May 27, 2016

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Family & Friends of ICSC,

We hope you had a blessed week. Please come join us this weekend at our Halal Memorial Day BBQ, hosted by our newly formed ICSC Social Services committee.

Have you purchased your tickets to our Pre-Ramadan Fundraiser yet? Don't miss out on our special pre-order pricing! The event is next Saturday, June 4th at 6 p.m. Buy your tickets today before time runs out. 

Pre-Ramadan Fundraiser Banner

In peace,

Islamic Center of Southern California

In this Issue

Friday Khutbaskhutba
Photo of Dr. Saleh Kholaki

MAY 27
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
Photo of Dr. Aslam Abdullah
Dr. Aslam Abdullah

Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (May 20)

Dr. Ahmed Soboh - "Be Happy"

Ramadan Reflections:ramadan
"Community Iftars at ICSC"
by Wasi Momin (Young Community Leader)
For me, Ramadan is just as much about community as it is a personal, spiritual experience. Gathering together to appreciate our beautiful Qur'an being recited - Dr. Saleh sharing stories that often contain both humor and lessons of wisdom, and of course, iftar. 

Throughout the month, we come together at sunset to break our fasts with fruits and dates, before pausing for the Maghrib prayer in congregation. It is truly a beautiful experience. Our meals are as diverse as our community - as we often try new cuisine from various parts of the world during this month, representing our myriad of cultures. We catch up with old friends over tea and make some new ones - all to the sounds of children playing and doing the same as the adults - making friends. Iftar at the ICSC with my community is an integral part of my personal Ramadan experience. The ICSC is my community and Ramadan is made most special to me because it is a time with my family and friends. 

*Iftar will be served every night during the first week of Ramadan and Fridays through Sundays during the remaining weeks. Insha'Allah, we can raise funds to cover Monday through Thursday nights as well, but we are dependent on the generous contributions of our community in order to make that possible. Please consider becoming an iftar sponsor this Ramadan.*

Iftar Sponsorship Banner

Did you buy your tickets for our Pre-Ramadan Fundraising Dinner yet? Don't miss out! This program is vital to the success of a spiritually fulfilling Ramadan.
Ramadan Fundraiser Banner

Coming up at ICSCcomingupagain
This Weekend
(5/27- 5/29)

FRIDAY (5/27)
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
7:30 p.m. - Qur'an Class for Kids 
Asim Buyuksoy

5:00 a.m. - Saturday Morning Circle
Asim Buyuksoy
Recitation, Reflection, Breakfast
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (5/29)
10:00 a.m. - Qur'an Competition
Judges: Asim Buyuksoy, Dr. Saleh Kholaki, & Dr. Ragaa Hathout
1:00 p.m. - Memorial Day BBQ  (HALAL)
Located in our back parking lot
$5 per adult, Qur'an Competition Kids eat free

Next Week
(5/30 - 6/5)

TUESDAY (5/31)
6:30 p.m. - Qur'an Recitation Class
Asim Buyuksoy

6:30 p.m. - Islam 2.0 for New Muslims
Asim Buyuksoy

FRIDAY (6/3)
1:00 p.m. - Jumma'a Prayer & Khutba
Dr. Aslam Abdullah
7:30 p.m. - Qur'an Class for Kids
Asim Buyuksoy

5:00 a.m. - Saturday Morning Circle
Asim Buyuksoy
Recitation, Reflection, Breakfast
10:00 a.m. - ICSC Food Pantry
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
6:00 p.m. - Pre-Ramadan Fundraiser

SUNDAY (6/5)
10:30 - Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
11:15 - Highlights of the Qur'an
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
"Love in the Qur'an"
NOON - Speaker
Hassan Zeenni
"Intro to Ramadan"

*First night of Taraweeh (insha'Allah)*

Upcoming Events
Qur_an Recitation Competition Banner
BBQ Banner
SUNDAY, MAY 29 - $5 per adult, Qur'an Competition Kids eat FREE
What's new in our community?
New Horizon & Sunday School nh

Enrollment Packets: For the 2016-2017 school year are available in the school office. Please stop by to pick one up.

We are always accepting new students. For more information about our New Horizon elementary school or our Sunday School program, please contact Hadir Elsayad.

Last Day of Class for New Horizon students: June 8, 2016

New Horizon Graduation: June 2, 2016

Last Day of Class and Graduation for Sunday School:June 5, 2016

Photo of New Horizon students racing at Sports Day
New Horizon students racing at Sports Day
Junior Youth Group (JYG:)jyg

JYG meets every Sunday at 10 a.m. in the JYG room

This Sunday (May 29)
Our students will have their Knowledge Check

Our JYG is looking for a Junior Youth Coordinator. Apply today.

Muslim Youth Group (MYG:)MYG

MYG meets every Sunday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Youth Room

This Sunday (May 29)
MYG will have a potluck and elections for next year's Executive Board

Photo of Friday PrayersMYG kids scaling the rock wall at their Ropes Course last Saturday_ May 21
MYG kids scaling the rock wall at their Ropes Course last Saturday, May 21

For more information, please contact MYG President, Omar Badr

ICSC Food PantryFoodPantry
Photo from Food Pantry
Jameel Mamdani (12 yrs), Sadiq Mamdani (Friend of ICSC),

Omar Ricci (ICSC Spokesperson)
For the past 10 years, ICSC has been serving groceries to the local community.  Each weekend, approximately 25 volunteers meet in our cafeteria to take part in this event.  We have partnered with HopeNet to provide high quality food such as organic meat and fresh produce. If you are interested in being a part of our team, come join us at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday! Doors open to the public at 10:30 a.m.  View recent photos from our Food Pantry
Want to get involved?volunteers

We're working on updating our volunteer database right now.  If you are interested in sharing your time and talents with ICSC, please send us an email with your name, phone number, and email address to let us know how you want to get involved. Contact Kristen Stangas

Part-Time Job Opportunity


Current Volunteer Opportunities
  • Sign-In Table assistance is needed at various events 
  • Experienced photographers to help take photos at our events
  • Do you like to COOK? We are looking for help in the kitchen at some upcoming events.
  • Experienced babysitters to help with children at events

We are looking for Greeters, Dinner Crew, and Bookstore Assistants. Sign up today!


Prayer Timesprayers
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day.  Iqama is ten minutes after the athan is called.  You can find prayer times on our website.

"The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it."


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Kristen Stangas, Communication Coordinator

ICSC | 213.382.9200 | | 

Islamic Center of Southern California | 434 S. Vermont Ave. | Los Angeles | CA | 90020