September 9, 2016
Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,
The Islamic Center wishes you and your loved ones a blessed Eid al-Adha! Please join us on Monday, September 12 for Eid Prayers at the Pasadena Convention Center (300 E. Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101). Takbeer will start at 7:30 a.m and prayer will follow promptly at 8 a.m. If you're looking for a fun way to celebrate, come share the fun, games, and food at our Eid Carnival next Sunday, September 18 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.!
Sunday is also a day of remembrance for the innocent lives lost on American soil 15 years ago in the 9/11 attacks. Please check back for a special edition of our newsletter commemorating September 11.
We look forward to seeing you at Eid Prayers.
In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California
Dr. Gasser Hathout
Salam Al-Marayati
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Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (Sept. 2)
This Weekend
(9/9 - 9/11)
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
6:30 p.m. - Kids Qur'an Academy
5:30 a.m.
- Saturday Morning Circle
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
"Reflections on Hajj and the Day of 'Arafah"
Next Week
MONDAY (9/12)
7:30 a.m. - Takbeer
8:00 a.m. - Prayers
Pasadena Convention Center
6:30 p.m. - Message of the Qur'an Class
Asim Buyuksoy
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Salam Al-Marayati
6:30 p.m. - Kids Qur'an Academy
Asim Buyuksoy
5:30 a.m.
- Saturday Morning Circle
Asim Buyuksoy
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic and Tarek Shawky
11:00 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Mahmood Waseeq
"The Nature of Fighting in Islam"
11:00 a.m. - Eid Carnival
New Horizon PTO
ICSC Parking Lot
12:00 p.m. - Speaker
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If you are interested in sharing your time and talents with ICSC, please send us an email with your name and phone number and let us know how you want to get involved. Contact Kristen Stangas.
ICSC Food Pantry 
For the past 10 years, ICSC has been serving groceries to the local community. Each weekend, approximately 25 volunteers meet in our cafeteria to take part in this event. We have partnered with HopeNet to provide high quality food such as organic meat and fresh produce. If you are interested in being a part of our team, come join us at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday! Doors open to the public at 10:30 a.m. View recent photos from our Food Pantry
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Table assistance is needed at various events
Greeters at our Friday Prayers and Sunday Program
Experienced photographers and videographers to help take photos at our events
Experienced babysitters to help with children at events
Prayer Times
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day. Iqama is ten minutes after the athan is called. You can find prayer times on our website.
"He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do right."