
"The Catalyst" 


August 2015    


RCBA Annual Meeting - October 15th - 7:00 p.m. at Meadow Grove Baptist Church

Guest speaker - Dr. Jay Richardson, Highland Colony Baptist Church

Fellowship to follow  


Sorry the newsletter is so long this month, but thankful we have so much awesomeness to report!  



Executive Director's Corner





I have walked with many people through the difficulties of cancer, but now I am having that experience myself. Chemotherapy is everything I had always heard. I had two rounds and had after- effects both times. On August 4th,  I will be having surgery to remove the cancer. It is expected that I will be cancer free. Needless to say, I look forward to that!


Though there have been several complications during this process, God has gotten my attention in many ways, most significantly through the meaning of Christian friendship. Our friends have let us know of their love and prayers in so many ways-cards, texts, phone calls, e-mails, care boxes, meals, and face-to-face. It has been a most humbling experience for Omega and me.


I am deeply appreciative to my staff for the way that they have kept things going in my absence. Also, the committees and Moderator, Darby Combs, have really stepped up and helped in the ministry of the Association.


Praising the Lord for His goodness,

Allen Stephens



Prayer for Schools

FBC Richland - August 2nd from 4-5:30 p.m. at Richland Elementary and Richland High School - prayer walk
Star has a new Pastor

Lee Brewer comes from a long line of pastoral heritage. He is a third generation pastor on his father's side and eighth generation on his mother's side. He has served on church staff for 15 years in Mississippi, North Carolina, and Georgia. He accepted Christ as Savior at age 9 and committed to full-time ministry on Easter Sunday in 2000. He graduated from Northwest Rankin High School in 1999. He then attended Mississippi State University where he met his future wife, Emily and graduated with a degree in Sports Communication. This led him into marketing and working with ESPN College Gameday. After graduating from MSU, Lee attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC where he received a double Masters of Divinity in Christian Ministry and Biblical Languages. It was during this time, in 2005, that he married Emily. Lee and Emily have two amazing boys. LJ was born in 2011 and Cayden Stark was born in 2013. Lee loves to be outdoors including hunting, fishing, camping, and kayaking as well as playing sports. He is an avid student of leadership through reading and mentorships. His passions are his family, teaching and preaching, and developing others for leadership and discipleship.

 Welcome, LEE, and family! 


Sunday in the Park - Metro Grace church plant

M Fuge teams saturate our area with love

From Door to Door evangelism, to building picnic tables, community outreach, these kids were engaged!! Thank you

Christian Action Commission Marriage Rally
What a wonderful morning spent under the shade trees at the Capitol listening to 8 speakers from Mississippi and Louisiana speaking to the Sanctity of Marriage.  Pictured below are some of the folks from Rankin County Baptist Association that attended.  There were estimated over 350 people in attendance.  What a joy to see church buses pulling up to the Capitol in support of this event!!

Dr. Ron Bird, Rev. Steve Abercrombie, Diane Thompson, Dr. Rick Henson, Ty Danielson

Hundreds of people came for the rally....thank you to Richard Sparks for sending in the photo  
Hickory Ridge Kids Camps

Wow....more kids going to camp than they used to have at worship. God is truly blessing this church!!

Encouragement Bags - Rock Hill, Crossview

A special shout out to the Rock Hill members that provided these beautiful Encouragement Bags for distribution in August.

  Rock Hill

Beautiful bags that involved the children.... 

Fit 4 HIM




Energize Your Body....Empower Your Mind....Ignite Your Heart

Date:  August 15th
Time:  9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Place:  RCBA offices, 200 Park Place Drive, Pearl
Cost $22
glenna@netdoor.com or 601-927-8974

For Class info:


 Classes are beginning shortly on Tuesday evenings for men, women and young adults, and Thursday mornings for women only at Crossgates.  


Hands Up Outreach joins with Pearson Foundation in GED program


Servant's Hearts still exist
Donna Conerly (Crossroads Counseling Center Bookkeeper) and husband, Mike, give Crossroads Rankin a trim and a cleaning.  We at Crossroads pray to be good stewards of the resources God has provided through Rankin Baptists to HIS glory!!

