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Jan/Feb 2013
Executive Errands eNewsletter
It Takes a Village... 
In This Issue
Our Favorite Things - Clementine's
A Community Village
Valentine's Day Trivia
Valentine's Day Romance
Before You Go...
Money & Time Saving Apps
Don't forget the Elderly
Charitable Updates
Don't Forget!
Romantic Gestures
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
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new hire I just hired a concierge of my own! YAY! Someone to help ME. She's fantastic too, by the way, but the way we hired her was a bit unorthodox.  


I've talked before about how entrepreneurial businesses are becoming the backbone of the middle class, even more so than they ever have, except for maybe the wild west where every small town and village was full of entrepreneurs - the livery, the grocer, the doc, the barber - all independently owned and operated.  


budgeting When you're an entrepreneur, especially when first starting out, you generally have a small cash position and thus have to be extremely conscious of your budgetary constraints and keeping your overhead to a minimum. You have to carefully pick and choose where to put your advertising and marketing dollars, how much non-billable expense you can incur, and how/when to budget for large capital purchases like new printers or computers.


At some point in an entrepreneurs' growth, you reach the realization you can't do it all yourself, especially not if you want to be out there going to events, marketing and networking, and dredging up new opportunities.  


biz card exchange When it suddenly dawned on me one day that we've been so busy I hadn't handed out a single business card in at least six months, I realized we'd reached that point.


So I looked at our available non-billable time and decided I was willing to spend about 8 hours per week on a concierge for myself.  


Anyone looking for paying work is not going to settle for only 8 hours per week. At least not someone of the caliber we were looking to hire. So, what did we do? We called one of our service providers whose own business is growing at about the same pace as ours and one we knew was just about ready for some office help.


outside the box We shared our candidate's resume and they set up an interview. Immediately they loved her and together we hired someone to help in our respective offices. We coordinate schedules through her and together we give her enough hours to satisfy her needs.


Is it unconventional to actively find a second (or third) job for a candidate so you create a whole position for them? Maybe... but you know - it's time all businesses started to think 'out of the box'.  


We wanted this person in our company. She is smart, quick to learn, Type A and detail oriented. I barely have to explain what I want her to do and already she is doing it. I wasn't about to let a little thing like insufficient work hours deter me from having such a valuable employee.


be creative The time has come for more businesses - the big conglomerates especially - to start thinking out of the box too. Have you tried to advertise in this town? So many publications are crying for revenue and many are on the verge of dissolution because they can't get enough advertisers. It's not surprising when a decent ad costs thousands of dollars and/or the publication wants you to make a long term commitment.


These publications are missing a whole huge demographic. If they would reduce their rates or offer a special rate to companies with ten employees or less, they would be rolling in advertising dollars. Seriously. And this is true for any number of other businesses.


be creative 2 For example: Want more accounting work? Companies with ten or less employees only need a few hours per month of support, but often can't afford $100 or more per hour. Why not offer something less costly and get 10 or 15 small companies? You'll make the same money, have the flexibility to schedule them in the gaps of your big clients and you'll be helping a lot of businesses grow.


Or might you need legal support? We understand why an attorney charges $300 per hour, but that's totally out of the realm of reason for a small business owner. Yes, there are plenty of 'do it yourself' legal companies but most of them require a monthly commitment, once again, adding to your overhead. Why couldn't an attorney dedicate a portion of his paralegal's month to small business owners, and, just like the accountant, fill in the gaps of his big clients with smaller ones?


advertising These are just a few examples and truly, the one that has the biggest impact for small business owners is advertising. A billboard is anywhere from $1000 to $2500 per month or more depending on location. A front or back page magazine ad can be as much as $4000 for just one printing. For the entrepreneur, any ad copy bigger than a business card is generally too costly.


In order for advertising to be effective, you need repetition; but multiply the costs and for many entrepreneurs, it's just not feasible.  How are we supposed to build our companies long term without some form of advertising? My only point here is to think creatively people!  


puzzle solutions Need to hire someone part-time? Can you share them with another company who has the same values and needs as you? Want a billboard? Maybe you can put more than one company on the vinyl or split the time to share the cost.  


