October 14, 2016

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,

Please purchase your tickets to our 2016 Heritage Awards today. This year we will honor long-time ICSC member, Dr. Iraj Ershaghi for his continuous support of the Islamic Center.

This Sunday, we'll focus on health and happiness, which hits home for every one of us. Imam Asim Buyuksoy at 10 a.m. as he explores Islam's prescription for achieving happiness. At noon, we'll be joined by Dr. Salman Khan who will be sharing advice on achieving good health on behalf of NISWA, a social service agency which focuses on strengthening Muslim Families.

In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California

In this Issue

Friday Khutbaskhutba
Asim Buyuksoy
OCT 14
Salam Al-Marayati

Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (Oct. 7)

Feature Storyfeature
ICSC Hosts Debate Watch Party
by Marwa Abdelghani (Young Community Member)

The Islamic Center, MPAC and Advancing Justice-LA co-hosted a Debate Watch Party for the second presidential debate on Oct. 9. Nearly 60 people gathered for an evening of learning, fun and food. The diverse group also included guests from the interfaith community. 

The evening was sprinkled with both laughter and serious conversation, as well as bold reminders on why it's essential for the Muslim community to stay engaged in this year's election. In a discussion facilitated by MPAC's Edina Lekovic following the debate, 26-year-old Faisal Rashid shared his thoughts about how the Muslim community can make a difference during this election season:

"I think it's important for us to learn how to sit and talk to those who fear or are passionately against us. We should actually go out to those communities and genuinely listen to them and have an exchange, rather than remain in our own echo chambers."

Attendees had access to voter registration forms provided by Advancing Justice-LA as well as an opportunity to sign up to receive Presidential voter guides and proposition guides on this year's candidates. Please sign up here for more information surrounding the proposition guides once they are released.

Thank you to everyone who came out! Don't forget to vote on Nov. 8!

Coming up at ICSCcomingupagain
This Weekend
(10/14 - 10/16)

FRIDAY (10/14)
1:00 p.m. Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Asim Buyuksoy
6:30 p.m. - Kids Qur'an Academy
Asim Buyuksoy

SATURDAY (10/15)
10:00 a.m. ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (10/16)
10:00 a.m. 
- Highlights of the Qur'an
Asim Buyuksoy
"How to Achieve Happiness from the Islamic Perspective"
11:00 a.m. - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
12:00 p.m. - Speaker
NISWA - Dr. Salman Khan
"Taking Care of Your Health" - 
 General Health Practices

Next Week
(10/17 - 10/23)

MONDAY (10/17)
6:30 p.m. - Qur'an Recitation Class
Asim Buyuksoy

TUESDAY (10/18)
6:30 p.m. - Message of the Qur'an Class
Asim Buyuksoy

FRIDAY (10/21)
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Salam Al-Marayati
6:30 p.m. -Kids Qur'an Academy
Asim Buyuksoy

SATURDAY (10/22)
10:00 a.m. ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (10/23)
10:00 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Mahmoud Waseeq
"Religious Freedom"
11:00 a.m. - Welcome and Islamic Art 

11:30 a.m. - Tours Begin (Every 30 min)
12:00 p.m. - Speaker
Asim Buyuksoy
Introduction to Islam/Q&A
1:00 p.m. - Dhuhr Prayer & Barbecue

2:00 p.m. - Panel

Edina Lekovic, Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord, Rabbi Susan Goldberg
"Spreading Understanding: Tools for Interfaith Relations"

Food Pantryfood

For the past 10 years, ICSC has been serving groceries to the local community.  Each weekend, approximately 25 volunteers meet in our cafeteria to take part in this event.  We have partnered with HopeNet to provide high quality food such as organic meat and fresh produce. If you are interested in being a part of our team, come join us at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday! Doors open to the public at 10:30 a.m. View recent photos from our Food Pantry!

Prayer Timesprayers
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day.  Iqama is ten minutes after the athan is called.  You can find prayer times on our website.

"And Allah is the best of providers."

(Qur'an 62:11)

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Kristen Stangas, Communication Coordinator

ICSC | 213.382.9200 | icsc@icsconline.org | www.icsconline.org 

Islamic Center of Southern California | 434 S. Vermont Ave. | Los Angeles | CA | 90020