Dr. Perry Sanderford

Life Christian Learning Center
2014-2015 Graduate/Undergraduate Schedule
Pastoral Leadership -

The Hebrew History of the Old Testament - August 11,18 - Dr. Rick Henson
Exodus - September 8, 15 - Dr. Wayne Van Horn
Galatians - October 6,13 - Dr. Sam Hughes
Amos, Hosea - November 3,10 -
Each series is $50.
Contact rickhenson@aol.com or Ralph Henson at Henson601@comcast.net.

Operation Shoebox

It is time to start packing ShoeBoxes and promoting Operation Christmas Child. National Collection Week is November 16 - 23 2015.

If I may be of assistance to you with information or promotions, please contact me at.

Henry Deer

601 919 9728



Henry Deer


Information for Newsletter:
If your church has an event or has had a special event you would like to share in The Catalyst, please email to dthompson@rankinbaptists.org.  One or two pictures only in jpg format can be accepted. 
Also, if you like our newsletter and know someone that would also enjoy the information, at the end of the newsletter is a link you can use to forward to a friend.  Please share our GOOD NEWS!  
Upcoming Events:
August 2nd - 6:00 p.m. - Prayer Journey for our Rankin
County Schools - all are welcome to join us in prayer at FBC Brandon, Boyce-Thompson campus. 

August 4th - Primary Elections - please vote
August 8th - Fish Fry at Brandon Baptist - 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - $10 - High School Mission Trip Fundraiser - take out only  
August 15th - First Place 4 Health Rally (see below) 
August 22nd - Eastside Son Run - 7:00 a.m. start; call Eastside for registraton details 601-939-2433
August 27th - Senior Adult Rally at Crossgates (see below)
August 31st - Steak 'n Stephens - Minister's Conference - 10:30 at Oakdale

September 12th - Women on Mission "Cleaning Out Your Closet" - Rankin Baptist Association offices - fellowship, food and sharing.  Information will be sent to your church about this event.

October 3rd - 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - MISSION MADNESS - Brandon Baptist Church - one day event for boys and girls in the first - sixth grades and their leaders; explore Africa - come on an African Safari with us!!
October 5th - Mississippi Benevolence Annual Fundraiser Breakfast; 7:30 a.m. at Crossgates Baptist Church; for information please call Charles Holmes at 601-540-3643. 

Student Speaker Tournament
Rankin Baptist Association is proud to announce that Megan Dusenberry, Cleary Church, won second place in the At Large Division at the state level tournament.  We are proud of you, Megan, and can't wait to see how God will use your skills for HIM!!
Pennies from Heaven

Seen in the above picture are Rev. Don Williams, and Roy and Mary Callahan, Hands Up Outreach.  Crossview raised $715.00 in pennies for curriculum expenses for Hands Up Outreach.  Job well done!!

Hickory Ridge on their way to serve Jesus in the Dominican Republic

Bro. Terry Fant rejoices with new salvations in the Dominican Republic

  FBC Brandon serving in Birmingham, England

Meadow Grove serving in the jungle of Ecuador with a tribe called Shuar - former head hunters, but now committed Christians

Metro Grace doing door to door evangelism in Pearl area 
Beth Moore Simulcast at Crossgates
Worship by Travis Cottrell 

Please read below to find the website information for Beth Moore Simulcast that will be held at Crossgates Baptist Church on Saturday, Sept 12th from 9:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.     


Ticket information/ purchase: $10

Childcare available with reservation 




Thank you! 


Michelle Moudy 


Clear Branch
I've never experienced what I have today. Over 30 volunteers ministered to 246 kids plus their parents, grandparents, and guardians by giving away school supplies and clothes. I woke up this morning and said,Lord, I don't know what today will hold but may we be a blessing unto you. I thought we maybe would serve 25 to 50 kids. We ended up buying 2 WalMarts out of there school package supplies to meet ...the needs that came through. More importantly, it was an investment into the Kingdom of God. There is a Great need that people are seeking to be met. Contrary to many beliefs there are people who would rather have a hand up than a hand out. I watched our people pray with every family that walked out, and watched men, women, children alike shed tears of burdens and some of rejoicing. I stand humbly amazed. Thank you, CBBC Florence, for your investment into lives.
Jonathan Sherwin, Pastor at Clear Branch


Back to Church Sunday

Mother's Day Out - Brandon Baptist
The Mother's Day Out program will begin on September 8th.  There is still space for all ages of preschoolers from two months of age until entrance into five year kindergarten.  Our program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Sessions are planned using age-appropriate Bible learning materials.  Please feel free to share this information with your family and friends.   Call Judy Hicks for more information.  601-601-824-1781.