Need legal expertise? Consider writing up the bulk of whatever it is you're trying to get reviewed and negotiate for a paralegal to do the work instead of the actual attorney (he/she is going to review the paralegal's work anyway).


There are a lot of dollars available to spend; they just come in small (entrepreneurial) bundles. Can you imagine how much healthier the economy could be if the whole entrepreneur demographic was properly leveraged?  


village Just like a village, there are many components to building a company and when it comes to the non-billable support 'villagers', it would be ever so helpful if, instead of responding with 'nope, that's just not possible', they would instead think 'how can we get this done?' and offer a creative solution.....

Executive Errands� offering YOU creative solutions to help simplify your life! 760.898.9604

Our Favorite Things... Clementine Gourmet Marketplace & Cafe' 


Right down the street is our own little village - El Paseo Village - and we've just discovered a little slice of heaven  at the cross section of Monterey and El Paseo - Clementine's Gourmet Marketplace and Caf�.


Inside this gorgeous location are delicious breakfasts, unique lunches and specialty gifts.   It's a caf�, patisserie, deli and carry out location. There are imported foods, gorgeous retail items and a whole range of beer and wine.


The atmosphere is relaxed, the food is great and when you first walk in the door your eyes are immediately drawn clementine 2 to an amazing display case brimming with the most delectable pastries around. Should you be feeling creative, there's a pasta bar so you can design your own special dish.


We love the 'one of a kind' diner, drive in or dive. Technically, Clementine's is much classier than any of those descriptors, but it is different than many of our other little bistro-type locations. Perhaps the reason we especially love it are all the Mediterranean influences. We are definitely partial to that part of the world.


Please take a moment and visit Clementine's website and you'll see what we mean or for more info 760.834.8814 or [email protected]


Clementine's Gourmet Marketplace and Caf�.... one of Our Favorite Places!


["Our Favorite Things" gives us an opportunity to share people, places, events and things that we truly love and that you might too.  We have no business affiliation with any company or individual featured here.  We just want to share good things with you and if our recommendations help build business for someone else or saves you time or money, GREAT!!!]
A Community Village...


RLP Recently, the community of Rancho Las Palmas adopted a new rule (paraphrased) that requires all vendors who perform work at any unit that may impact areas maintained by the Association to carry the appropriate license and liability insurance for their particular trade.


One of our clients in this community forwarded the Association's Board Approved Rule Change and asked if we are in compliance and if our vendors also comply.


yes The answer is a resounding YES. Not only are we properly licensed and insured for Concierge services, but we also carry a General B Contractor's license - required by the State of California for anyone quoting projects valued at $500 or more.  


Furthermore, every service provider (vendor) in our network carries a minimum of $1M in liability insurance and names us additionally insured.  


When we told our client this info, his response was "that makes Executive Errands� even more valuable than we originally thought".


valuable Your community may or may not yet have a similar rule, but more and more Associations are proposing and/or adopting these types of rules especially in light of the rash of burglaries and compromised projects so many homeowners have faced in the last few years.  


Homeowners assume unnecessary risk if/when they opt for the lowest priced bidder instead of insisting on the proper insurance for any given job. That's not to say that the low bidder never has insurance, but it's a pretty safe bet. Properly insured people have to charge more.


slip Furthermore, if an uninsured service provider is injured at your home, he can sue YOU. And of course there are tons of horror stories where homeowners have made down payments on uninsured work only for the service provider to take the money and run without doing some or any of the jobs in question.


In the end, there is great value in engaging a company who has your interest at heart; one who will properly vet the vendors, make sure they are properly insured, and assist with project oversight. Executive Errands� is just that company. We do everything in our power to mitigate liability for you at every turn.  


QSR When you need quality, insured services, give us a call. Our service provider network is available to all people, whether they are actually a client or not. Referrals are free.


Or, if you need work done when you're not here, Executive Errands� can take care of that for you, arranging for quote of the services, providing a bid, facilitating the work and processing payment. All for you with little to no fuss or worry.


Executive Errands� - with one simple call, we'll arrange anything you need. 760.898.9604

Valentine's Day Trivia...


stars Let's play 20 questions!


