July 22, 2016
Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,
On Sunday, July 24, the Islamic Center of Southern California will partner with MPAC and the L.A. Mayor's Office to discuss the homelessness epidemic in L.A. We will learn about Mayor Garcetti's new initiative called the "Welcome Home Project" that aims to house 500 homeless individuals in the next year. Insha'Allah we will gain a better understanding of what is happening on the streets of Los Angeles and walk away with some opportunities to be a part of the solution.
Please share this event with your loved ones. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.
In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California
Friday Khutbas
Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (July 15)
Coming up at ICSC
This Weekend
(7/22 - 7/24)
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Hassan Zeenni
5:00 a.m.
- Saturday Morning Circle
Recitation, Reflection, Breakfast
Asim Buyuksoy
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
SUNDAY (7/24)
10:30 a.m. - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
11:15 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Mahmood Waseeq
"Qur'an Full of Goodness"
12:00 p.m. - Special Program
MPAC & L.A. Mayor's Office
"Welcome Home Project"
Next Week
TUESDAY (7/26)
6:30 p.m. - Qur'an Recitation Class
Asim Buyuksoy
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Tarek Shawky
5:00 a.m.
- Saturday Morning Circle
Recitation, Reflection, Breakfast
Asim Buyuksoy
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
11:15 a.m. - Highlights of the Qur'an
Asim Buyuksoy
12:00 p.m. - Speaker
Dr. Salman Khan - NISWA
"Men's Health"
|  |
Community Corner 
"Solidarity Against Violence & Racism"
By Marwa Abdelghani (Young Leader at ICSC)
"One thing to describe what's happening on the streets is injustice," said Umar Hakim as he sat with a deputy chief to his left and a community leader to his right.
"I've been attending funerals of my friends since I was 13 years old," he continued. "Islam rescued me from this lifestyle."
Hakim is the Executive Director of the Intellect, Love & Mercy (ILM) Foundation, a community organization that's motto says it all: "Teaching Life Skills to Replace Social Ills." Hakim is the director of Humanitarian Day in Los Angeles and has been named one of Los Angeles's "Unsung Heroes" for his work in putting faith into action.
The Islamic Center of Southern California joined forces with faith-based community leaders and law enforcement at their event, "Solidarity Against Racism and Violence." In response to the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile along with the 5 Dallas police officers, the ICSC took the lead on addressing the conflict by discussing the need for law enforcement and communities to cooperate with one another in order to relieve our communities from this kind of violence.
Sitting with Hakim was the Assistant Deputy Chief of the LAPD Beatrice Girmala, and Kenyatta Bakeer from Project Islah. Several LAPD officers stood in the back of the room. As the speakers were addressing the issue of police brutality, Hakim acknowledged the LAPD as a model for all police departments across the nation. He recommended that the NYPD implement the model of the LAPD - over the past few years, the LAPD has increased community relations in order to develop trust between law enforcement and minority communities.
"This is not about an occupation of our communities," said Chief Girmala. "It is about the support of our communities."
| Panelist, "Edina Lekovic, greeting a guest following our Sunday Program, "Solidarity Against Violence and Racism" |
Did you miss the event? Watch it below!
| Video from "Solidarity Against Violence and Racism" on July 17 |
Interfaith Initiatives 
"Standing for Gun Safety Measures"
By Wasi Momin (Young Leader at ICSC)
On Tuesday, July 19, religious leaders of many faiths and backgrounds came together to organize politically on an issue that affects all of us on a basic human level. The Center hosted a dialogue titled, "An Interfaith Roundtable to Prevent Gun Violence." It was convened by the Office of Congressman Xavier Becerra. I had the opportunity to take part in this meeting as a representative of the ICSC.
The conversation was prompted by the numerous acts of violence and tragedy we have seen over the past few years. Rep. Becerra, a ranking member of the House, was looking to faith communities to galvanize on this issue. During this meeting, one of our goals was to devise a plan of action wherein all of our collective institutions would pull together our resources and advocate for common sense gun control measures on a national level. While Congress is gridlocked on the issue, California has already passed its own version of such measures into state law.
The discussions were facilitated by Rep. Becerra, along with Hedab Tarifi, the chairwoman of the ICSC, and Salam Al-Marayati, President of MPAC. I was asked to contribute insights from the perspective of young people in our institutions and how to involve them in our strategic plan moving forward. For any organizing effort to be sustainable, the involvement and leadership of youth is absolutely necessary. I found everyone who was present to be receptive to this idea - especially Congressman Becerra. What struck me most about Rep. Becerra was his willingness and patience to engage with each individual. He expertly directed our conversation, making the best possible use of the vast knowledge and leadership present in the room.
I have great respect for the diverse group of people of faith who were involved - for their wisdom, their efforts, and their tireless commitment to this subject and other legislative social issues that were discussed. Each person had expert skills and unique perspectives to offer.
It was empowering to witness the collaboration of resources in order to make a difference on a pressing world issue. In this first step towards change we worked to fulfill our religious obligation to "enjoin all that which is good." (Qur'an 3:110)
| Salam Al-Marayati, Congressman Xavier Becerra and Hedab Tarifi discussing gun safety measures with the Interfaith community |
What's new in our community?
ICSC Food Pantry
| Grocery delivery for the food pantry |
For the past 10 years, ICSC has been serving groceries to the local community. Each weekend, approximately 25 volunteers meet in our cafeteria to take part in this event. We have partnered with HopeNet to provide high quality food such as organic meat and fresh produce. If you are interested in being a part of our team, come join us at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday! Doors open to the public at 10:30 a.m. View recent photos from our Food Pantry
Want to get involved?
We're working on updating our volunteer database right now. If you are interested in sharing your time and talents with ICSC, please send us an email with your name, phone number, and email address to let us know how you want to get involved. Contact Kristen Stangas
Current Volunteer Opportunities
- Sign-In Table assistance is needed at various events
- Greeters at our Friday Prayers and Sunday Program
- Experienced photographers to help take photos at our events
- Do you like to COOK? We are looking for help in the kitchen at some upcoming events.
- Experienced babysitters to help with children at events
Prayer Times
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day. Iqama is ten minutes after the athan is called. You can find prayer times on our website.
"In the body, there is a piece of flesh, if it is good, the whole body is good,
and if it is bad, the whole body is bad; truly it is the heart."