Stephanie
Prayer Timesprayers
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day.  Iqama is ten minutes after the athan is called.  You can find prayer times on our website.

"And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.."

(Qur'an 2:195)

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Kristen Stangas, Communication Coordinator

ICSC | 213.382.9200 | | 

Islamic Center of Southern California | 434 S. Vermont Ave. | Los Angeles | CA | 90020