01. What famous actress was born on February 14? 

a. Florence Henderson

b. Audrey Hepburn
c. Patricia Richardson  

d. Farrah Fawcett-Majors

stars 02. What famous actor was born on February 14? 

a. Gary Coleman

b. Ashton Kutcher
c. Gregory Hines  

d. Billy Crystal

03. What historical event transpired on Valentine's Day in 1950? 

a. Britain abolished the death penalty

b. U.S.S.R. and China signed a peace treaty
c. Russia broke diplomatic relations with Israel 

d. Stalin met with Beria, Bulganin, Khrushchev and Malenkov

stars 04. Who wrote the lyrics to "My Funny Valentine"? 

a. Richard Rogers

b. Barbara Streisand
c. Lorenz Hart  

d. Miles Davis

05. What type of movie is the 2001 film "Valentine"? 

a. comedy

b. horror
c. action 

d. drama

stars 06. In what year did Hallmark makes its first Valentine card? 

a. 1957

b. 1941
c. 1924 

d. 1913  


07. Where was the first Valentine's Day card sent from?  

a. the battlefield

b. a monastery
c. a prison  

d. a hospital

stars 08. What conversation heart saying was added in 2005? 

a. Be Mine

b. Love Me Tender
c. Bear Hug  

d. Heart of Gold

09. Approximately what percentage of Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women? 

a. 24

b. 47
c. 68 

d. 85

stars 10. Who was Cupid's father? 

a. Eros

b. Ares
c. Vesta
d. Anteros


11. Who was Cupid's mother? 

a. Aphrodite

b. Artemis
c. Hera 

d. Venus

12. According to mythology, what was once celebrated on Valentine's Day?  

a. Fertility

b. Virginity
c. Romance 

d. Marriage

stars 13. Approximately how many calories can be burned by kissing for one minute?  

a. 16 calories

b. 26 calories
c. 36 calories  

d. 46 calories

14. According to statistics, in what profession do people receive the most Valentine's Day cards?  

a. Nurses

b. Secretaries
c. Teachers  

d. Librarians

stars 15. Since the 1950s, how has Valentine's Day been customarily celebrated in Japan? 

a. Couples exchange white doves

b. Men give women white chocolate
c. Women give men chocolate
d. Romantic meals are served on white table


16. What Italian city receives thousands of cards addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day?  

a. Rome

b. Verona
c. Venice 

d. Florence

stars 17. According to Roman mythology, what liquid that spilled by Cupid caused roses to grow? 

a. nectar

b. rose oil
c. patchouli oil 

d. red wine

18. What were Esther Howland's valentines known for? 

a. price

b. color
c. availability 

d. beauty

stars 19. In what country's museum can you find the oldest known Valentine still in existence? 

a. Italy

b. England
c. Greece  

d. France

20. In Shakespearean times what bodily organ was associated with love? 

a. liver

b. kidneys
c. brain 

d. stomach


  Valentine Trivia Answers

01.a. Florence Henderson / 02. c. Gregory Hines / 03. b. U.S.S.R. and China signed a peace treaty / 04. c. Lorenz Hart / 05. b. horror / 06. d. 1913 / 07. c. from prison / 08. c. Bear Hug / 09. d. 85 / 10. b. Ares / 11. d. Venus / 12. a. Fertility / 13. b. 26 calories / 14. c. Teachers / 15. c. Women give men chocolate / 16. b. Verona / 17. a. nectar / 18. d. beauty / 19. b. England / 20. a. liver

Valentine's Day...

heart box
It's not too early to be planning your Valentine's Day surprises.

February 14th is a Thursday this year which means there may well be celebrations and date nights on Saturday the 9th and the 16th as well as the 14th itself.

While this gives you an extra two days to consider a little romance, it doesn't mean getting reservations will be any easier.

If you're going to want flowers, candy, a limousine, a hotel or restaurant reservation or a special gift, now is the time to set those plans into motion.

Executive Errands� cupids stand at the ready to help make your Valentine's experience lovely, romantic and memorable.
760.898.9604 or www.executive-erran 
Before You Go... 


trust It's a bit early to be thinking about leaving the desert, but when you do, don't forget you'll need someone to care for your home in your absence.

Absentee Home Checks
are about much more than just flushing toilets and running faucets, although it is very important to do that in this climate.