Rankin County Baptist Association is proud to announce our new church plant coming in 2015

Metro Grace Community Church

Our Website and Facebook page are up and running: (www.metrograce.church) (www.facebook.com/metrogracems) Check us out.

Meet with us on Sundays at 10:30 at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park....all are welcome!!


Pastor Floyd Steverson

Metro Grace Community Church

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.


Explorer's Bible Study

Explorer's Bible Study, a non-denominational Bible study led by Brenda Cole will begin again for the Fall on Thursday, August 27. The morning class meets at Park Place Baptist Church on Hwy. 80 from 9:30-11:00 each Thursday, and the night class meets at Crossgates Baptist Church (Room 210) on Woodgate Drive from 6:30-7:45 each Thursday evening. Anyone who would like to be a part of the 29-week study of Acts this year is invited to call Dorothy Walker at 601-546-2274 for more information or to pre-register, or simply come to either the morning or evening class on August 27. Childcare is available for the morning study at Park Place Baptist Church.


Hands Up Outreach

Reaching Up, Reaching Out


July 22, 2015




  • New classes have begun at Central MS Correctional Facility. Please pray for the leaders and participants in Celebrate Recovery, Powered for Life, and Money Management. 
  • We are thankful for new volunteers! Mac Hurstell (Pinelake) will be tutoring women and men in math.  Belinda Moseley (Pinelake) is our newly appointed CWJC Community Site Administrator.  She will continue to teach at Grace Center and Flowood Satellite Prison, as well as take care of our Human Trafficking projects.
  • We have partnered with the PEARSON Foundation to provide GED computers and programs to use in their Monday night classes.
  • Four of our interns (participants) have passed the GED Language Arts Test this quarter.  One of our ladies has gotten a new job, and another served on a panel for the Handicapped in Jackson. 
  • This week, we had three new interns in CWJC and two new interns in CMJC.



  • Three of our ladies will be taking their GED tests in the upcoming weeks.  Please pray for Destiny, Deborah, and Samantha.
  • Celebrate Recovery program will begin September 10th.  Please pray for planning, volunteers, publicity, wisdom, and that participants would be committed.
  • Our Fall Schedule begins on September 1st for CWJC and CMJC.  Please pray for more interns (participants), Encouragers, and Volunteers
  • We are thankful for new Christians Austin, Eli, Valeria, Sherry, Mary, Geana, Kimberly, Sheila, Lindsey and Cindy.  Pray they will read their Bibles daily, pray, and spend time with their mentor/encourager. 
  • Please continue to pray for Hands UP Outreach Staff and Volunteers that God will give them wisdom, power and focus to accomplish the things that are MOST important to the Lord.  Also, for Hands UP financial support and that God would continuously raise up supporters and volunteers. 


In His Service,


Roy & Mary Callahan

Hands Up Outreach


Reaching Up, Reaching Out


Hands Up Outreach | | handsupoutreach2015@gmail.com
155 Brandon Avenue 
Richland, MS 39218


Sr. Adults - Crossgates

2015 State Senior Rally

Thursday, August 27

Crossgates Baptist Church                                                                     601-825-2562

$1.00 at the door

8:30 am - 11:45 am

      8:30 am       Registration

9:00 am       Rally: Jenny Nolen, Purvis                                   Well-known entertainer/singer/humorist                   Location: Worship Center

10:00 am     Break                                           Refreshments furnished by MS Baptist Foundation Location: Fellowship Hall and The Venue

10:45am      Break-Outs

  1. "Fun Time with Jim Burke"                                                 AMD, Lafayette Baptist Association
  2. "Ways to Disciple Older People"                                             Tom Crocker, Lifeway
  3. Leadership:                                                                       "Does one size fix all ministries for the aging?"                                                           Tommy Gillon, Senior Adult Minister,                     Fairview Baptist Church, Columbus