It's also about keeping activity in your home, checking for security breaches, proactively checking for problems (and taking the steps to resolve them); monitoring the pool and landscape maintenance services and generally making sure your home is cared for in a manner such an important investment deserves.

checklist The best part of the Executive Errands� Absentee Home Check service (besides the professional and quality conscious way we do it) is the fact we offer full transparency for our clients.

We use a proprietary electronic form and we automatically email you a notice that we have been in your home.  You are then able to log into our website and view your hours logs and your home inspection reports.  No matter where you are in world, if you have internet access, you can monitor our activities in your home.

As an Executive Errands�' client, not only do we provide care for your home in your absence, but we are also available to facilitate or provide a whole range of other services.

to do list From housekeeping to pest control; windows to pools; handyman to party planning; laundry support or grocery shopping - no matter what you need, Executive Errands�' staff and service providers are available at your convenience.

Some examples of work we've done or facilitated in just the last month:
  • Decorated homes for the holidays
  • Identified and resolved a rodent problem
  • Carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Windows and power washing
  • Too many housekeepings to count
  • Installed new televisions
  • Assisted with computer technology & support
  • Laundry and shopping (both for groceries & daily needs)
  • Flower arrangements and deliveries
  • Weekly Absentee Home checks
  • Took delivery of furniture 
  • excellent Repaired or replaced pool equipment
  • Notary service 
  • Pool and landscape maintenance 
  • Tree trimming
  • Interior Painting 
  • Packed and shipped gifts
  • Addressed & mailed thank you cards
  • Identified a termite infestation (in a chair of all places) 
  • Repaired a leaky faucet and a broken toilet 
  • Replaced smoke alarm batteries
  • Assisted with party planning  
  • Serviced golf cart 
  • The list goes on and on...

We do Absentee Home Checks, but we also do so much more.  We are a full service, professional concierge and lifestyle management company available to you when you're here and when you're gone.  No matter what task or chore is on your 'to do' list, we can most likely get it done.


Let us help make your desert experience the most enjoyable it can be.  We'll focus on the maintenance, you focus on the fun! 


For more info or to request a quote for any service, call us at 760.898.9604 or 


Money & Time Saving Apps....  

logo retailmenot Ever wish you had 'on the go' knowledge of sales and discount coupons?  Or have you cut coupons out of the newspaper or ad circular, only to leave home without them? Yeah, us too.

Introducing RetailMeNot... an amazing application that provides relevant coupons as you shop!  Yes, AS YOU SHOP.... if you're at the mall, just turn on your RetailMeNot app and it will advise you of coupons for the stores around you.

retailmenot When you're at the checkout, just hold up your phone and the cashier can scan the coupon code - tada! Instant savings!

Not yet ready to purchase with one of RetailMeNot's coupons?  You can save the coupon for later use and the best part is, RetailMeNot will send you a notification to remind you to use the coupon before it expires.

This is a FREE application, available from iTunes for iPhone and iPad. Check it out!  
Don't forget the Elderly...


Elder care In any village, it is the elderly that offer the most wisdom and are often the most revered. When it's time to provide medical assistance or simplify living arrangements it is critical that each elderly or infirm person is treated so as to maintain their dignity and to respect their life experiences.

Here at Executive Errands� we do not provide convalescent care or medical support services of any kind, but we do have a service provider who does.

If you or someone you know is in need of temporary post op or a long term care giver, we would be happy to provide a referral.  Our in-home caregiver service provider offers a complimentary assessment, bills insurance companies and works with custodial and trust accounts.

elder care2 Like all our service providers, they are properly licensed, insured and bonded.  They offer state-of-the art technology that allows all family members the transparency and remote capabilities to monitor their loved ones' care.

Each of their caregivers are carefully selected and trained to provide assistance with bathing, dressing, medication reminders, incontinence issues and companionship.

Should you have a family member that is ready to downsize and move into a simpler or assisted living environment, we can refer you to a home location specialist who focuses on elder care.

downsize Once new living accommodations and care-giving is arranged, Executive Errands� can assist the family with the downsizing effort - help with packing, donations to charity, haul away of trash, readying the property for sale or new occupation, maintenance issues and the like.  


Executive Errands� is a true lifestyle manager, whether you're just starting out, are a busy professional or have reached the twilight of your years.   


For more information or to request a referral, please contact us at 760.898.9604 or  

Charitable Updates... 


SHOH 30There is so much going on for House of Hope right now!

1.  The BOD of directors just hired a part-time professional grant writer and a strategist to help move the House toward self-sustainability. 

It looks as if the minimal County support the House receives is going away in the next two years which means grants and private donations are even more critical than ever before.

2.  The House is about to launch a Facebook donation application as well as put a direct donation link on the website.  This means the House will be able to accept credit card donations at any time.  A launch announcement will be forthcoming.

Heroes logo
3.  The 2nd Annual Heroes in Recovery 6K run/walk event is scheduled for Feb 2, at the Palm Springs Art Museum.  Runners and walkers are encouraged to sign up quickly as those who do will receive a $10 registration discount.  All profits go directly to House of Hope and there is a minimum guarantee contribution of $1000!  Get a group together and participate!      
4.  It's that time again! Dancing With Our Stars!  No, yours truly is NOT doing it again, but Lupe Esparza, the Director at the DHS House of Hope, will be dancing to raise funds for House of Hope (HoH).

dancing In case you don't know, HOH is a women-only substance abuse recovery program and serves primarily disadvantaged women in Riverside County, helping them take back their life and giving them the life skills necessary to become productive members of society.

Here is a video of Lupe's practice: Lupe's Practice Video
Votes are $20 and it is $90 to attend the event being held February 10th at Agua Caliente.  
For more information or to purchase tickets, please Dancing with Our Stars at
Support Lupe and House of Hope!  And let's make sure HoH gets the first place trophy again this year by raising the most money!

Help this little charity that does such big work!

[Executive Errands� President, Leslie Spoor, sits on the House of Hope Board of Directors as the Resource Director.  Her primary responsibilities are to provide a face for House of Hope, increase Public Awareness and help raise funds.
Don't Forget...


EE Icon

1)  If you enjoy this newsletter, then this is a reminder that all of our newsletters are available at our archive by clicking here: EE Newsletter Archive 

2) We have a dedicated Executive Errands page on Facebook - - each day we post at least one service, helpful hint, charity update or other news.  If you haven't yet visited and 'liked' us, please do so today!

3) We also have a dedicated Concierge Business Solutions page on Facebook at If you haven't yet 'liked' us, please do.  We post regular business, marketing, sales, and networking tips on this page.

4)  As always, both client testimonials and newsletter testimonials are available on our website at


5)  If you'd like an electronic copy of our Homeowner Reference Brochure, please give us a call at 760.898.9604
Romantic Gestures...


If the way you express love is to cook, here is a scrumptious and decadent 'I love you': 


candy Whiskey, Caramel, Marshmallow and Bacon Bark


Makes 1 8�8 pan | Preparation: Line pan with parchment or wax paper with a one-inch overhang on each side.

  • 16 oz of semi-sweet chocolate
  • 4 cups of mini marshmallows
  • � cup whiskey
  • 1 cup caramel (recipe follows)
  • 1 cup of spiced bacon crumble (recipe follows)



1. Place chocolate in a heat-proof bowl above simmering water. Heat on low until chocolate is melted. Pour half of melted chocolate into parchment-lined pan. Then using an offset spatula, spread chocolate until smooth. Transfer pan to freezer to chill for about 5 minutes or until melted chocolate becomes solid.


marshmallow 2. Place marshmallows in a large saucepan and heat until marshmallows starts to just melt and forms web-like strands when stirred. Remove from heat and add in 5 tablespoons of whiskey; stir to combine. Spread marshmallow mixture over solid chocolate layer. (To easily spread the marshmallow to an even layer, spray offset spatula with non-stick spray.)


3. Pour caramel on top of marshmallow layer. Then, using an offset spatula, spread caramel until smooth. Transfer pan to freezer to chill for about 5 minutes or until caramel becomes slightly hardened. Pour remaining half of chocolate over caramel layer and, using an offset spatula, spread chocolate until smooth. Sprinkle and gently press bacon crumble into chocolate, Return fully assembled bark to refrigerator to chill for 20 minutes or until bark becomes solid. Bring bark to almost room temperature before cutting.


Bacon Crumble

  • 16 oz bacon
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 tablespoon water
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne


1. Cook bacon and set aside to cool completely. Once cooled, coarsely crumble bacon with hand; set aside and heat oven to 300 degrees F.


2. Place sugar and water in a pot and heat until sugar is dissolved. Toss crumbled bacon in sugar syrup to coat. Pass coated bacon through a strainer to drain excess sugar syrup.


3. Add egg white to a bowl and beat until fluffy and foamy. Add in black pepper and cayenne. Whisk to combine. Add in crumbled bacon and toss to coat.


4. Spread coated, crumbled bacon on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool, then crumble bacon one last time.


bacon candy

Caramel Filling


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 4 tablespoon butter
  • 7 tablespoon heavy cream



  1. Add sugar and water into a saucepan over medium low heat. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Use a wet brush to remove any crystals that form on the side. Once sugar has dissolved increase heat to high. Now and then, using the handle, give the pot a swirl to keep the mixture moving. Do not stir the mixture directly. The mixture will start to bubble after a minute. As the mixture darkens to a medium amber color, approximately 5-7 minutes, add the butter and heavy cream to saucepan. The mixture will bubble wildly. Whisk to combine (bubbles will subside upon cooling). Set aside to cool completely.

Helpful Notes:

  • helpful tips If you are gifting this, best to keep it whole and let the recipient dive in and cut it as they go. But if you decide to cut it up and box it, make sure to place a sheet of parchment between each layer.
  • Bark can be kept at room temperature for up to two days.
  • You may have more caramel then you need, so keep the leftover in a jar to use in or on another dessert.
  • To keep a nice sharp edge while cutting the bark: (1) Use a really sharp knife and press the blade's tip into the bark and then bring the remainder of the blade down into the bark. Depending on the kind of knife you use, most blades are shaped at an angle, so don't bring the knife down in one push, the uneven pressure will crack the bark. (2) After the bark has set in the refrigerator bring it to room temperature before cutting. This will soften the chocolate and make for easy cutting. If the bark starts to split or start to chip off as you cut, the bark is still too cold to cut.
760.898.9604  Executive Errands

happy life Having my own concierge has reinvigorated my passion and enthusiasm for my company.  


As I experience firsthand how much value there is in delegating tasks and an extra pair of hands, it makes even less sense to me why everyone hasn't already invested in a personal assistant/concierge.


These days it truly does takes a village to manage our lives.  


delegate Already most of us have a pool maintenance person and a gardener. Many have housekeepers and outsource window washing, carpet cleaning, pest control and handyman services. We take our car to a mechanic, secure a nutritionist to tend to our health, have a manicurist do our nails and a stylist color our hair.


Now it's time to examine the other ways we spend time and decide what we can delegate.  Efforts like shopping (except for recreational shopping of course!), laundry, errands, written correspondence (a nearly lost art), and a whole range of 'busy-time' tasks.


personal assistant Executive Errands is a lifestyle management company.  


Not only do we tend to the personal services you need, but we can manage and facilitate all the other ones as well. And we will do it using your service providers or our own. Our goal is to help simplify your life.   


For those clients who opt to use our service providers, not only are they assured everyone is properly insured, but all costs can be captured on one credit card which makes reconciling household expenses just that much easier.


focus In our ever-busier lives, we must focus on what's important - and that is family, friends, faith and community.  Some 'me' time is equally important.  


It is amazing the cathartic effect a simple 8 extra hours per week can have on your psyche, how much it lessens stress levels and how much more fun you can have each week.  


If you're already a client - thank you for your referrals and ongoing support!   


If you're considering hiring a lifestyle concierge - Let us show you how valuable this service is - try us for a month - we'll customize a solution just for you!   


Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's Day!  

 Leslie Spoor, CCS

President, Executive Errands& Concierge Business Solutions™
CL #944447
(Don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook and please - share us with your friends!)  

We value our clients' privacy.  Therefore we do not, distribute your email address to anyone, ever.

Executive Errands is a Registered Trademark of Leslie Spoor  
(our attorney insists we say this)
    Find us on Facebook  Logo ICLMA

Our Motto...

Any job, big or small.... Do it right or not at all.....   

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